Post you favourite game from the year you turned 13

Post you favourite game from the year you turned 13

underage, i guess someone had to say it


He's actually not.


damn never realised 2003 was such a good year for vidya


>Shit taste

Not surprising




user ME3 is 5 years old. OP could very well be 18.

Pic related.

good year

>over the age of 18
>still shitposting on an imageboard

wait a minute


>ME3 is 5 years old
I refuse this so-called "reality"

Fuck me

At the time, it was probably pic related.

Tough choice since it's competing with Castlevania:SotN, Blood, MDK, Goldeneye, Fallout, Grand Theft Auto, Age of Empires, Riven, The curse of monkey island... The list goes on.

>inb4 overage


>no more Driver game, ever
>it's been replaced by Watch Dogs and the driving is fucking garbage

Don't see art often like that anymore. Ironically the same year I discover Hyborian Age, Battletech and 40k

feelsbad. They only just got around to licenced cars too.


Yeah, it's a shame. SF didn't sold that much and WD sold like crazy, so it's naturally got canned.

I just couldn't fathom how bad the driving in WD was despite Reflections also developed it. It's so floaty and janky, not even Driv3r was this bad.

What a year


I remember watching a trailer for WD where they explained that Reflections were assisting with the driving physics so I was certain that the driving in WD would be pretty good. Considering how great driving felt in SF you wouldn't think that you'd end up with cars that drive like boats.

this Uncharted 1 or God of War 2


Tough choice, so many picks. None of them actually came out in 2004, but here goes.
>Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/Ages
>Day of the Tentacle
>Super Mario 64
>SimCity 4
>FFVI (never got too far into it at the time but wow, fantastic music)

The physics are fucking bonkers anyway. I remember that you can't cars on top of another cars because the game would freak out


The train also stops if you drive or step in front of it. I guess physics just isn't Ubisoft's strongpoint.