If you use shields in a Souls games. You're a pleb

There's a reason why Bloodborne is the best game in the series.

Why would I use a shield if I can dodge attacks with invulnerability frames?

If you use magic of any kind in a Souls games. You're a pleb.

>2H ultra greatswords with grass crest shield in DaS 1
>left hand painting guardian sword in DaS 2
>left hand caestus in DaS 3
this is the only correct way to play souls games

The problem is that shields are not handled right at all. Once they nuked poise, there was absolutely no reason to be a tanky character. Shields would have been great if there was any reason to use them, because there would have been diversity in character builds in PvP. Now all we have is flippy hornet ring douchebags. Same for magic. There is no reason to make anything other than a quality build in DaS anymore. Bloodborne is infinitely better because there's at least diversity in how you make your characters.

>not using the g.crest shield for stamina regeneration

>not using a shield for parry set ups on R1 spammers.

> Implying using anything aside from your own two hands makes you not a pleb
> Ever wearing rings
> Ever wearing armor
> Ever using magic
> Using electricity to power your platform instead of running on treadmill to power your rig with your own energy
> Using a TV/Monitor instead of hooking the wires directly into your skull and translating the electric impulses to navigate the game without the use of your eyeballs
> Not ejaculating into a female only as you deliver the killing blow to each boss so that each child conceived during each boss will carry the purity of your hardcorednessosity

There. I saved everyone a bunch of time. We can all go home now.

ITT: scrubs who cant parry

sorry kids but parrying is way more fun and skilled than dodging.

>not shield bashing parry kings

Reminder that if you summoned, healed, or used a shield you didn't really beat, dark souls....casual

>not beating the entire game ONLY with shields

brawl club members detected

people still use weapons? wow lol i thought this game was for good players

I used shields in BB as well and beat NG+
What now?

>all those rules
that's so fucking gay
someone should have stomped them all


>game has items and mechanics
>if you use them you're a fucking casual and are playing the game wrong!

What did he mean by this?

Men of exquisite taste.

Is this the AGDQ2k17?

TFW I once fucked my girlfriend playing DS3 and came right as I killed Nameless King

How do you even fucking play the game

If you use anything besides Dung Pies you're a fucking retard and should kill yourself. Fuck you for using things put in the game by the developers

it means you aren't an epic hardcore gamer who was prepared to die

I use them for optical purpose.
Two-handed weapons look ugly and edgy af.
Thats why I like Bloodborne so much.

Jesus. Reminds me of my autistic friend who goes fucking spastic if you use any kind of weapons or items in Bayonetta, including the ones enemies can drop.

>BB fags complain about shields being easy mode
>meanwhile, BB lets you have 20 faster than estus healing items on you at once, tons of i-frames during rolls, minimal stamina usage on rolls, and extremely easy parrying

If she didn't get pregnant then I don't believe you, for there is no way such a pure seed could ever succumb to anti-pregnancy measures. It would literally be the strongest child ever created, be born 2 weeks after conception at the age of 18 and a bottle of Glenfiddich of the same age.

>Not beating the 100% world record speedrun on your first try on accident while SL1 and only using your fists

There are places where you cant spam dodge rolls recklessly, like in sens fortress or tomb of the giants

There is no more bigger faggot playerbase than Soulsbourne fags

They either needed to make holding a shield up slowly drain stamina or reduce speed while held up, they didn't need to nerf them in to the ground

I tried playing DS again on Computer but the mouse feels weird when I try to look around and the controls on keyboard make me just want to play on a controller. It's a shame because I've been itching to play DS recently.

Magic is fun in PvE if you don't use it to cheese enemies.

>using shields
>using estus
>using general heal items
>using straight swords
>using great swords
>using BK weapons
>using most rings
Who called in the pleb patrol?

You're just mad that people keep parrying your incredibly predictable attacks.

No kidding
>reloading a save AFTER already beating the game to see another ending is considered cheating
you can't make this shit up

If you can't beat the game with a Rock Band controller, you're a pleb.

Shit like summoning and maybe magic would make you a pleb, but shields? I would say that shields make you watch stamina management just as much as rolling.

>Block an attack
>It drains 90% of your stamina
>Block the second attack
>Guard is broken
>Get instakilled
Using a shield seems more like a handicap than anything else.

He's just pissy that people keep punishing him for being an R1 spamming faggot.

I've been using a Claymore on DS3 because it has the highest atk stat out of the swords I currently have, but its kind of slow. What do anons recommend for a Knight? Its my first Souls game btw.

>i beat dark souls so i could feel superior to other people because the only thing i am good at is vidya
>turns out dark souls is really fucking easy
>come up with dumb rules so that i'm still impressive

yeah no fuck off

It's a handicap in shit souls 3, unless you are pvping. Turtling is very efficient in dark souls 1 and 2

>rorrs behind you
>stabs you with a katana
nothing personner kid

The Claymore is actually one of the best weapons in the game. Protip: It gives you poise when you attack with it and you should abuse the fuck out of that.

>first game is dark souls 3
Disgust aside, you should probably just upgrade strength and dex and make your claymore refined. It's hard to fuck up a non magic build in 3.

the problem with challenge runs is the assets saved from not putting them into a certain avenue are put into other avenues making the game easier overall. SL1 run? Plenty of fucking souls from not leveling up to dump into upgrades and pyromancy. etc.

Lucerne is goat and it can do 600-800 with the Leo ring at +10 with the basic two hit combo.
It sucks when you first get it but you gotta learn how to use it
Also no one ever uses it, so almost no one knows how to counter it

>starting with the third (5th) entry to a series

>shitcerne viable in any souls game
One of the shittiest weapons in DaS1, one of the shittiest halberds in DaS2, and one of the shittiest everything in DaS3.

I think in 2 it at least required a bit of stat investment.

Invade my world and say it to my face fuckboy

With the exception of pyromancy in DS1, the souls you save from leveling can't really be used to buy you many advantages that you couldn't easily afford normally.

it's 18/14 in shit souls 2 which is nothing, also has shit scaling and 325 base damage at +10 which for a halberd is garbage
lucerne is the biggest piece of shit in the entire souls universe. they should just give it to you at the beginning of dark souls 1 instead of the broken straight sword, they are both identical in use

Is it okay if i use a smallsheild for setup parries and good parry frames

no, you didn't actually beat the game, you cheated. come back when you win bare fisted and naked at level 1 blindfolded with one hand touching the controller at any time

I didnt know we were talking about the elder scrolls

>caring about what other people think in a fucking video game

What's poise?
I'm not buying another console or gaming on a PC to play 2 games I didn't even know I would like. Ill probably only play through DS3 and BB.
I kind of want to use a Sword of some kind though.

say that to my fucking spike bitch not on the internet

Having poise basically means that certain attacks can't stagger you, the 'lighter' the attack hitting you the more likely you are to not get staggered. In DS3 it basically means that big weapons can tank through attacks and trade damage really effectively. If the Claymore doesn't suit your tastes then the longsword that you started the game with is actually a really good option.

I was told in another thread to use the Dark Sword or a Sun something or the other. So what's more important in this game: how fast you swing or how heavy your sword is? I'm still under the 70% cuz I leveled Vitality a bit.

Those other swords are a bit better, but your starting longsword has a more diverse moveset than the dark sword, and the sun sword requires some extra faith investment. The most important thing overall for weapons in the game is how comfortable you are using them. Unless you do some really retarded shit you'll be well served by just picking a weapon you like and leveling the stats it scales from.

I have played every soulbornes game and I gotta say Bloodborne is def one of the weaker ones. its just more fast paced and less challenging compared to the others as well as the art-style is less developed and as if designed by a edgy 17yo, although ds3 suffers from the same problem. I think the real signs of soulsbore plebism is believing the memes, using guides, and saying BB is the best game.

I rarely use shields when I play, as a result I still cant parry well enough to be able to rely on it even though i have soloed trough 1-2-3 and bloodborne. the reason I have for not using shields is that shields are just to under powered compared to the free and built in invincibility (rolls). the only times I do use shields is when I fashionsouls and fashionsoulsing is the real sign of a soulsborne patrician