>Muh Final Fantasy threads!
Can we take a break from shitposting about Final Fantasy and talk about some of Squaresoft's other IPs for once? Square churned out a lot of games between the 4th and 5th gens.
>Muh Final Fantasy threads!
Can we take a break from shitposting about Final Fantasy and talk about some of Squaresoft's other IPs for once? Square churned out a lot of games between the 4th and 5th gens.
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Okay but post a good game first.
If you think Sup Forums is gonna discuss any JRP other than Persona 5 and Final Fantasy you're going to be waiting a while
Let's discuss what a garbage sequel to Chrono Trigger that was.
I don't want to talk about Square Soft so I'm going to talk about Enix and the Dragon Quest games.
I am that one guy that likes videogames so ill only make a small shitpost.
>Squares other IPs
shit gets talked about all the time. anyway, taht said,
i liked this game a lot. i think it was the last RPG i got before i left for college. and this was just when the internet was taking off, and i never really looked up information about games i was doing a first play through. I loved how it stayed true to the "choices matter" thing that the first game did. I never got all the characters, i know its really hard to do.
also the way the game hints at the good ending. I think i beat the game (bad ending) then a year later, it came to me organically how the last boss was supposed to be fought. Great game 10/10
most of Sup Forums is too young to have played them
Guess that's what happens when the director, producer, and lead designer of the previous game doesn't come back for the sequel, and the writer, who is also now the the new director, has to stretch a single hanging plot point from the first game (Schala is missing) into enough content to fill an entire 30+ hour game with escalated stakes in the conflict.
I just got up to the Soylent factory in Xenogears and boy oh boy I sure hope this game starts explaining Fei or Lacan?'s flashbacks/blackouts, why it seems like some great big catastrophe happened and everyone got their memories wiped or where reborn or something?
From what I've read on Sup Forums in the past, as soon as I hit disc two this game goes full End of Evangelion.
>Enjoyed Chrono Cross and The Last Remnant battle system
>Never see them again
get a fucking notebook because shit is going to get weird
Best square combat system that never made a comeback is the one from Live A Live.
Turn based systems that let you dodge attacks by getting out of the way are a rarity.
I think after they finish the game somebody came up with great idea of spinning it into a CT sequel. I don't find anything the game to be bad. I actually did like it quite a lot but you have to take it as a stand alone to really enjoy it.
Let's discuss how much of an overrated pile of shit Chrono Trigger was instead.
>chrono trigger
>dragon's quest
There are other JRPG's out there. Sup Forums will just usually only discuss the most popular JRPG games.
Completely not how it happened.
Kato, the lead writer for CT, didn't like how Trigger ends with the sequel bait that no one knows where the fuck Schala went.
So when Square let him have is own project, he decided to use the opportunity to wrap up that hanging plot line.
He made what's basically a glorified VN to do so, it's called Radical Dreamers.
However, he really didn't consider Radical Dreamers to be that well done, so later when given the chance to head a bigger project he decided to remake Radical Dreamers (and add a bunch of content because Radical Dreamers is really short) That how we got Chrono Cross.
So it's connection to CT are the explicit reason why it exist at all
get ready for a horde of morons swarming you for naming soulsborne games as jrpg even though you're right
So it's all Kato's fault.
Fucking hack.
I just finished Seiken Densetsu 2 for the first time. Feel kind of embarrassed I had such a hard time with it as a kid. But once I figured out how to change the party members to attack, it was kind of easy. Especially when I equipped everyone with ranged weapons. Now I'm playing Seiken Densetsu 3 again and that game is also a lot easier than I remember.
Is Sword of Mana worth playing? I tried loading it up but it was almost an hour of boring prologue talking.
Shh. No one is suppose to know Dragon Quest exists.
Will we ever get the chance to find out what went down after the guardia incident in 1005 ad?
Shut up because Dragon Quest is underrated as fuck and X should be translated.
Unless you're trying to tell me to not talk about it so it doesn't get raped by normies.
>Wants to talk about Squares other solid titles
>Posts Chrono Chross
God damn OP you are such a fucking huge faggot
Chrono Cross and the new ending of Chrono Trigger told you. Porre invaded the western continent. In Chrono Cross, Norris (a leader of the insurgent group) is the one who tells you this.
I was more poking fun at how SquareEnix goes out of its way to block marketing or even acknowledging that most DQ games exist. As if they don't want the west to like it on purpose.
I forgot, it's been a while since I played Chrono Cross. Did Chrono, Marle, and Lucca die, and where did kidd come from?
True, I was reading an article about how they were saying FF is more popular because of VII and how the artstyle doesn't match the tone. Literally all they would have to do is just mention Toriyama and compare it to Dragonball.
>not advertising during Toonami
Lucca Dies when the orphanage she set up in her own home is attacked and burnt own by Lynx
Crono and Marle Go MIA when Guardia is attacked by Porre. Dalton finally gets out of the time bullshit he gets stuck in after your last battle with him in Trigger and leads the army that does this. Although, the Porre army probably would have got stomped by Crono/Marle/the Guardia army if Lynx hadn't supplied them with Elements, which are future tech from Chronopolis
In the another timeline, Chrono and Marle die because of the 'Chrono Trigger' (aka Serge) is killed. But in the original timeline (which is an alternate timeline to Trigger), Serge doesn't die. But in that alternate timeline, Porre invades Guardia and Chrono/Marle get killed anyway. And in the alternate timeline, the panther who is suppose to kill Surge fails and gets turned into Lynx by FATE.
Confused? You should be.
Even though the story is a mess, Chrono Cross actually has many connections to Chrono Trigger. Around 38-40 by my count last time I played Chrono Cross. Still, the game needs a remake since half the story was never realized. And hopefully Kato could clean up the mess we did get.
>the panther who is suppose to kill Surge fails and gets turned into Lynx by FATE.
What? No, Lynx is made out of Serge's dad
I don't think that happened. His dad just outright died and FATE took baby Surge. Then FATE goes all dual personality and helps Surge escape while making a dozen clones of herself. And then FATE has a change of heart and wants to kill Surge because she realizes his living will endanger her plan. So she finds the panther that was suppose to kill Surge and makes Lynx.
Man the story is a mess...
I kind of get it, but then how does the original timeline differ from the events of Chrono Trigger, and why is Serge the Chrono Trigger exactly?
>but then how does the original timeline differ from the events of Chrono Trigger
Pretty much the only difference was Surge didn't die in the timeline where Chrono and co saved the world, while he did die in an alternate timeline. This makes him the unknown variable in a timeline, much like Chrono and co were the unknown variable that rose to kill Lavos.
But all of this is really tied to FATE, who is the memories of Schala implanted into a giant self aware computer. FATE that is Schala initially was trying to come up with a plan to defeat Lavos and save the world. But things go wrong, as they evenvitably do when you turn yourself into an emotionless, all powerful computer.. Then it basically turns into the plot of FFX. FATE concocts a huge plan to bring Serge to her so she can be killed while achieving her original goal of fixing the timelines so Chrono and co do defeat Lavos.
Serge almost dies TWICE in the backstory of Cross
Once to poison coral and once to the panther
the poison coral time, Serge's father, his buddy Miguel, and little baby Serge get lost at sea during a storm on their way to the doctor to cure his poisoning.
They go so far off course they end up at Chronopolis, which conveniently has it's stealth/protection systems knocked offline by the same storm.
The facilities at Chronopolis are able to easily cure Serge but when all the systems come back online Serge is imprinted as "the arbiter of the flame" and his presence becomes necessary for the FATE system to access the frozen flame and do time shit.
From that point on, if serge dies, FATE would get locked out of doing it's job forever, which is why Lynx needs Serge's body.
Wasn't Chrono Trigger in the alt timeline and and why did FATE want to die?
Why was he imprinted and how come every time I get an answer more questions just arise?
Seriously, fuck this plot, I want a real sequel.
FATE isn't Schala, and your understanding of the story is almost completely wrong.
FATE is the new timeline's version of the Mother Brain system.
You know, the one that you can destroy in CT's Geno Dome if you do that sidequest.
Kid is Schala (so is Harley)
Chrono Trigger was in the alternate timeline to Chrono Cross, yes. Well, technically it happens in both timelines, but the 'home world' events get changed because Serge doesn't die.
Still my favorite series from Square and favorite JRPG series in general. Sad that it isn't really popular outside of Japan.
I remember something about kid being a clone, but what does Harley have to do with it?
>FATE is the new timeline's version of the Mother Brain system.
Yes, but Schala also implants her memories into FATE. That's why FATE is not simply just Mother Brain. She's a new entity.
At the same time, Schala made a bunch of clones of herself before her death. As you said, Kid is one of them. Harley...I don't remember entirely. I thought Harley was one of the dragons. But hey, the story is so crazy, Harley could be a clone of Schala who also has the soul of a dragon. Wouldn't put it past them.
SaGa frontier is so fucking confusing though
>okay here's your MC for this path now do whatever
>Why was he imprinted
The security system would have imprinted whoever was there after the restart, it just happened to be Serge. Under normal circumstances it would have been the scientists that worked there, but FATE kind of screwed herself on that one by mindwiping all the people who worked in the facility and sending them to live on the islands in the region shortly after Chronopolis got sent back in time.
Kato destroyed it all for his waifu
Can any of you claim you wouldn't do the same
Harley is an alternate reality version of Kid, specifically the one alternate ending from CT where Reptites ruled the world.
>dragons were evil ancient reptiles the whole time
It was pretty fucking obvious in hindsight
He killed other waifus to do it, why would you wish that on anyone?
Welcome to SaGa.
That's pretty much the SaGa conceit since Romancing
If anything Frontier made most of the characters have more involved personal stories than usual
No, lynx is his dad, transformed to be serges worst fear, the panther that almost killed him, mind slaved by FATE
Mai Waifu doesn't come from Chrono so I would write an impartial story that doesn't hurt the other characters.
But killing a character isn't exactly a bad thing. I would have gone through with the idea of letting Kid die if you didn't get the antidote. That would just change the story dramatically as you would need another character to be the chosen one to bring Surge to FATE. Probably Harle.
>Everyone calls Golden Sun "babby's first RPG" when, if you combine it with TLA, it's basically the only spiritual successor to OG Final Fantasy until Bravely Default came around.
Was Chronopolis the place Chrono's mom ran off to in one of the endings? If not, what is its story?
Where exactly did Kid come from in the first place, why isn't Harley a reptile, and does the reptile timeline mean that all the alt endings for chrono trigger happened?
Thanks for answering all my questions guys, this would've been a real bitch to look up.
Chrono Trigger is my favorite game and I even own Chrono Trigger merchandise and yet I never played this. I feel like I need to out of obligation, even if it's not a real sequel or anything. Still looks good, and has some throwback music from what I've seen.
He had a shit waifu
best girl coming through
I guess I'll look for that when I play the game over someday. But I don't remember the story really saying that. It seems to go out of its way to say Surge's dad died. But I guess since his friend turned into a ghost trapped in Sea of Eden and his dad didn't, then its possible.
Sorry, is better. Harley just came off as really annoying rather than cute.
I call Golden Sun babies first RPG because the dialogue talks down to you like a baby.
Character 1: "I think we should go to the next town. What do you think?"
Character 2: "I agree, we should go to the next town."
Character 3: "Me too, let's go to the next town."
Character 4: "I hope the next town has the artifact we need!"
Character 1: "Yeah, me too. I hope that too!"
Character 2: "That would be awesome!"
Character 3: "Then let's go and see!"
Character 4: "Yeah! Let's go!"
I get it, we need to go to the next town! Holy shit, stop talking and let me fucking walk!
Boring, ordinary girls aren't be better
I prefer fun girls
It's still a great game, even if it is incomplete. And it has many connections to Chrono Trigger, despite idiots claiming it doesn't. At worst, you'll enjoy the connections to Chrono Trigger and the music. But I actually really like the setting and gameplay as well.
Chronopolis is a facility made by Lucca, Balthazar (since when you kill Lavos in CT, the future is no longer a desolate hellhole so he lives after being sent there by the Queen of Zeal), and other future scientists.
It exists to monitor and preserve the timeline because time machines like the Epoch could allow anyone to royally screw it up otherwise.
Anywhere, it's powered by the Frozen Flame and when some asshole runs an experiment on it the "time crash" happens and the facility gets sent back in time 10000 years.
Kid popped out of thin air in Lucca's backyard. Harley IS a reptile.
All endings of CT technically happen in alt-timelines, but most aren't relevant to the plot of CC. And I think many of them are eaten by the Time Devourer?
Do you memeber how you had to kill the Hydra to save your party member but because you did that the swamp creatures had to leave the swamp and much later you discover that you are sole reason why swamp creatures Holocaust the fairy island ? That was some good story telling right there . Being a hero for one and the villain for other. Same story was with Lucca's diary. Because Chronos party have saved the world from Lavos the post Lavos future with Robo had never happened. Say what you will great game and Mushroom Guy is pro.
I completely agree in most cases, but
>not annoying
There's a difference.
Yeah, that was cool as shit, too bad after that point you don't really get to make any more really meaningful story changes. I really wanted to stay as Lynx.
How is she annoying?
No, Robo still exists, the facility he's from existed before Lavos blew up the world. I mean, it couldn't have been made afterwards.
His existence is important to the plot of CC too.
When they make FATE, they have no idea if it will end up being a moral AI or not, but they know for sure that Robo is, so they hook his circuitry up to FATE and give him veto powers.
FATE ends up circumventing this protection by creating Lynx who operates outside the system.
Can we talk about this?
>Harley IS a reptile.
How? She looks totally human.
Also, where is the Time Devourer and why did it fuse with Schala?
I feel like the only story to ever do time travel right (video game or otherwise) was the 999 series and even then, they still managed to fuck it up.
Those dwarves were douchebags
>hey you humans are evil and disrespect other races and nature!
>let's genocide a bunch of fairies and take their island
>How? She looks totally human
Welcome to chinese cartoon games, user
That is the best way to explain it
What a great time to push more DQ games.
High awareness of DB Super in the west, along with new DBZ game coming out soon.
To be totally honest, I don't quite remember. That's just what I think of when I see her. I just assume there must be some reason I didn't really like her, but it could be just because she joins you at one of the most tedious parts of the game.
Defeated Lavos endup in the beyond time after he was defeated.Scala was teleported there in CT Durning the accident (that machine that took lavos energy to power up stuff). They fuse together to create the Dream Devoer and his adult form is Time Devoer.
Pretty much any time between 1998 to the present would have been a good time to push Dragon Quest. SquareEnix is Konami level stupid that they couldn't get Dragon Quest popular here after Dragon Ball, Chrono AND Pokemon all took off. A brain dead monkey with a few thousand dollars could have marketed Dragon Quest better, simply putting a sticker on each box that says "From the creators of Dragon Ball and Chrono Trigger." Oh look, I just got a DQ game to sell a million extra units. Not that we even need that since Dragon Quest VIII and IX already sold 1.5 million and was clearly worth supporting.
>but it could be just because she joins you at one of the most tedious parts of the game
Well then it's not really her fault
I always found her to be the most interesting, Kid and Leena always felt too generic for me.
also she saved serge, he would have rotted forever in the body of a furry if she wasn't there
It's like this . Dragons hated Lavos and humans. Lavos was the reason for evolution of humans and Dragons see it as unnatural and everything connected is also bad. Durning the storm which caused malfunction of chronopolis Dragon God created a dragon that would not be tracked by FATE and outside DD will ,to retrieve frozen flame. So he created Harle (moon dragon)
>Defeated Lavos endup in the beyond time
I always thought it was a Lavos Spawn from the deleted bad future timeline
Since you know, the Time Devourer is a lot smaller than Lavos was in CT
Is a true Chrono Trigger sequel even possible at this point? and are the fan games any good?
Chrono and his team are half size of your characters , for no reason too.
I would say a reimagining would be more possible
As long as the Chrono Trigger fan base is insufferable, no.
I'll keep an open mind if I eventually replay this game
This could convince me as well.
I fucking hate that circus costume
Just think that the whole game could have had strong stories like that. But the production was rushed so the last half the game turns into a fetch quest and dialogue dump like Xenogears.
If you like that kind of story progression, play Suikoden I-III. Suikoden I and II is probably the best example of a coherent, interconnected story in JRPGs to this day. If only Konami didn't go full retard on PS2...
>I was more poking fun at how SquareEnix goes out of its way to block marketing or even acknowledging that most DQ games exist.
They're not very popular in the West. Why waste money on an advertising campaign anywhere but Japan?
Quiet down, will ya?
Musashi is my favorite game of all time and NOBODY EVER TALKS ABOUT IT :(
It's a cold, lonely world
>why market a game when it's not popular?
You're an idiot, aren't you?
Convince me to play it
>I fucking hate that circus costume
Okay that's just shit taste, how could you hate those see-through pants and the metal boob plates?
How are Chrono fans bad? Protip: The people who rag on Chrono Cross and claim Trigger is the only good game are attention whores, not fans.
What's wrong with them?(besides staying obsessed over an ancient game)
It's not even that popular in Japan. It's kind of like King's Field. The mechanics or design choices are love or hate, so these series resonate with a very small niche of dedicated gamers while putting off everybody else.
I hate the asthetic of it. It's all about presentation; sure a naked girl is automatically more sexy, but a
well clothed one looks nicer overall.
>They're not very popular in the West.
Despite inconsistent releases, a lack of marketing and being abused like a red headed second cousin by their parent company. Dragon Quest is still one of the best selling JRPG series in the west. A non advertised DQ spin off still outsells main series Tales, Fire Emblem or SMT games. And when a game does get solid marketing, it sells over a million.
The problem is that SquareEnix expects the games to sell like Final Fantasy. But with no marketing or support. FFVII had one of the largest marketing budgets in gaming history. So of course a DQ game with no marketing isn't going to match it with weak internet ads and no public events.
>I hate the asthetic of it
Not quite sure what you mean here
You're implying Dragon Quest's popularity is due to insufficient marketing or localization. People in the West just don't like the redundant mechanics and lack of innovation. Final Fantasy never would have been that popular here if every game didn't try something different. Although this level of innovation also makes the fanbase that much more divisive.
It's story driven action/adventure game where you are summoned to an unknown world unwillingly by a bright and charming cast of characters who didn't quite get what they were expecting. You set out to restore their world and rescue the kingdom's citizens who were turned into crystal and scattered everywhere. The story comes in the form of five or six main arcs, taking place in unique locations and closing out with a huge boss fight and gaining a new elemental power. The antagonists are so vivid and memorable (that could just be my bias), and I really could go on an on about everything else but I should probably put a cork in it. It's just genuine, fun and comfy. With some very corny VA if you're into that
>Can we take a break from shitposting about Final Fantasy and talk about some of Squaresoft's other IPs for once?
If only Square shared this sentiment.
I am fucking tired of nothing by FF/DQ back to back.