Why is Final Fantasy IX so loved?

Why is Final Fantasy IX so loved?

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Because it's Sakaguchci's favourite and people are incapable of forming their own opinion.

only those who knows what they are getting into plays it

Because the main characters weren't miserable pricks

Probably because IX was created as a homage to the series as a whole up until that point, and for the most part included the best tropes and features from the series. It also holds up significantly better than 7 and 8

fpbp, it's a good game, not the literally perfection GOTY 10/10 people like to say

Qt rat

Because after 4 games in a row of pseudo magitech shenanigans, with 5 I guess being a mixed point granted, the series put all of its effort in making something fully fantasy themed as opposed to splitting into magi and tech setting, allowing for a real "magic and knights" trip with truly enticing designs, locations and so on.
Something that was and still is very scarce, and simply made fans of high fantasy extremely invested.

It was the last fantasy final fantasy that people remember, and the best traditional jrpg on the PS1. Both the games before were SciFi epics and X leaned more towards them. IX had a pure fantasy setting and the gameplay to back it up, with a traditional but well polished system that benefited from the more experimental systems of 7 and 8. The story while imo just above average kept itself rooted in its characters (Vivi being the best example) that were both colourful in character and design. My only major gripe is it doesn't open up till most of the way through disc 2

>not fantasy

Likeable characters, storybook artstyle. Felt like an actual final fantasy game.

>implying anyone gives a flying fuck about XI and XIV
>implying XII isn't fucking magitech when the whole fucking point of the game is stopping the giant, technologically developed empire's city-sized flying ships with literally futuristic designs
>even the intro is basically just star wars

Not even him and I want you to die already.

I bearly know anyone who played 11 or 12 at the time. For the most part they either skipped them because mah PS3 or just stopped caring after [spoilers] X-2 killed the tone

>not magitech

r u mentally stoopid

Because at this point, you get snowflake points for saying FF9 is the best FF, even though the game is a mediocre JRPG at best.

People want to maintain that FF is mostly medieval style high fantasy with furries, and unable to accept that VIII, X, XIII, and XV's style anbd aesthetics are just as valid.

They are valid. They are also infinately inferior.
The proper, best spot is Ivalice. Why they are incapable of putting it to proper use is beyond me.

I only just started playing 12 (so my opinion doesn't matter) but so far it's kept the fantasytone really well, at least the characters

It's not, most of Sup Forums thinks it's the worst of the PS1 final fantasy games.

Because it was truly the final fantasy game of the series.

It's not. It's a single autist (i.e. you) making these threads on Sup Forums

For all the olderfags on this site, can we just reach an agreement that Final Fantasy as a series really isn't that good?

Some of the games individually are good
The series as a whole is dead

This. It's one of the least liked games in the series. OP spamming these threads isn't going to viral this shitty game into popularity.

That's a given. There's no consistency to a series made with a wildly different theorem every game, that proceeds to milk itself by having "sub universes" that generally barely get any attention or more than a couple of games before being entirely abandoned.

Oh, you. You actually think Sup Forums's opinion matters or is even remotedly close to real life's take on shit.

I stand by the opinion that FFIX is criminally underrated and is definitely in my top 3. It's not the best Final Fantasy, that title goes to FFV.

They only milk the ones that have anime cancer in them, that's why final fantasy IX bearly has any good merchandise


Because Freya, Vivi, Prince Puck, Garnet - all super fuckable

> criminally underrated
It really fucking is, everyone loves the darker VII and VIII but the main characters in IX are so much easier to get behind.

Vivi best mage

It's a solid final fantasy game with fun characters. Slowness of the game (as in the gameplay and those goddamn loading screens) and the lack of end game content still annoy me though.

>battle sequences bring the game to a crawl by managing the PS1's limited memory like shit
>extra long battle animations to hide the excessive memory and CPU loads boggling down the game
>characters and plot are like something out of a shitty fanfic
>villain is a borderline tranny
>muh teenage love story
>every member of the cast is quickly written into the background only moments after being recruited
>cutscenes and FMVs every five minutes into the game constantly hampering gameplay
>no character builds allowed; every character is forced into a single class
>too much optional shit that you get locked out of if you don't complete it in a very restrictive window of opportunity (not just Excalibur II - tons of quests inexplicably lock you out)

>"Best FF ever, guiz!!"

The Steam version fixes that and changes little else

Other than the stupid red head that adds absolutely nothing to the group and should have been replace with one of Zidane's thief guild member, Cid, or freya's lover, it as a great roster. It just that the story fucking suck

as a series? I wouldn't call it a series any more. I'd say by 2001 it was a franchise, and by this point it's a property. The minutiae of the individual games are meaningless when the series homogenized into things like Dissidia and that Chibi singing game.

I think the appeal comes from having a certain game from the franchise in your life at the right time rather than overarching, consistent quality. FFVII is one of my favourite games, but to other people it's an ugly, poorly translated, grindy, homogenous mess. And that's fine.

I agree with what the user in this post said for the most part. The best FF games are the ones that kept themselves relatively simple. I didn't play VII until much later in the PS1's lifespan, but I think the biggest problem with how FFVII gets received is when people try to make it seem much more serious than it really was. Not to say it wasn't dark, but I look at it as a solid mid 90s anime in video game form, kind of like Guilty Gear, and enjoy it from that.

The story is always the worst part of FF
I meant primarily in the characters, its decent but there were points where the angst of the main characters bothered me.
It has been a long time since I played it so maybe I'm just remembering it as worse as what it was but Squall just really annoyed me

Sure they are hut why do their games suck so much dick ?
I have no problem with the setting or the design but the ganes are just bad in many aspects.

Square was developing FF10 at the same time 9 was in development. It's clear the team's resources were split more in favor of 10, and 9 was just a last-ditch effort to cash-in on a dying generation before the company would migrate to the PS2.

>The story is always the worst part of FF
But thats fault. It brought gems like this

False. IX was my first FF and continues to be my favorite until this day.

>The story is always the worst part of FF
This is true. I don't mind angst in characters if they have a reason for having it. A basic or even almost bad plot can be saved when it's filled with interesting and/or fun characters that you care about. If the formula for story in games is Gameplay > Context from the story > the overall story, then the formula for story in general is Characters > Plot

it's not


For the average demographic of reddit Final Fantasy IX would be their first Final fantasy game. It also has plenty of furry characters, inter species relationships and is very LGBT friendly (multiple nonbinary protagonists and a major transgender antagonist)


>very LGBT friendly

I don't think a single pre-merger Square game ever catered to its LGBT demographic. Fans had been requesting some kind of representation for years. Closest thing they got was a lesbian protagonist in a SaGa game.

>implying Kuja is LGBT anything
Japanese culture tends to conflate power and beauty as if they were a singular concept. Kuja's flamboyant style and manner are just a manifestation of how powerful he is. I don't think it makes sense outside of Japan.

That may be the case for some, but not all. I used to love FFVII as a kid, but I replayed it last year and didn't like it. I still like FFIX. I think it holds up much better than VII.

I think it easier to say the more pretty the man are, the more manly he is. This is from the same country where being a a muscle buff means you're gay

Nah, each FF style has their own fans, you just have a hateboner for anything involving animal-people (of which IX's and TA's are pretty cute and less Deviantart-furfaggy).

What did you not like about Tactics Advance?

I thought it was alright; nothing beyond great.

Freya's feet.

>Because it's Sakaguchci's favourite
You're getting mixed up. It's Uematsu's favorite score, Sakaguchi hasn't said what his favorite is. Sorry to rain on your retarded theory.

How strong are Freya's legs?


That's pretty strong

>tfw Freya and her race are stuck in a shit rpg

9 is a very good game you commoner.

>Tfw furfags are stuck in the best Final Fantasy.

Have Freya posters even played final fantasy 9?

I did years ago, and much like the beloved dragoon, some of the details were forgotten

Sup Forums's median age is much, MUCH younger than most people realize

IX is popular right now because most of the teenagers on Sup Forums played it first. In a few years X will be more popular. Mature posters all acknowledge IX as being the worst PSX Final Fantasy and a bottom tier entry in the series overall.

I did.
>not owning it the PS still

i know no one really cares, but im sculpting freya in zbrush right now.


I hope this is just for fun and not a graded project

this is why i usually dont show people shit i just started on

because retards think its done

FF6 was and will always be the best. The thing about 9 that fucking sucked was the 'powered up' system that was random.


Sure, but there are glaring flaws right off the bat my man

The entire shoulder / neck / chest is a huge fuck up

I did. The game itself wasn't something to write home about. The Ozma fight was pretty nice, however.

I'm happy I could make her and play as her or her race in some obscure mmo

VIII is the worst though, everyone knows this

>its fucked up
thx for the criticism my man, literally doesnt help.

The model is literally 1:1 the in-game battle model in proportions.

But user it's not it was the most disliked FF on the PS1

>implying anyone gives a flying fuck about XI and XIV
Half because they're MMOs, and half because VII/X anime faggots can't stand the idea of an actual Final Fantasy game. Which is partly why IX sold by far the worst of the PS1 trilogy.

it nails the disneyesque feel the franchise has always tried to emulate

Looks nice so far, good luck user.

Give me your rats

- this
- and this

And also. My personal opinion. It's what a JRPG should look like.
A lot of fantasy less emo-drama.
Good battle system with a lot of clearness and distinguished characters who are actually unique in their way, not the "human in different clothes".
I was a bit tired of emo main characters throughout the series and very enjoyed Zidane being little optimistic monkey. Also I loved Vivi and Freya (best characters ever made by square enix imo). ALso Kuja was a statement for me that gurly males could be hot, Never liked feminine males. but Kuja is one exception.

It was fun to play real FUN. And it was the one and only game that I replayed twice.


Those concepts are awesome cause they give every character a character.
In newest FF games all characters are the same by silhouette so they differ by voiceover and clothes. You literally can put one type of cloth on everybody and they will be the same. They ofc getting known by their story trough the gameplay. But when you see Stainer for the first time you immideatelly know what he is and what he does. Same goes for Vivi, Freya, Zidane and all other even secondary characters. Their animations, movement, idle. All is telling you whats is up with them and what life they having.


What did Freya see?

Is there a cuter rat than Freya?



>the series put all of its effort in making something fully fantasy themed as opposed to splitting into magi and tech setting, allowing for a real "magic and knights" trip with truly enticing designs, locations and so on.
It also helps any logical fallacies being full-on fantasy. I was reminded of the silliness in FFXII's intro where you had flying machines, guys with guns......and then two dudes run on in on giant chickens which would look extremely impractical compared to the technology that world clearly has.

no idea really. I get that its a love letter but when I played played it past Disc 2 I could not play it anymore, it just was not fun. A friend forced me to at least do the last boss and I have not played it since.

I would say Freya is the best thing about this game though.

In the steam version her (skin) is more red colored. I don't understand why...

She's the best


It's also red in the original but just the in-game graphics. Only in FMVs and the official render her bodysuit is pink. Always wonder if they did that on purpose so she wouldn't look as naked. Would be more hot if her in-game bodysuit was pink to match the FMVs and render.

link to the orginal?