Now that the incest trend has become normalised in mainstream television and cinema, do you think we'll start seeing it in video games as well? Are there already existing examples?
Now that the incest trend has become normalised in mainstream television and cinema...
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Fire Emblem
>Are there already existing examples?
If you can name five japanese games that feature siblings that don't have weird incest overtones, I'll pay you.
loads of japanese games already have it
>incest trend has become normalised
Japan achieved that goal a long time ago
Western games only embrace faggotry, even depicting other types of non-standard relationships is haram.
I think The Banner Saga was going to revolve around a teen girl - middle aged guy relationship (something that'd be pretty standard to a pseudo-viking society but would be considered unusual or downright creepy today) but in the end the devs chickened out and turned them into father and daughter.
My sister loves this show and said Cersei is her favorite and that I kind of remind her of Jamie. Should I be worried?
they embrace homosexuality and trans people so its only a matter of time before incest is normal and then pedophiles will be accepted.
Your sister is probably one of them crazy feminists who consider cersei to be a female role model unironically
>he gets to bang his sister
Sounds pretty sweet to me.
She's not a feminist I think she just finds evil characters more fun.
Is she hot?
Are there people like this? I feel like Cersei is exactly what women would NOT consider a strong female role model.
>start seeing it in video games
Japan is well ahead of you.
She's definitely beautiful. I'm not really attracted to her but it's obvious she's a pretty girl. I've never really looked at her for very long, like her butt or something, because that would be weird. But she has sat on me before and it felt... Ample
i think the show made her out to be some kind of genius
Cersei isn't evil though.
She just wants her kids to be happy
I have a lot of twitter caps of famous people saying cersei is a role model to women. It's no joke.
You know what you have to do.
You could actually argue that, but then she drove one of them to suicide.
She just didnt do a good job making her kids happy
Degeneracy is inevitable for the West as long as you ignore logic in the pursuit of freedom.
When can i have a mommy gf?
Not only did she push one to suicide but she would've held his hand doing it earlier while on the iron throne if her dad didn't beat the door down. They were even sitting on the iron throne which just shows that she's actually obsessed with that rather than her kids.
By having other people murdered.
She didn't want her son to be raped or imprisoned by Baratheon men and neither did she
They were gonna share the poison
But incest is not haram, literally
You know as well as I do they wouldn't have been raped, sacrificed by fire sure but not raped.
>the incest trend has become normalized
What did he mean by this?
>first cousins
Barely incest to be honest.
I fancy the thought of including incest relationship between the main character and his mother in the game I always dreamt of making, but I will never make that game so don't worry
>jon snow's man bun
>not horrible television version of jon snow that can't act for shit or say much more than foh me bruthuhs or wehnteh is cuhmin'
I thought people cared more about personality and not looks
-Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance (Ike and Mist)
-Fire Emblem - Awakening (Lissa and Chrom)
-Super Mario Bros. (Mario and Luigi)
-Double Dragon (Billy and Jimmy)
-Ice Climbers (Nana and Popo)
-Xenoblade. (Dunban and Fiora)
-The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker (Aryll and Link)
This has never been the case for either gender.
Damn, beat me to it.
Well if you actually watched the show, you'd know that it wasn't normalized and jamie and cersei kept it a secret all their lives, fucking dumbass.
Also, stop trying to find justification in incest, the British did it for century's and now they have an island full of inbred fucking retards.
Japan wins again
Incest between consenting adults is fine.
pay me.
(((they))) said this about everything degenerate in the past and will say it about all things in the future
What makes it degenerate besides you saying it is?
maybe the fact that incest makes genetic deformities, something the show actively metions several times and is legitimate medical fact
>Are there already existing examples?
Having sex doesn't require having a child you know.
The villain's plan hinges upon having two cousins produce a child together to have said child become the vessel for a dark god.
There's really nothing wrong with incest as long as the relationship is between consensual adults and there's no inappropriate emotional power dynamics involved.
But you must have children if we are to defeat the canaanites!
but the opposite is an absolute. what happens when incest couples get pregnant, if they want to make children does the government force them to get abotions. It's better if society condems the act instead of allowing it and all problems attatched to it
>show in medieval albeit fantasy setting has incest present
>incest which wasn't all that out there in those times
this is like feminists crying about women being depicted as lesser citizens in any form of media set before 1950 despite the fact that women were literally treated like that
Caim is paleolithic to be honest
>incest which wasn't all that out there in those times
Nigga what
>do you think we'll start seeing it in video games as well? Are there already existing examples?
/twg/ has been a mess of mommy posting lately due to the recent dark elves trailer for Warhammer 2
Even in-setting the incest is condemned and if anyone could prove it the entire Lannister family's heads would be on spikes for it.
Guh you best move, son
Things are degenerate when they are against the social rules formed through thousands of years by civilized societies to ensure healthy development and preservation of said societies and are against the nature. Incest is both.
That said, some things don't require defining or explaining. Degeneracy is degeneracy because it is degeneracy and we don't need to justify our opposition to it. We don't need to justify the opposition to incest, just as we don't need to justify opposition to pedophilia, rape, murder, theft, betrayal, zoophilia, necrophilia, transsexualism, homosexualism, communism and whatnot. You are either degenerate yourself or a relativist. Either way, an unrespectable and deplorable person.
Cousins are pretty normal in most of the world. Darwin, Poe and Einstein fucked them. Incest is siblings and parent/child.
my chink novels have incest every 2 pages desu
>crying about degeneracy while browsing Sup Forums
never fails to make me laugh. why not get off this degenerate shithole, user? i'm sure you haven't been here anywhere near long enough for an addiction to form.
What do they mean by "normalizing" incest? Making incest seem like it's natural, or making it so that other television shows can tackle the issue of incest more freely? Because I've watched Game of Thrones up to like Season 5 and everybody practicing incest for the most part is kind of a piece of shit and you wouldn't want to be in their shoes no matter how charismatic or funny/handsome they are.
Are these the same people saying that "pedophilia's going to go mainstream any day now guys!" when there's news articles about non-offenders saying they're pedos and to watch them to make sure they don't do bad shit?
>Are there already existing examples?
A few here and there.
normaling means turning the conseration from condemnation to abstract understanding so it can be further normalized in that way. the pedophile argument you used is innacurate because it attempts to draw a distinction between pedophiles who are atracted to children and child molesters who act on the attraction
>cutting off your penis and making yourself a "woman " is considered normal and brave
>Having a healthy relationship with your Sister
3DPD incest is almost always shady. Most of the times its not even consensual. I don't think the incest meme is as big as people want to make it out to be.
First they want you to understand it.
Then they want you to feel compassion.
Then they want you to accept it.
Then they want it to be legal.
The only right answer to degeneracy is "no", and if the promoters of degeneracy become violent, the only answer is violence. Degeneracy needs to be always opposed, looked down upon and condemned.
This, understanding things is for cucks
>thing is objectively true and doesn't need to be justified or questioned because a lot of people say so
I guess every major religion and superstition is true.
the reality is that both incest and trangenderism are unnatural but one has been accepted. eventualy incest may be accepted if it is placed in the same "civil rights" cataory as gay marraige
False equivalence
So then don't. You make it out to be some grand, verbose thing, putting yourself on a pedestal like you're the last bastion of humanity because you don't wanna fuck kids.
Shit's gross as fuck and should be shunned, but you can do that without pretending you're important.
But that's the fun of posting on Sup Forums, isn't it? It lets you pretend you matter, doesn't it?
And let's not forget Lachesis and her brother.
You can also have Shanan and his cousin (I think) bang.
Also aren't Sylvia and Claude actually brother and sister or something?
Man, FE4 went all in with the incest.
Who the fuck approved this.
>When you think of Game of Thorones you probably think of dragons, Jon Snow's man bun, and incest -- probably in that order
NO, I DON'T. I think of political scheming, bloody battles, and impending doom from the North. Maybe that's because I don't have an axe wound between my legs though.
We're not even close to the point where we can guarantee non-pregnancy right now. It seems like it but condoms break, pills must be taken consistently and have no defect, and IUDs/Diaphragms can jostle out of place.
if she's hot you shouldn't be. if she's a wretched ham beast you should get yourself a pair of velcro shoes and strap yourself in immediately
Incest has been going the normie route for over a decade now.
It's even one of the most popular categories on normal porn sites.
Can't think of any incest in western games though.
There is nothing to understand. A person feels sexual attraction to a relative. Not a fucking rocket science.
What degenerates mean by "understanding", and what I meant when used the word in relation to the concept they use the word to refer to, is the normalisation, or in other words, allowing for degeneracy to be approached in conversation not as degeneracy. This is not acceptable. Degeneracy is degeneracy. Period. I won't accept it as normal. I won't tolerate it. I will condemn it. Your tears will change nothing. Under no circumstances will I approach or continue a conversation with a person approaching, for example, pedophilia as anything as an evil and degenerate act of hurting a child, both physically and psuchologically, and traumatizing them for their entire life.
This understanding of "understanding" has nothing to do with actual intellectual grasp of a concept, so fuck off with your """""""clever"""""" irony. You're not smart. Don't delude yourself that you are.
It's just a joke user, how do you get triggered over that?