What went wrong with Diablo 3?

What went wrong with Diablo 3?

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nu blizzard went wrong

cartoonish grafix and atmosphere
simplified (laughably so) skill trees
no grid based inventory
no player driven economy

Removing all difficulty in the game in favour of killspeed meta.

D3 already won

Its so successful they don't have to give away content for free just to trick people into playing it.

And i mean that literally no one plays path of exile anymore except for a couple streamer who have a cult following that would follow them any game they played anyway.

Doesn't that also apply to POE?

It was made.

nu blizzard made it

That is exactly the case with PoE after I came back this league. Playing since beta and seems like many of the previous scary encounters were nerfed to only tickle you.

poe is shit but d3 isn't any better.

It's worse with Diablo 3. At least you have a chance to die in the post Alt-F4 warriors meta. Diablo 3 is so easy that end game challenges involve those fucking set dungeons.

The most succinct explanation:
D3 is what you get when you put a WoW dev in charge.

>d3 800 users on plebbit
>poe 3000 users on plebbit

untrue, all the wow devs are gone so after d3 was done its devs were dumped on wow which is why everything has twenty layers of rng now.

Activision went wrong

how many new skills were added in the new poe expansion?

more than 30

Azmodan did nothing wrong.

They tried to make a game that was addicting instead of making a fun game.

>What went wrong with Diablo 3?
It's a Blizzard game. I stopped giving my money to them after all the shit they pulled with always-online DRM.

its actually pretty good by now with the expansion and loot 2.0 etc.
if it was released like this it wouldve been a hit

>reddit is purity test for good games
Holy shit. You are literally everything wrong with the world.

Almost all of that is wrong. The only one you're correct on is player-driven economy. All the other real problems with the game are gameplay related.

The largest problem with the game is that the endgame has no content. Sure, I can play really high torment GR's, but what's the fucking point when I've experienced basically everything they have to offer in lower difficulties. Ubers only require T1, and give a shitty ring and amulet as benefits. Ubers should be unlocked through high level Greater Rifts, and become much more difficult, with a reward as good as a hellfire torch.

The move away from the online system that D2 had was a mistake. Not being able to choose games from a list, or something similar, made it so nobody plays the game together, or they only play with friends. No trading really hurts this as well.

The skill system is interesting, but needs heavier investment costs.

No PVP is a sin. The game has fucking nothing to keep you playing once you hit 70 and get a set/ancient legendaries in a couple days.

D3 is the 4th best selling PC game ever

there was a player driven economy and it was the worst thing in the game. you never used any loot you got because trading it in and buying items from chinese was way more profitable. the game was boring. there is a grid based inventory and the skill trees arent that different from d2

I'm sure that had nothing to do with the success of previous games in the franchise, user.


and a month after release it lost 99% of its playerbase, your point being?


yeah i got 1 monk to max lv and sold the game so i didnt try any post game stuff

I'm actually pretty sure that the majority of people who played D3 had never touched a previous game in the series. The fact that a lot of women played D3 is somewhat a confirmation of this.

not true and the console release with the expansion and 2 years worth of updates packaged in sold really well too

>arent that different than d2
the game fucking levels your character up for you bro and hands out runes instead of skill points. no custamizational depth unless you consider remapping your powers to diff keys.
bitch please.

You were disputing the point that the game was so successful they don't have to give shit away for free. I provided evidence that the game was extremely successful. Sorry if this is too complicated for your tiny Amerilard brain

>And i mean that literally no one plays path of exile anymore

Blizzard made it. They could have filled the cases of the physical copes copies of the game with anthrax and it would have still sold like hotcakes

Its 30 day average is 9000 players, so yeah nobody plays it

do you even know what elective mode is? there's endless combinations

when they shit on the diablo 2 dev i knew they had no idea what the fuck they were doing


The game has been breaking record player numbers with every new league by at least 30% of the last league, and the last league was in march. Everyone's preparing for 3.0 next month.
Also almost nobody plays the game on steam because of the way it handles updates, and rather use the standalone client.

>h-here's why you're wrong

Pathetic. Americans are just pathetic

Never played POE, is it too late to start?

>h-here's why you're wrong
that's how discussion works

the character system seems interesting but the core gameplay loop and combat get boring fast

DRM always online BS.

That's why I never bought it.

>is it too late to start this game that has been growing massively with no sign of stopping?
no, but wait until 3.0 is out in early august

You cited """statistics""" without actually giving them

With the new expansion coming "Blizzard soon" I don't see why not. The beta is definitely more newbie friendly.

you can see them on the steamcharts site you looked up to bring up the 9000 number stupid faggot

Nothing. It was the same clickfest trash as every other PC hack and slash. Diablo 2 fans are just too stupid to realize that.

You said there are many more players on the standalone client

Prove it tubby

PoE would be good if I didn't have to rely on drop RNG to get fucking abilities of all things.

>Following the release of version 2.6.0 for Path of Exile, Grinding Gear Games have recorded its most successful content launch, with a 40% player increase upon the last content update for their competitive action RPG. According to figures released by Grinding Gear Games, Path of Exile achieved a peak player count of 112,800 on the release of 2.6.0, with it reaching third of Steam’s list of active games.

>The Diablo-inspired action RPG has been one of Steam’s most played games for years, but on December 4, Path of Exile broke its previous all-time peak player record by bringing in an impressive 46,733 concurrent players in a single hour. And in doing so, the Breach update also helped PoE reach its highest ranking ever on Steam coming in at #5.
>The previous highest peak for PoE was back in March 2016 when the game’s fourth major expansion, Ascendancy, brought in 36,913 players during its launch week. So when comparing the two record-setting peaks, Breach’s launch has crushed Ascendancy with a 21% increase in players — an impressive number, especially considering the age of the game.

literally dead

That's why there are vendors for skill gems

>a bunch of garbage more damage support gems
>rehashed acts 1 to 4 into acts 6 to 9
>pantheon giving insignificant and meaningless bonuses

While D3 is complete fucking diarrhea, the redditor behind the OP needs to stop gagging on Chris Wilson's cock so much.

so you haven't played it since 2014?

But they don't stock all the gems possible, or if they do, it's on a timed rotation.

> had one million active players in December and saw a 44% increase in total playtime relative to 2015
Poe hade more than 1 million unique players in December, and numbers will be even higher with 3.0.0 release

Blizzard isn't even the same dev. The second they got bought by Activision they became something else.

Thanks for sharing more Steam stats with me. I want numbers on the standalone client you are basing your claim on, tubby

normal vendors stock gems based on your class, while the act 4 ghost vendor stocks every gem in the game

The only ones that you can't buy are Enlighten/Enhance/Empower and Added Chaos Damage, the rest you can buy from Siosa after completing the corresponding quests.

They're there in the article, my mentally deficient friend. I know reading can be difficult but you have to power through it.

>still using it for measurement
makes you think

link me to the blizzard database so I can see their player numbers

wait, why should I use the standalone client? what's wrong with the steam update?

>Have to play the game pretty extensively to get the abilities you want

I just don't understand why they couldn't have made ability trees a thing instead of this gem shit.

Wait, is the PoE expansion out now?

Torchlight 2 is better than both.

Tell me all about PoE's offline mode.

Jesus Christ i wonder why i even bothered responding.

PoE's shit

Wow, ten acts of a shitty story, great job

it redownloads and rearranges every game file, resulting in 30 minute patching times and requiring 20GB of disk space even for a 5MB update

The numbers given on the git site are roughly identical to Steam Charts so either nobody uses the standalone client or they are giving the Steam numbers. And I don't give a shit about "unique players" for a free game since that's going to count people who tried the game for 5 mins because it's free.

So nice try Americunt but you have no argument. Enjoy getting killed by a nigger Mr. 53%

>Three acts
>Not extensive

weird. it isn't doing that for me

not him but kill yourself

shouldn't you be playing overwatch or pubg right about now, boy?

not him but not an argument

>2 hours

yeah, you show him gurl

>he thinks Activision is the source of modern Blizzard's problems.
>he doesn't realize Mike Morhaime is perfectly capable of fucking his own company up.
At the end of the day user, it was Mikey that put that fuccboi Ion Hazzikostas in charge, not Bobby Kotick.

>Several hours of gameplay with you having little to no control over your abilities
>"That's fine, kys!"

Nigga it is doing that. You just haven't noticed. The game stores files in a .gpk format and steam doesn't know how to unpack that shit so it creates an entire new file instead of updating the old one.
The standalone just updates the old file.

Killspeed meta yes, difficulty no. I think learning how to plan and fund a good build counts as difficulty. It's more like a puzzle in that sense; the gameplay itself is very basic. Killspeed meta is being toned down, too.

The only person in this thread that makes sense. Torchlight 3 when Runic?

What kind of a fucking speedrunner completes three acts in two hours? Unless they have shortened the acts considerably, you can barely kill Merveil in two hours.

it takes 10 hours on first playthrough, an hour on 2nd playthrough.
literally who the fuck complains that abilities unlock at the start of the game. get a life nerd.

how does it work if I don't even have 20gb free space? and it updates almost immediately and instantly, is my computer magic or something?

Torchlight 2 was absolute garbage compared to Torchlight.

>The largest problem with the game is that the endgame has no content.

No, the problem is that the game sucks fucking ass, from early game to end game. Off yourself, D3 apologist.

They missed what made Diablo successful and failed to replicate it. And instead of listening to the fans, they made fun of them.

And then, they failed again to capture the essence of Diablo. If anything, Souls games captured it the best, because Diablo was all about exploration and double-edged multiplayer.

I guess you wouldn't notice if you're using a SSD. And the 20gb was an exaggeration, I need around 10 myself

Desu i kill Merveil in less than 40 minutes and that's while doing every sidequest cause i'm autistic like that.

Then they must have increased movement speed and shortened times to kill considerably.

>b-but muh sales

Yeah, riding on the massive hype and fame of D2. They had possibly the greatest wave to ride, and ride it they did, but then disappointed everyone. D4 will not have D3's wave to ride on, which is probably why D4 will never be made, as they realize it's just never gonna work.

Blizzard has not made a good game since WC3 TFT.

Agree on the skilltrees.

Granted, I only played D3 for the first month or so, and swore to not touch it ever again. Biggest sequel-disappointment since AoE3 and Red Alert 3.

Skilltrees in D2 had so much variety. Every character with 3 different skilltrees, and several possible builds in each one of them. Most skill giving bonuses to another one.

That's not what he implied though. It's the same with the new DOOM. It got hyped into oblivion but I bet a lot of those people that were hyped that "A NEW DOOM IS COMING" never played the original ones.

>little to no control
you stupid fuck every class has at least 30 abilities available even without using the act 4 ghost