You can get DOUBLE XP in Diablo 3 RIGHT NOW and BASICALLY youre a fucking FAGGOT for not doing so

You can get DOUBLE XP in Diablo 3 RIGHT NOW and BASICALLY youre a fucking FAGGOT for not doing so

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Nah, poe 3.0 in like a week I can wait.

Why do you need this? Leveling (and pretty much everything else in that entire game) is ridiculously easy. I played this recently on the hardest difficulty I could and it's the easiest game I have ever played.

its more like a month given the current beta schedule, but yeah fuck d3.

>I played this recently on the hardest difficulty I could and it's the easiest game I have ever played.
Until you fight Belial and die.

why though?

It takes like 3 hours to get to max level even without it, and paragon levels are usually just a "well, i guess it wasn't a complete waste of time" after your rift gives you fucking shit.

They have been saying end of july

There's not even a season to climb ladders in though, the xp boost is for people to try nectomancer dummy

>playing non-season diablo

anyone other than a straight up shill knows that the xp weekend is lol.
>here's some free xp to make up for a shit class and huge exploit we let go on

I'm still mad at my friend for convincing me to buy D3

lol who the fuck cares

Just putting that here~

>huge exploit

You don't even get the bonus for closing the greater rift, just for killing the mobs inside. Beside, the new season starts Thursday.

No, I was playing the magic laser lady, you can't die with her.

>getting any xp at all

Why do you like being fucked in the ass.

one shotting GR140 rift bosses, leveling gems to 132+

Couldn't wait anymore and got the necromancer DLC before the new season.

Idk, on the one hand it translates the minion master feeling quite well from D2.

On the other, gameplay feels so same-ish on necro, even as a minion master. And all the other skills besides the summon are boring as fuck.

But what was the exploit, I haven't been playing

sorceress magic is soooooo pretty in this game o_o

>8 minute long video of an autistic 40 year old man
>Gameplay doesn't even showcase the glitch
no thanks

>translates the minion master feeling quite well from D2
>7 skellies
>have to keep recasting skelly mages and revives because temporary

you never played D2 much did you

>to dumb to see the next vid. or the next, or the next, or the next.
your welcome'ed

>to dumb
opinion fucking trashed

>this kind of lazy tier programming

come on

>post one vid
>expect me to watch 4 more
user please

Who actually plays Diablo when it isn't season? I mean I get for your first game if you're picking it up late but other than that I don't see the point


>oh no I have to push buttons

Why is this so much of an issue for you? I went up to level 95 HC necromancer in d2, minion master, and yeah, I don't see much of a difference.

>You deal 75–100% increased damage against slowed enemies or triple this bonus against enemies afflicted by any other type of control-impairing effect.

That effect on Krysbin's Sentence was necro-only but the bug was that it still worked for every class

because in D2 you were doing things like CE or bone spear or curses instead of constantly resummoning minions. To say you don't see much of a difference means you are pretty blind

Ah, yes, my favorite hack & slash.

lv 98 Diablo 2 bone spike nec here.

is d3 worth getting at all yet?

is this really fucking Sup Forums 2017?

seems like you haven't actually given d3 necromancer a try

There's a ring that allows you to summon 2 mages at once that last 4 additional seconds, there's another rune that makes mages last another 2 seconds and a passive that gives them additional 25% life time. And basically, you're fucking stupid.

I can get up to the max amount of mages very quickly that leaves enough room for curses, bone spear and what have you. Skeleton mages only need to be cast every few seconds to stay at cap.

XP is worthless in this game.
What a fucking joke.

>every few seconds
>constantly resummoning minions

are you actually stupid? that IS constant

>he's happy his minions last like 10 seconds when runed and geared specifically for longevity
Okay nigger.


Bought it last week, server lag was so bad I had to return it. Apparently been bad since 2014.

people (i.e. redditors) here hate D3 for a simple reason: it's not D2
that's about it, and then they make up some shit to jutify their nostalgia, but it's them missing out on the best ARPG currently on the market so whatever

diablo 2 is BORING

It's something to do currently cause there are no games this time of year

paragon levels are not worthless, even when you can only pump them into your primary stat

D3 is an eternal grind that never ends

Will that fix the absolutely empty game they have? No it won't. The only thing to do on this game now is try the necro out and that costs 45 bucks in my country, I could buy an actual game with that.


poe is better and you're the redditor


>he doesn't gear so that his main source of damage is improved
okay nigger

>missing the point
ok dumb nigger

I got your point, but it's pointless in of itself arguing with you because you haven't actually played necromancer in d3

It's probably postironic shitposting

That idiot should have waited longer, to see the viable builds.

Afraid so, user. It's been known for a while now that a large number of plebbitors and children come here, but only recently have they become so flagrant about it.

>double xp
>not finding an xp shrine

Nucompanies fucking suck and have no soul

i haven't played the nec or d3 in years but apparently there was like one build for it (nec) and the loldevs nerfed it into the fucking ground

Typical blizzard balancing, wasting 45 bucks when you are on brazil on blizzard games is fucking retarded.

are you 12 bruv d2 is like crack cocaine

Blizzard are desperate.
Even giving away your garbage for free wouldn't help this trash game, boy.

meanwhile on PoE

Mid august is the new goal

should I get it on ps4?

summoning skeleton mages literally has no cast time and can be cast while channeling other spells

it's not an issue

>you have to resummon constantly

>no you don't, all you have to do is resummon constantly!

really made me think

you'll have a blast with all the paragon lvl 10,000
running around

Bone based necro is shit in diablo 3, either play melee, generator only (literally just left click everything) or play a super gimped summoner build, that's it

Too bad it's a spender and the only good rune takes all of your mana to summon them, so you're just casting a gen in between

there's other ways to get essence

they just said the other day that they're ANNOUNCING the release date next week, so it obviously won't be next week

I've run a summoner build to gr70, you're not running a spender with it but have fun with your theorycrafting bud



theory crafting is half of the game, you're kind of a lamer if you just look up builds online and press the buttons you're told to

>even if something is more efficient, you should pretend not to know and play like a shitter
have fun at gr40 bud

I already beat the game, why would I need double XP? What am I supposed to do, make a new character and steamroll the whole game by being overlevelled for everything?
What's the point of this? I don't understand!

>he hasn't played in years
I hate the game too, but at least stay up to date if you want to shitpost about it, you're just making us real shitposters look bad

I played it all the way through about half a year ago. I don't understand the point of replaying the same linear campaign over and over again.

But you understand there is no difference between gr1 and 2 million right? The whole game is a pointless cycle of nothing

1) nobody plays campaign
2) game levels with you
3) you don't just beat the game in the row a few times to increase difficulty anymore
I did say I hate it as well, he was just plain wrong

Meanwhile on Guild Wars...

Is there a mode other than the campaign? I didn't know.

Exactly, don't shitpost about things that were fixed ages ago, the game has more than enough flaws now

How does it work, is it just an unending roguelike in which you and the enemies infinitely level alongside each other, meaning no actual progress gets made aside from the numbers on both sides getting bigger? What's the appeal in this?


What kind of an event is fucking double exp? Is Blizzard high or something?

Why though?
Did they realize Necromancer is fucking awful to level up? Like miles times worse than solo Monk.
But of course once its geared it's probably the highest DPS class, but doesn't remove the fact the new necro class is fucking awful. The best way to put it: they were forced to create something they hated. its awful.

>What's the appeal in this?
What's the appeal in roguelikes?

Play on HC and see how far you can get, start over with a new class, seasons make you not have access to your smith so you have to make due with what gear you find along the way.

Except smith is awful as fuck, except for sage set and only for farming breath's. And you can get literally everything within a week or less.

I don't get what people were expecting with the necromancer?

The witch doctor is literally a d2 necro with a dindu skin. Surely people didn't think they'd put a literal clone into the game? D3 necro has enough of its own identity with being a class that constantly needs to keep up his army (something which fits quite nicely with the frailty of bones and spirit) as well as porting quite nicely the aesthetic of the d2 necromancer.

smith is OP as fuck while leveling which is clearly what I was talking about

So not needed at all basically.

Nephalem Glory adding double damage and the monsters having more than double the health of the PC version is still a thing on consoles, they even removed the quasi-workaround for stacking NG so it is even more annoying to deal with when you're trying to push higher.

More exploits that they're not going to punish or fix properly (yes arguably the NG work-around was an exploit, but it helped you avoid around a shitty mechanic so in my mind it was a 'good' exploit).

I was looking forward to this season what with Necromancers coming out, but I think I'm done with the game, it was fun climbing but they're not doing basic housekeeping despite this being the perfect moment for a last-hurray.

>Double xp
>between seasons
What a fucking waste

What's the problem with Nephalem Glory?

>Waiting for 3.0
PoE will be dead on 3.0. They completely destroy the game balance with the new change.

>waahh my favorite build is getting nerfed

Bought this game last year for $30 and never touched it

>nerf half the builds currently exist
>Destroy a popular damage mechanic
>Buff boss HP to double
This is somehow fair

will 3.0 improve the shitty starter experience?

The only time I managed to get past act1 was when I was playing for the very first time. Everytime after I quit because I couldn't even stand 2 hours of that drudgery.

>tfw never played easy-mode with double dipping mechanics and 15k ES
Looks like an upcoming golden age to me, friend.