What was the contraversy about this?

What was the contraversy about this?

there wasn't any they did it themselves

Too sexy for video games

A girl has a butt in a video game

Fat people were outraged at this disgusting caricature

That my face wasn't in-between it

Can't show that on tv because muh we wanna be like real sports.

Mika Ass on Disney XD

Capcom tried listening to another audience, expecting some easy bucks. They realized that the audience didn't brought their game either.

That's why you have all the sexy costumes now.

back to lw reddit

Capcbros wanted SFV to have a much more casual/mainstream appeal. Last year at EVO Fuudo who mains Mika was told to change his costume choice because her default was considered too sexy for TV appearances.

Huh. I just posted that and the board automatically censored the word I used for Capcom being cucks.


oh shit you weren't lying

Some people are just prudes triggered by sexy girl in a fighting game.

its called viral marketing, dummy


Hahahahahahaahahaha Konami wasn't censored

too sexy for esports

and only this.



son nyggers turns into sony bros

the reason why sfv suck, they went the sfw path and it was a path to their tomb.
now they are trying to go with the nostalgia shit, given ryu stage, a few old costume, but those are shit.
people wanted few things, fix ken, keep those asses, they didn't.
now they are trying to bait like a Sup Forumstard on summer, with the shit, saying "hey guys... ooopss look a leak of sfv! hehehehe, sakura sagat and other great character are coming!!"
i and everyone just want fucking mika butt back.
instead they give a fucking costume to nash, fucking disgusting nash the costume of that fucking faggot from rival school.

nin toddlers = nintenbros


Too hot for TV

Capcom probably knew the game was going to be televised. Despite mika's default costume being banned at EVO the special animation was probably too much despite any costume

to much ass for the west's sensibilites, so capcom decided to change it to pander a wider audience

Remember when fartposting wasn't a thing?


Disney XD is a name of a Disney channel that said they would air EVO


Actual wrestling moves are too sexy and make chicks who don't play fighting games to begin with too uncomfortable to buy it

So remove the ass slap tell, and fuck up the rest of her super till it doesn't even looks like the move it's referencing anymore

Make sure to also ban Mika's default outfit like they did last year at EVO, we wouldn't want any impressionable kids see ass cheeks on ESPN. Laura and Cammy's outfits are fine tho

Western women, being unable to distinguish between make-belief and real life, are completely assblasted at the fact that artists can choose artwork that doesn't pander to fat whales who don't buy their games.

As a result they make endless videos and write tldr blogs about something that has little significance except to serve as outlets for their own frustration at not being catcalled on and generally undesirable.

>banning a characters default outfit

Why are they pushing for TV too much? TV is dying, I haven't watched television since high school and know plenty of people who are the same. It's not like it's going to make some old 45 year old with a beer belly and a Lakers jersey want to buy SFV
