When did video games die?

when did video games die?

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There's no way I would pay real money to play this fucking shit.

Just look at that shit. It's such fucking SHIT. What the fuck is the point of all that?

what arma mod is this

This, i can understand the Overwatch meme because it's a super polished turd, but this just look like dogshit.


it's called emergent gameplay losers

>i-it's still in early access!!
here we go

When streamers and "xd im trolling" lets players got popular.
Also Early Access

that isn't what I said at all

when you got older

When devs realized that there would always be whales for every microtransaction system, no matter how shitty it is.

I have 0 hope for the future of PC gaming after seeing this game get so popular

>third person
>emergent gameplay

That's not what emergent gameplay is.

how does the camera POV affect it being emergent gameplay or not

congrats, even on your 2nd try you still failed to understand what emergent means

hint: it's not immersive either

I'm torn between wanting to try the game because holy shit it's pulled in huge numbers so it must be doing something right but at the same time I just look at it and think meh

jeff goldblum's early access survival game

Sup Forums sure is maximum assmad about this game for some reason

Sup Forums hates something popular once again and needs a vent thread because they're insecure retards with no friends to play the game with.

Yet sit there modding a game for 12 hours just to get a loli girl to fuck an orc in Skyrim.

>violence against women
>somehow endorsed
the mental gymnastics of this game

What's wrong with that? This is the same shit old Sup Forums would do, dumb punch duels in a game full of guns.

>tfw in 3 yeas EVERY SINGLE GAME will have micro transactions
>Pay 1.99€ for a new quest in Cyberpunk
>0,99€ to play one match in the new hugbox MOBA
>15,99€ for the new maps in Warcraft 4

just fucking kill me alerady

>beta fatties of Sup Forums hate this game
>even though it's fun, cheap and social

I tried it. It was fun the first three or four games, then it got too repetitive for me. Thank god I could get a refund.

On the other hand, maybe it's fun with friends.

>4,000,000 copies sold
>$30 each
>$120,000,000 in profits in 3 (three) months

>$120,000,000 for an unfinished game

Guess they haven't

it hurts

when COD 4 became the staple of anything FPS and multiplayer, FPS is ruined, which other games ruined genres?

you honestly think make $100+ off an unfinished game is good for the industry?

is the game f u n though?
From what I've seen it's either retarded clusterfucks like the OP or long stretches of absolutely nothing

when griefing was invented.

Little shits fuck it up for people trying to have "fun"


the OP is just dude farming the AFK players
but it's a lot of walking for a little shooting

stop spamming this


>Consoles are holding back gaming!
>Releases a game with Xbox 360 graphics and animations

wait till it leaves ea, if it even leaves ea

Horse Armor

See this is the other thing, if I buy it in EA and get fed up and refund it when it """leaves""" early access

When everyone started to pretend Video-Games were more than just a fun hobby.

>when did video games die?

it wont leave ea

one man never was so right

>beta fatties of Sup Forums hate this game
>because it's fun, cheap and social


>Warcraft 4

if only

>he doesn't play modded Skyrim
>"Play better games"
Why even get a PC, then? Supporting early access bullshit is complete fucking shit

>posts clip of getting ass kicked in PUBG
>380 replies

>dropping with a bunch of hostiles and expecting to survive the deathmatch

It's a tactical game you dumbass. Drop to a vehicle or far from the plane.

to be h i completely converted to pc mustard race and can't even go back to console anymore but meme games like this being so popular makes pc come off like such a meme sometimes

these are the highlights of pc exclusives lel

good thing i pretty much only care about older games

don't worry zombie mode is coming soon

When you became a freak of nature and your taste was no longer relevant.