Who invented this lootbox shit that has infected all multiplayer games
I did, what the fuck are you going to do about it?
Gonna fuck your mum, faggot.
Who else is actively killing good games?
Valve laid the groundwork and blizzard refined it
and the sad part is that people will defend it because "its only cosmetic", and see nothing wrong with a company taking something as basic as character customizations and turning it into a casino.
The Jew, for he is eternal
Sure I don't mind, but that's just one thing you could get from this loot box.
>its only cosmetic
>unusuals make you an easier target
Actually, this is good because it allows F2P games to exist, and without paywalling actual gameplay content. It's a pretty good model and it brings more games into the world, which is a good thing.
Overwatch is just putting the jewishness into overdrive by adding it to a $80 game.
>unlock items in the game
>pay to unlock items in the game
>pay for a chance to unlock items in the game
what's next
Pay for a chance to maybe pay for a chance to unlock items ingame?
It's okay when Valve does it.
>pay to buy the game to pay for a chance to unlock an item ingame that you can pay to unlock an item
Pay for temporary passes to the place where you pay for a chance to unlock items in the game.
A loot box market cover charge.
>pay to avoid a random chance that one of your unlocked items disappears
Adleast valve lets you buy the hat/cosmetic you want with no bullshit hassle
For blizzard I gotta burn through 15/20 crates to get the skin I want and I can't trade it so whats the point?
You could have ads or pay to unlock new updates early
dota 2 does this amazingly. You occasionally get random sets for free, and can buy boxes or sets on the marketplace.
then you have rocket league and overwatch that just add the system for no reason other than more profit
Some obscure minor game dev.
>Made popular
smartphone games were doing long before valve. valve just copied their model and spun it off.
pay a separate subscription to keep your items
pay money for the game to beat itself or unlock all the achievements instantly
Mass Effect 3.
Yeah with real money at stupidly inflated prices
You can only gain exp and level up if you pay for a pass that gives you a set number of hours/days.
The problem with ads is that they inconvenience everyone, and you're not really adding stuff to the game. Even if I'm not the kind of whale to drop $400 to get everything I want, I still might pick up a cheap skin or two, or get it as a gift. Paid cosmetics add to the game, instead of making it worse.
Early access to updates sounds like it's either "pay to beta test for us" or that the entire update is delayed for everyone except for paid users. Both of those seem pretty bad.
>F2P games
I could save money and buy full games just fine when I was 14. All F2P does is bring in third world human garbage.
Valve and Blizzard could implement a recurring monthly payment option to unlock additional cosmetics and there would still be a group of people to defend it.
>Items are temporary 24 hr cosmetics
the point is to make you spend a shitload of money on their product. welcome to the future, user.
Buy it from the community market or trade ingame
A hat can go for 4.99$ on the steam market but cost 1.33 or 2 ref ingame, which is nothing
valve already did this with some dota 2 items. the lake vials are temporary consumables that costs money to unlock
It's pretty much gachashit and that's been in Japan for a long time.
>Game has cosmetic items / skins
>Doesnt let you disable them
Why hasnt this been done
pay for a chance to get the loot box. then you have to pay again to unlock it
in online multiplayer games.
farm simulator mobile doesn't count.
Do you happen to live under rock?
this was possible in TF2 before sv_pure existed
>thinking you're entitled to avoiding seeing shit people paid good money for
Think it derivates from the MMO lootbox thing. I think lootsorting is the most fucking tiresome thing those games do but apparently it does click on dumb people.
Valve took the idea of selling cosmetics (hats) and a gacha system (keys and crates) from asian MMORPGs
ever heard of MOBAGE games? they been doing it since 2008 at least in online smartphone games
Valve already does this in DOTA
it's called the Battle Pass system
Bioware & EA
>They get to see their immersion breaking camoskins
>I get to see a normal ingame textures
Its win/win user
Pay for a chance to get a game
Early access and Star Citizen have been around for sometimes u know
Part of me paying for skins is that it makes people too poor to pay for them mad though.
You will see them and you will hate it, but it's the only way I have fun.
some unknown conman invented it
game companies just adopted it
it's called gambling
aside from mobage doing it since the mid 2000's, most people first know the system from Maple Story, which started in 2003
>be playing ARK
>everyone built massive buff guys as their charecters
>my charecter is an emaciated midget
>these plebes dont know about hitboxes
>snipe the shit outta guys with cartoonishly muscular and tall charecters easily whilst myself being too short to detect in low bushes
Or people like him won't play the game, the population will die out and you'll have no one to play with.
>Shell out money that'll show em ;^)
I wish I had that ghostJUSTers feminist pic they made to spite people against the movie to show how similar you are to them cretins.
>"hey kid wanna buy this skin for $10"
>"ok what if you could pay $10, to grind quests to get a chance to get the skin"
oh ok yeah
>Blizzard releases a "Remove the Cosmetics" package.
>For $5 USD + tax + tip you can disable all cosmetics of other players on your screen.
>Literally make money off the people who just can't stand cosmetics.
Surprised it hasn't been done yet either.
Renting items that get taken away when you stop paying.
Some of them rape your framerate. I unironically quit dota because an ember skin was so bad it made the game unplayable even at lowest settings
Most people will justify it as "I'm paying to unlock multiple cosmetics for $10" instead of One item for $10.
And I'll admit I bought into the TF2 Mission thing they did 2 years ago to see what it was like. I didn't get any specific cosmetic I wanted, but I did get about 35 cosmetics from it I would not have gotten otherwise.
Screencapped, because this _will_ happen.
>give me $20 more and I'll let you grind faster
Soon Nintendo will be charging a online fee to go online on Pokemon for the Switch just to trade Pokemon with other players.
It would be a schadenfreude seeing all the legions of sewer dwelling chimps mad that some people wont be seeing their 200$ glowing orb cosmetics.
Valve also making you have to pay to open the lootboxes.
Overwatches lootboxes technically can always be free.
Not saying Blizzards way is okay, but dont try and make Valve out to not be as big if not bigger pieces of shit when it comes to lootboxes.
Pretty fucking sure a korean fps already done it.
Valve/blizzard are babies compared to east asian companies.
Get jobs losers.
asian games are way ahead of you
Gunbound, for example, has been doing this for almost 15 years now
>You get a lootbox every time you rank
>The higher your rank the less you get
Its worse imo
The tf2 market is somewhat easy to climb. Use third party websites like tf2wh to obtain items on the cheap then sell them off in trade servers or on the market for more. Or vice versa.
>not giving your money directly to cr1t
I think the next logical step would be to make you pay to open the boxes you get from leveling up
Being retarded and throwing away money on useless shit to try and spite strangers on the internet who don't actually care isn't needed for a job, user.
>valve seeds the pool with $1.6M
>prize pool already at $21.3M
>25% of battle pass sales go straight to prize pool
Valve made $78.8M off of battle passes, before 25% cut
That's fucking insane
>at least this type of terminal cancer didn't painfully kill you, it just killed you slowly!
This sort of bullshit damage control is exactly why this shit is everywhere.
Flash news, it isn't just the comparably worst thing in the industry that contributes setting bad standards. May be a difficult concept to grap for a pre-teen but try to do your best Timmy.
Genius future seeing seer here, everybody make way.
You should see how much some smartphone games make from micro-transactions alone. Granblue made more money than some AAA games.
Good to know this is bait
Earliest I remember hearing about it electronically was a few Korean MMOs back in 2007. Before that, trading cards and blind boxes.
pay a monthly subscription to keep your cosmetics unlocked
infact there's cancer f2p fps that do this already
>there are a ton of moba drones who will get scammed the fuck out without question
what's new?
no im pretty sure valve invented it as there's no point in having loot boxes for a game without a large playerbase
this is almost in csgo with buying crates on the market that you then need to buy a key to open
Void keys in Warframe
Except you can also get those passes by playing the game and not paying anything, but since you can also buy in-game currency (plats) with real money it's exactly what you're describing
I think the blizz/valve comparison doesn't quite hold water; the key difference being that with overshill you can't trade anything
Why would valve ever need to make a game when they have shit like that
hire like ~10 good 3D modelers and call it a day
Valve created them, but it's hard to talk shit on them considering I've made hundreds of dollars just turning around and selling them on the steam market, essentially getting many games for free.
You don't pay for a chance at loot once you're in the void though.
At least OW lootboxes are free and pretty easy to get and there's in-game currency to buy skins. TF2 makes you pay for keys so you can have the slim chance that you won't lose your money.
That's more like an interactive loot box.
Imagine if now on top of that, you got boxes like in TF2 as the only rewards from the void, and had to pay for keys to open them.
the important part is that people who care about skins are stupid, and should be mocked
I used to do Dota 2 betting and was really good at predicting who would win matches. Ended up getting a ton of items and I sold them before the Dota market popped. Used the money to buy Steam games and pay for my FFXIV sub.
Your loyalty brings a tear to my eye, goy
I legit had someone mad in TF2 because no one noticed or commented that they had that $100 ring cosmetic. It's hilarious to watch them chimp out on not being noticed.
OW skins can't be traded so it makes no difference if you get a ultra rare or a shitty spray
Unless you sell your account, inwhich case good luck finding someone who will pay you a worthwhile price AND trust you
people sell WoW accounts all the time
What if you made a game where you had everything unlocked, but the game took away items each week, so you have to buy Lootboxes to keep all the stuff from disappearing?
I sold my LoL account to some turbo nerd near me for $500 because i had a bunch of beta skins and shit.
You'd be surprised what a well place Craigslist ad can do.