The Splatoon EU splatfesttest is now live

The Splatoon EU splatfesttest is now live

Are you fighting for the best girl?

Fucking no one picked cake


I'm fighting for ice cream and no other purpose

well you got one right

C'mon cakebros.
We gotta make today a 3-0 for Pearl

>that one guy on the team who stays in the spawn all game jumping around doing nothing, NOTHING at all

oh, good
didn't want to win anyway

>tfw ice creamfags are fighting themselves
>mirror wins don't count

We already lost popularity, Onsokumaru you fucking idiot.

So, when are we getting the results for the JP splatfest?

I'm a cake boy! But I fight for the cake, not fucking pearl.

I'm going to try out separated joycons with gyro controls now, maybe it's better than gyro with the pro

In the past, open up the jp ver if you have it

fuck off tripshitter
also cake gets fucking destroyed

destroying creamers left and right

>mfw Splatoon 2 comes out a day after my birthday.

Another Splatfest win for Pearl.

>people who pick cake are literally called cakeboy
>slang for homo bottom boy in the gay community

hahahahahahaaaaa FAGS!

Nice loss you fucking retard

>>slang for homo bottom boy in the gay community
And you know this because..?

Happy Birthday user
as an Ice Cream fag, enjoy your cake

>mfw Splatoon 2 comes out ON my birthday

Newfag here, how do I play with the charger? Only weapon I can't really grasp.

what the fuck this game is so fucking difficult

you a fellow Cancerfag I see.


Stand pretty close to spawn, charge up your gun and be a useless waste of space for the whole game.

Chargers are usually used to defend your turf. You cannot really play a charger offensively.

What's that arrow thing below your Splatfest ranking?

my penis.

I fucking hate the motion controls, holy shit they are ass

>cake is gunna win cuz creamboyz are just fighting dittos

>guy literally shoots at the ground and repeatedly kills himself
I can understand if you're getting used to the gyro controls but cmon man

Retaliation has begun

I don't suppose there's any way to add someone I've just played with, right?

As Cake I join a lobby, and one or two join and that's it before the lobby times out. Did hardly any pick cake or is matching fucked up. Or does EU not give a shit at all.

I wish there was a second screen in the controller that showed the map.

Would make it easier to know where to aim for

>tfw you like cake just a bit more but don't like pearl and ice cream is obviously going to win
Not a big issue since I love ice cream too though.

how the fuck do I play this game

In fact there is yes

You can add people you recently played with through in the switch friend menu.

But you can never talk to them whatsoever so it's kinda..

I'm so sorry.

Fuck off tripfags
The amount I'm seeing lately is disgusting.

Cake reporting in.

I keep getting Ice cream vs Ice cream.

That's how cakes gonna win 3-0 :^)

Who here /Fiend/?

What are the names of all the ranks?
1-10 is fanboy/fanboy
10-25 is fiend
what else?

I'm not fighting at all. Looking at the tcpdump for all this traffic, shitty Germans aren't responding to my udp packets.


It's the worst splatfests choice ever.

Who the fuck prefers came over ice cream? Retards at Nintendo

I prefer cake but I didn't want to support pearl so I picked ice cream and marina

Why label yourself on an anonymous image board, I never understood. All you'll be known for is being a tripfag.

you jizz all over the place and try to bukkakill the other kids while not getting killed yourself

Go on the Add Friend section on your page. Has a recent players list

Right here. About to rank up next match.
About the ranks, they're probably the same as the first splatoon.

>Who the fuck prefers came over ice cream?
Oh my

Playing with a Cake Defender rn.

I prefer cake over ice cream but I prefer Marina over Pearl.

>54% vs 25%

Get absolutely annihilated CAKEboys

>doesn't recognize one of the older tripfags

The amount of newfags I'm seeing lately is disgusting.


I cannot find matches

My team is always ready, but no one plays cake

Filtered btw

I have no idea how to play this game and I feel lost every match.

But I love it.

it was all actually a ploy to make the diversity character more popular

B-but user...
ALL women are Queens

It was decided before it even began.
Just surrender now and let it happen, Marina will be gentle.

Cake Power 1890.8

>mfw Splatoon 2 comes out 4 days before my birthday
Still close enough

Im getting matches but it is apparent that cakefags are the minority.

pretty sure in the friends section of your profile there are the people you played with.

>tfw have won all my games as cake
>icefags still bantering

To be fair i had to carry all of them...

Won 5/7 matches as cake. Get fucked frozen milkfags.


If marina wins pearl is going to absolutely revenge the fuck out of that glowing pussy

What do you crave during a squiddling hot summer when the sun is burning down on you?

A nice cold ice cream cone or a big ol dusty dry cake?

>Get kicked out of three matches
>Game tells me I'm being suspicious and might be penalized

>guy on enemy team is Legend27

Is that one of you fags?

I can't get into the eshop guys


Man I forgot the rush of this game.

Maybe its your connection?

>you will never abduct a Squid loli and force feed her cake AND ice cream.

Getting DCs all the time now boys. Think it's shitting itself

>Someone is using the ink hover jet thing
>Notice where they'll return once it blows up
>Place an ink bomb there
>They land and instantly get splatted

No greater feeling. I can see this being a common tactic/punishment as the game evolves.

Fuck, this Splatfest has got me craving cake and ice cream.

>There literally aren't enough Cakeboys to find games

>41.8% vs 40.2%

kek, get obliterated cakenoobs

I had a brownie heaven waffle with ice cream earlier.

It doesn't count as a cake I'm sure.

Eating water-ice right now lad.
It's summer after all

>tfw not a single match against cowardly cakefags

4 of my 5 games were against cake, only one ice mirror

Turn them off in options.
Press x
>tfw eating a magnum soon after

>frozenmilknerds hyped about 1 win
Enjoy your small victory I guess

Did I ask for your opinion?

wow getting some server issues right now with matchmaking

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.

go away trip autismo

>guy on enemy cake team called RainbowDashh

average cake player ladies and gents

>get splatted
>the guy who killed you spams ZL

7 games 7 wins, step it up cakeboys

>tfw when i have tons of different cakes on the fridge since my birthtday was on Tuesday

>guy on enemy Ice cream team called J-Furr
Average ice cream player folks