
is this game a direct Hearthstone clone? Is it as good/bad? I'm looking to get into a CCG and I'm not really into Blizzard.

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It's like hearthstone if it had depth and wasn't based off RNG.

That would be the biggest difference. Hearthstone is about trying to play a roulette table all day. Aside from that, shadowverse uses a lot of shit that hearthstone refuses to do because they are afraid it would confuse players.

Like non-creature permanents, or alternate win cards.

Hearthstone, as big as it is with the Blizzard name behind it, has maddening game design as digital card games (DCG) go. As others say, the biggest issue is the disproportionate reliance on RNG. Thus, you've got this slew of DCGs coming out that attempt to improve on Hearthstone's formula and add new stuff.

Shadowverse is one of the most successful. Ignoring being anime as fuck, it's as says: Shadowverse cuts down on the reliance of RNG and adds other features and mechanics not present in Hearthstone like the aforementioned non-creature permanents and alternate win conditions. I played it for a while, and I can recommend it. There's even a /vg/ thread you can shitpost in.

I'm personally playing Eternal, a DCG that takes nearly all its cues from Magic: the Gathering itself but takes advantage of the DCG format. I'm also playing Shardbound, part of the rising "tactical card game" trend where it's a card game played out on a grid-based playfield; you're likely more familiar with the game Duelyst, which does much of the same.

I play neutral blood and spam "Nobody can stop me!".

Try Eternal if you basically want to play Magic or Elder Scrolls Legends if you're an Elder Scrolls fan or want something a little different. Both of those are pretty good. Haven't tried Shadowverse, so I can't comment on it.

its more newbie friendly. my main gripe with it is that legendary cards aren't restricted

>Hearthstone is about trying to play a roulette table all day.
As someone who hasn't actually played Hearthstone, how does this RNG manifest?

It's shit now.

RNGesus has his own card


>playing shadowverse when it's going through it's own eldrazi winter
The devs have shown through the expansions past DE they don't know what they're doing so keep that in mind if you want to play

It's Hearthstone without the RNG.

However it's in a significantly worse spot than Hearthstone right now. The game has been dumbed down so no combo decks are really viable anymore. You play everything on curve and end on overpowered legendary cards that win you the game. The meta is currently one deck boasting a 63% winrate. Class identity has mostly been destroyed thanks to "neutral" cards being way too strong. The game has regressed to a coinflip where going first gives you a 58%~ chance to win over going second.

I would definitely not recommend this game over Hearthstone unless you are into anime waifus with no depth.

The core mechanics are fine, though, right? It's just the current balancing that's shit.

Like I said, class mechanics have been mostly destroyed because of neutrals. Balancing has also been shit for 6 months with no signs of changing due to the design philosophy (short and casual games).

this card has been shit ever since they made it so he stops casting spells if he plays a spell that kills himself

I'd like to see someone win a tournament with that card

So if Hearthstone is shit and Shadowverse is going through a rough patch, what else is out there?

It's a more fastpaced and less RNG reliant HS clone. While it also gives tons of stuff the current meta is absolutely horrible AIDS. Not to mention it's phone game first so the UI and all that shit is pretty bad even if the PC version has option for 60fps etc,

More or less but it's been months, at launch they had something like a 52% winrate for the player going first and at max one deck winning 56% of its fights (it was sword I think). Now we're at the numbers detailed.

The game is really simplified for retards. I'd say it has less depth than HS and that doesn't look to change anytime soon.

Still if you're a masochist who HAS to play a HS clone without the RNG, then SV is for you I guess.

I hate you

I've come to accept card games and their draw and who goes first RNG just aren't for me.


>game developed by ""mtg pros"""
>gets its own eldrazi winter

You are all playing Hearthstone wrong

Shadowverse has been going down hill since the first expansion. There is an accelerated emphasis on unanswerable win conditions and tempo blowouts. There isn't much opportunity to play an interesting deck, which limits the fun of a card game..

Don't bother. It's basically a kid's version of Hearthstone.

>Devs kill combo decks and synergies
>Devs enforce turn 8 win timer
>Devs force a hard curve
>Devs outright admit they want the game to be simple and flashy

If you have aspergers you'll enjoy it, but otherwise stay away.

Eternal is shit

How do you figure?

I've been playing Krosmaga. Its pretty fun. Some of the god match ups can get annoying as shit with long stalemates that end in sudden blowouts but I still like it. Its even got lewd waifus.

Someone post their neutral blood deck. I want to get to masters.

I dont get the hate for hearthstone's current rng. GvG was shite but for the last 3 sets it's all been controlled or limited rng like priests getting a 2 mana spell that discovers a spell from their deck.

You'll notice the balance is wank too after a few months of playing, especially with the new expansions releasing.

Play eternal instead

All CCGs are cancer.
Avoid at all costs unless you're a subhuman gambling addict who gets off on wasting money, winning or losing based on pure luck, and flexing on people who don't spend as much money as you on the game.

Not him but the massive decks and mana cards almost always end in both players just top decking or bricking a couple of turns in.