Is FF7 the best one?

Is FF7 the best one?

Final fantasy 7 was the last good magitech one

This is my b8, it was made for me!

this pic only shows how Barret looks better as a white

Yes, anyone who says different was born after it was made.

Barret looks decent, I think that look actually kind of works for Sephiroth too though. Cloud in particular looks fucking awful though, lazy design.

Is cloud supposed to be xxxtentation or whatever the name is in that pic?

Can cloud keep his dick in his pants?

Here is a reminder that Tifa is Asian.

If nothing else, the mako eyes jump out a lot more.

Yes, 7 is the best, however you can choose 9 as better if 7 doesn't cater to your tastes. 6 is a solid third.

Septhiroth looks actualy badass and could work in a different game.


I don't like that Cloud anymore, he reminds me of xxxtentacion.

No, XV is.

This and ONLY this. Action combat or bust. FF7 Remake might make the game the best if the action combat is really good and hopefully even more like Kingdom Hearts than XV was.

They're all Asian except for Barret, Red XIII, and Cid. Or at least it very obvious they used Asians as references to model the characters even if the characters were intended to be White.

Sephirot went from pussy to fuck shit up mode.

It doesn't matter about reference models it matters on eye structure//facial structure.

I'd still fuck La'tifa. Cloud's the only one who looks like shit.

sepheroph borderline looks beter than canon. Looks a lot more masculine, while maintaining the 'agi>str' look. Looks like less of a fucboi and more like an antagonist.

They're not black, white or asian

They're blatant CGI that don't look like real humans

Cloud looks like shit
Tifa looks like every black female pop/rnb artist ever
Barret looks better
Sephiroth looks better

>literally everyone but Cloud works


How do you know Red XIII isn't an asian lion doggo?

Tifa looks better actually, thicc

To be fair, nigger Sephiroth looks pretty cool too.

>all these nigger lovers itt

cloud's blonde dreadlocks are horrible. do one or the other

and we have this triggered faggot over here.

>tfw black Tifa, Sephiroth and white Barret just turns out 100% better
>attempting to make Cloud into anything just turns out weird because wtf is applicable to Cloud anyways


that's a style or something now
People will get their hair dyed a weird bronzed yellow sort of color


9 is better.

This is what I saw in Cloud's hair

>No Cid
One job, ONE JOB

Just because someone isn't a neo Sup Forumsipster doesn't make it bait.

The OFFICIAL Sup Forums Final Fantasy Tier List

>God Tier:

>Good Tier:

>Allright Tier:

>Mediocre tier:

>Bad Tier:

>Shit Tier:

Blackiroth actually looks pretty cool. He's got the Pucci look going on

>7 God Tier
>9 shit Tier
9 is just a medieval reskin of 7, you're just a trendy lil contrarian.

Regurgitated Opionions Tier

The battles are boring. The only interesting things about it are the story, and funny segments like squatting, cross dressing to trick someone, etc.

>Claims something is a reskin
>Doesn't think that's extremely lazy and shit

Yes ff9 faggots are this retarded

It's funny and sad how FF tier lists most of the time don't even mention XV

Keep these shit opinions to yourself, my man.

Meh, 8 is still my fav. Best OST, best best towns, best summons, best optional content, best dungeons, best mini game, balamb garden.


9 is literally just a 7 appearance package. Hipster.

Okay. Fallout New Vegas is worse than Fallout 3 because its a reskin.

Niggeroth and Barrhite look pretty cool, the other two alright.

At least the overall style looks less-Tumblr-y and more slick.

Yes, contrarians love (You)s this much.
9 isn't best but putting it below 8 just confirms your (You) addiction.

>9 is literally just a 7 appearance package.
I think you might have braindamage

>anything but absolute shit
Nice contrarian opinion hipster

>absolute shit
Literally, how?
The ONLY critique I hear is the battle animations.

2 > 1 > 7 > 4 > T > 10 > 8 > 5 > 3 > 12 > 6 > 9 > 15 > 13

Don't play MMOs, so I can't rank those. I'm really not a hipster. I'm trying to balance between favorite plot / setting and most enjoyable mechanics. Honestly, I don't like the series that much overall. There's only a handful of FF games I bother to replay on a semi-regular basis. Most I never want to touch again.

>tfw the Titus memes keep Sup Forums's opinion of FFX in the trash but it's mechanically the best FF entry ever but one would have to actually play it to know that so X will inevitably be forever shit tier

Sephiroth and Barret are cool
Cloud and Tifa suck

They are all white, only Yuffie is Asian and Barrett is black.
Several characters describe Cloud as white and Yuffie is described as looking exotic to everyone else

Barrett looks like Adam Jensen

Who describes Cloud as white?

the only autists that do them havnt even played half of the FFs


This thread was funny the first few times, now you're just being annoying and spamming it.

why is barret future gootecks?

>Story changes direction at the beginning of every disc
>Horrible and unskippable mini games
>Obligatory party members wich background story and participation in the main one is almost none
>Materia system is as bad and complicated as FFII stats system
>Jumping in a delfin because cloud doesnt want to kill a single doorkeeper
>Summoning takes forever
>Sephirot has the same level as cloud so grinding is unnefective because if you are below level 90 he fucking one shoot you with his long-ass attack
Yeah surely the best one

>not posting the indepth comparison image that shows that AC Tifa's tits are deflated balloons compared to FF7

LMAO'ing at your life

>10 and 13 both in shit tier
That's about the only thing you got right.

nigger sephiroths' clothing is pretty nice here

I didn't like 7

Ff 13 and 13-2 are the best.


Brown Sugar Tifa is a stone-cold fox, damn.

Too bad FF7 is shit.

This honestly

It also has the best aesthetic, I feel. I hate the look of everything in FF7 so much.

X was literately the MUH GRAPHIX Final Fantasy of Gen 6. It had more than its share of problems. Mechanically the best implies ti did turn based combat the best, which it didn't. That title still belongs to VI.

>9 in shit tier

user we are going to find ourselves on the streets some day and make shit happend.

I don't know what it is but I've never beaten a 3D FF game. I played 1-6 and liked all of em except for 2, with 6 and 4 being my favorites. 12 was the only one I beat of the 3D games, while Tactics is my overall favorite FF game. I really don't get why I can't get into the 3D games.

Latifa, Barret and Niggaroth look all pretty amazing

>Cloud has natural blonde hair
>He's asian
