I just mute the whole team

I just mute the whole team.

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Of course!!

>Yo, just mute already



I join in

none of these things matter because as soon as anyone says something mean they get permanently banned for disgracing our family friendly competitive esports community.

fpbp, you're doing it wrong if you don't mute everyone at the start

I'd actually join in, bitch ass niggas these days deserve to be yelled at.

In my thousands of hours of online gaming I've never run into this ever. Hell in my 180 hours of OW I've never run into this. I'm starting to wonder if it's not just another case of "some guy said I suck at this game in type chat so that's akin to rape"

this, females don't belong in online games, they nees to fuck off and play mobile facebook games

Be a white knight because people can't stick up for themselves or take a joke anymore

You're a fag.


God i miss the days of xbox live shittalking without party chat and without consequence.

>not joining the bully and then reporting him afterwards with evidence
Doing it wrong

>Get shit talked.
>Call it harassment.

Only faggots white knight

this. is not fucking hard.

If women are equal, why can't they defend themselves?

>Well, Sup Forums?

Of course. I am the greatestest ally of wamen and respekt them at every chance.

>not muting your entire team the moment you enter the lobby of any game, automatically

>Mute all

I'll observe a moment and if most people seem to be railing on the victim I'll join in the ridicule otherwise i'll keep my silence or even white knight if that seems to be the general mood.

>becoming involved in drama shite
leave IRL at the door when you online or fuck off, simple as, im not your babysitter.

If you're not getting harassed in an online game you're the problem.
Post-game shit talking was part and parcel of online gaming.



But the trolls in online games are fucking funny though


>early PC gaming
>mostly proper etiquette by all

>Halo releases and XBLA becomes a thing
>hormonal, racist 12 year old nasal faggots everywhere, but still a funny online environment

>current year
>omega lbgtbbq's getting faux-offended 24/7 and demanding that everyone be banned and/or doxxed and have their lives ruined if you so much as wrongthink

SP games are where it's at again for me

If people start being annoying assholes to tge squeakers on voice chat I just recite all of the GI Joe psa's in a very serious voice until people leave.

Depends. If it's in a game where comms actually matters and there's actually something on the line then sure, although in games like that it doesn't really seem to be a problem in the first place as much because everyone has a direct interest in being professional and winning. EVE back when I played it for example was pretty chill in every serious pirate corp I was in or ran. When the gang leader can just order someone who's being a disruptive jackoff get primaried it makes shit easy.

In every other game is fpbp, just mute or purposefully fuck with them.

>girl gamer gets harassed in an online game
>Cries on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook etc

>I get harassed in an online game
>Jerk off

I join in. Toasty roasties are fun to exploit.

>barking dog
>crying baby
>foreign languages (goddamn you frenchfucks)

The mute button is my savior

go be a faggot somewhere else user.

Why does Sup Forums present as it's ok to be a cunt?

>Or even worse, are YOU the ones saying hurtful, hateful things?

Why be so passive aggressive like a twat. Being a twat on the internet is to be expected but being one for the sole purpose of maintaining a persona of "get tough skin or go home" is ridiculous.

If I person is getting blasted and isn't fighting back, I tend to stick up for them, even if they are shit

I just can't help it, I've always felt the need to help someone who doesn't protect themselves

Are you a white knight or a roastie? Can't tell which would be worse to be honest


It's better when it's two girls going at it. They even found the original twitter post for the video and started arguing there too.

I join in or mute, but I don't want to fag out and be a bitch.

cute, but still a faggot. Do this irl, people online don't care.

This. Everybody has shit mics, annoying voices, horrible accents or all three. I don't want to hear your incomprehensible mumblings, you got something to communicate, type it.

I'd rather be any of those than awkward social outcasts such as yourselves.

>"record it so i can fap later"

even in rl, that's a way to get your ass beat quick. Some people hate that. Pity can be pretty fucking disgusting.

LFR in WoW...LFR
Decided to run it as we had already done our normal and alt run and I got a cache afterwards.

Idiot tanks and idiot dps failing to do mechanics and insta dying...cursing out each other and healers, linking the dps charts anytime they are top 10 in dps (in LFR....)
15/16 times LFR is perfect...but that 1 time.....just so horrible.
Of course do a wowprogress search on any of the idiots and 19/20 times they have only done LFR, low mythic +, and have no alts with progress either.

>Do you speak up for your fellow female gamers when they're being bullied?
why would them being female have anything to do with it

Nigga just close your eyes ahahaha

unironically kill yourself if you associate with those human garbage

Yeah. It's a non issue. But they need the page views. So they lie.

i don't play online games because i'm not a horrendously broken person desperate for attention from complete strangers, op

>using sandnigger's holy lords name

so you stick up for everyone equally?
good on you user!
keep fighting the good fight

I just mute annoying people when I play online.
if you are being harrased, just mute the fucker and be done with it or change lobby.

>Hear guy getting harrassed by someone on line
>Try to be a good guy and stand up for him
>They both call me a faggot.

reminder that americans cant make it outside of their hugbox

My father always used to tell me that if you want to separate two dudes who are fighting you better be able to kick both of their asses at the same time regardless of whether you need to or not.

Thanks for reading my blog.

There are toxic female gamers. I was just playing a game, and a girl got frustrated at not being able to beat me so she said I must have a small penis.

I'll try to get the attention of a bully if I notice someone getting upset because it doesn't bother me, but I usually focus more on sticking up for kids. It's really fucking disturbing when you hear a 10 year old playing a game and some older guy is harassing him and making sexual comments toward him. Fucking disgusting.

>mute voice chat volume

wow problem fucking solved

Wise dude your dad.

I thought women were just as capable as men. If so, then they should be able to handle something as simple as this without a man's help.

>People need to adhere to my narrow scope of view and if they dont, REEEE KYS
Everything ok user? You can be happy too.

Stop trying to fight other peoples battles faggot.

He made it as a joke so he could get reactions out of people, he mocks muslims all the time

With me, I try to mediate the situation and it everyone's still bitching, that's when I mute.

Why does everyone have to play online like they have sticks up their asses. Hell i get angry too buy don't air my anger out on voice chat.

I continue it outside the game.

I don't play comp so communication never matters that much.

too bad he wasn't a muslim or he would have won that lawsuit and have everyone arrested

>if you lived in any other country you would've starved to death a long time ago!

>Someone else tries to be annoying

Wouldn't I just be accused of mansplaining?

>get shittalked
>run crying to teacher demanding he change all the rules and culture to accommodate you instead of just calling him a cocksucker or just fucking muting him if it gets that much sand in your vagina
Hmmmmm, it's almost like this is why we don't want women in our hobby....

>turn on music and set as loud as possible without hurting ears
>adjust game volume until you can just hear it so you know if you're being attacked from behind
>adjust voice volume so you can hear someone asking for help but still easily ignore everyone else

also why do half of my posts fail to go through when using an image with them? it'll just hang forever and not go through, but it always works fine without them

As a female gamer, the shit talking comes with the territory. I like shooting the shit but it gets old really fast when it's solely based on the fact that I'm a grill. Sometimes I'd just like to play a game where I can use the mic and not get shit for it but what can you do. This is one of the reasons why I tend to

I don't play multiplayer.

Treating women like everyone else? not cool dude, don't be that guy

Blizzard sent me a HOTS survey yesterday asking if I've ever spoken up when harassment was happening.

What the fuck? I'm expected to be an underage guidance counselor now while playing vidya? Fuck off and fix your games.

>Sup Forums complains when girls have shit taste
>Sup Forums complains when girls dont have shit taste

>Sup Forums complains

>playing deadgame of the crypt

gb2 kitchen, tits or gtfo, ect

did you tell them "no don't fucking ask me to"?

If you're going to be mean to someone online you have to be 1 of 2 things

1. The top player on the team

2. Funny

anything else is just noise pollution and gets you muted.

Also who gives a fuck. I'm not the one getting yelled at. I mind my own business.

Banter is a natural thing that adult humans should be encouraged to do

it relaxes us.

fpbp especially on console games. just put some music on.

>what do I have to say?

If they're doing poorly and get shit on because of it, I don't care.

If they're doing well but make an honest mistake, or just get in a shitty situation and can't do anything about it, then I'll pipe up.

It's a game, your value is based entirely on how good you are at the game. Shit isn't hard.

>Do you speak up for your fellow female gamers when they're being bullied?
All female 'gamers' are attention whores. They should be bullied.

Of course I did. I also told them to make their report system worth a shit and actually do something.
The next question was "do you feel the report function does anything?" and I answered "clearly not since you're asking me this question"


There's a difference between banter and harassment though, and some people either don't realize that or use "it's just banter" as an excuse.

This is why I only play 1v1 online games.

I've never actually been told that. I usually just get the whole "you suck" meme, which is funny because that only happens after I go on mic.

I think you have to be both. What's the point of being mean if it isn't funny, and you have no room to talk if you aren't the top player.

>13.5 minute video
Is it true that 10+ minute videos are better for monetization reasons? Is that why there are so many unnecessarily long videos?

Did you watch the whole video first before you decided that it was unnecessarily long?

Girls never get bullied online. Like, legitimately never. I don't know where these stories come from. Whenever there's a girl in my games all the betatards start to suck up to her and she's treated better than the rest of the team by far. Usually it's the girl player that starts the insults.

He insults like a child, does this get any better later in?

Patrician taste.

I have no desire whatsoever to deal with human drama when I just want to relax and play vidya. I also set my main profile to private.

I've seen it happen but it was a decade ago. Some people will fling shit at just hearing a female voice.

Nine times out of 10 it's a good idea, but I always stick around for that one time that voice communication works really well and is crucial for us winning. There are few better feelings then being part of a well-oiled machine like that.

>Girls never get bullied online.
It's a easy way to friend them and to see how many orbiters she has.Theres always one.

Why are people so mean to me in online games

If you get roasted online it's either because:
1. You're bad at the game
2. You're being annoying
If you want to be free of roasting, just don't show weakness and you'll be okay bro.