Quality Sup Forums comics thread

Quality Sup Forums comics thread.

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Personal favorite.


I'm still disappointed that this wasn't real.


Too real, delete this


When reddit edited this, why'd they change the bottom? Isnt the only racist thing the caps fo dem broadcasts?


I always forget that that face in the last frame comes fro that comic.



Do you have that one where a chad buys Fallout 3 at gamestop, a fat weeb calls him out and the chad ends up killing him with a knife?


What's the secret to making these edits good? They are plain retarded, but some of them are just funny as fuck and I'm not sure what the pattern is. What makes the good ones good? For example this one, it's just a modern version of "all of the day bro" and the pipecat, yet it still made me laugh...

Holy shit that's gold.





Best you believe it.





Why do their teeth change between panels?


>not keeping all the pokemon in your team approximately the same level
He fucking deserves it.





Made me chuckle


Haruka nee-sama!

what happened to three angled blue?

I haven't seen this comic for like 10 years.


The whole three dog tirade is a blatant and unashamedly stereotypical reference to proto-BLM stuff but as someone who's a pretty hard liberal I think it hits the feel of the moment dead-on.
You help these asshole ghouls get equality through peace and the boss just executes and humiliates all of them because he has a chip on his shoulder so yeah, coming out of it you might be thinking "holy shit fuck ghouls"

He got ran out by mods

It's a parody if an old slogan for some comics, "Around blacks, never relax"

their tongues disappear too


No the author, but I usually never leveled my tools pokemon andwhen we it's a fucking comic, bro.

In jail forever for diddling his sister.
Good riddance, he was cancer with AIDS cream


Dook six finger hand holding 5 cigars always get me.



Nah, he produced a retarded amount of quality content

i don't thinks so.
that happened when he was like 13 years old




There was a pussified version?

I don't get it



There's a version that uses Three Dog's actual angry speech instead of the exaggerated thing and changes the ghouls don't be a fool line



A classic

That was the reddit edit after r/fallout got angry at the drawfag having Three-Dog speak ebonics.

I unironically prefer reddit's version. MUP DA DOO BIX NOOD MUFUGGA wasn't ever funny to me

>quality content
I had a intestinal bug and sprayed shit in the toilet for five straight hours, had to call for someone to bring me water and lemon because i was pretty much dying of turbo dysentery.
Every discharge was a better "content" than anything made by three cancer fag


Shalom Reddit

remember this classic?


video games

Well now it's evident you envy those more clever

Sup Forums is filled with redditors. They mostly use Sup Forums and stay here because of all the Trump meming.

mario's a nigger

That always makes me laugh the most for whatever reason.


Why are you posting the edit?




Post more KS comics PLEEEEEEASE

You're pathetic


I remember when Nintendo's console warriors unanimously agreed that console sales mattered.

Would the machine not have have lost the score when it was unplugged?


I don't get this meme
I saw the whole comic but I can't make a connection to any references

because the wage gap is a myth

The only winning move is not to play [that quest].


not if you strategically move it across the street through traffic like frogger

The 1st five panels of the insane guy always give me a bad case of the feels

It's high art.

oh man this takes me back