What are some comfy online games on pc that don't require alot of skill where you can meet new friends

what are some comfy online games on pc that don't require alot of skill where you can meet new friends

league of legends

why is this so cute?

Final Fantasy XIV or WoW

Team Fortress 2, walk around as a heavy and give anyone you see a sandwich.

FFXIV. The trial is unlimited and you can play with a controller if you want.

is FFXIV actually good?
been thinking about doing something like this. I miss tf2

Second Life

Red Orchestra anything
People don't even leave to smoke.


This. I fucking cook during some games.

there's a free trial for ffxiv. give it a whirl. if you like it, buy it. if you hate it, uninstall and move on with your life.

I tried it, when do the quests get better? Seems like there was a massive dip in quality after you get sent to the other 2 starting cities.

Because it's so sad.
She's eating alone because she's too stupid to make friends.

>tfw you can relate to Satania

>is FFXIV actually good?
Music, atmosphere, combat and gathering is good. Story, characters and flow of the game is laughably bad. FFXIV would be the best MMO out there if the story was just optional. But you are forced to play the main quests.

Game is pretty boring until you finish the first the first primal fight. Also being in a small FC is fun.

After realm reborn the story improves by a lot in my opinion

Unironically Diablo 3. It's easy, comfy and you can play it the same solo or in a group. Can be grindy but it's Diablo. You're in for that. The necro mini-expansion fixed the problems the game had before.

Eh, Heavensward has a slightly better story. But not a great one. It was mostly funny to me since I was playing Dragoon and so the whole expansion felt like an extension of the Dragoon quests. Since almost all of it focuses on Einisiten and killing dragons. Isguard and Coerthas is a really boring location though. Had far more fun once I got to the Sea of Clouds, Matoya's and the area that copied Zeal.

>it's a ANOTHER Satania thread

>implying this is a bad thing


It's a good thing

Any mmo.

>weebcuck has no skill
Of course


So this girl is the new mascot of Sup Forums, right?
I've seen her spammed everywhere and she seems to be an autistic loser.

Why are redheads always best girls?

Redheads are airheads and that's endearing.

>and she seems to be an autistic loser

Sup Forums shitting up Sup Forums again


>too stupid to make friends


If you have low standards, sure
I don't think WoW is any better of today, probably a private server would be infinitely better than modern WoW
you don't require any sort of skill for either anyway, i don't know why they mentioned it

If you do this in any server that isn't idle or trade then I'll bully you myself faggot.

When are people going to stop posting this flavor of the month cartoon bitch.

She's alright now.


Satania is forever.


Just make sure to avoid the SHOOTANS, FIGHTANS and ASSFAGGOTS games since they're nofunallowed genres full of autistic whining tryhards and RUs/BRs who are just shittalking you in foreign.

I wish I was a millionaire.
I would buy Sup Forums from Hiroyuki, delete the weeb boards and ban permanently the weeb posters.

>imagine being this new

>buy an anime site and delete all the anime
Sasuga, Anonymous.

So you want to buy the site, and delete the whole thing? No wonder you will never be rich, you make horrible business decisions.

I just want to gas all the shitty weeaboos, okay? I don't care if I don't make any money.

She's literally as in not figuratively retarded.

>Sup Forums shitting up a toilet
Better than Sup Forums just unloading sewage directly

Sup Forums may have started off as a weeb website, but times change. Sup Forums has evolved; weebs have no place here. Hell, even Sup Forums is one of the boards with the least amount of traffic.
You guys need to fuck off somewhere else.

what the fuck are you doing on an anime website if you can't stand weeaboos?

> Hell, even Sup Forums is one of the boards with the least amount of traffic
Lolwut. Sup Forums is one of the most popular boards.


>those characters frozen in place during the entire scene

I hate this. When will anime ever improve?

>hurr it's not an anime site anymore
It's the same shit every single time.
Come up with something new.

Post steam OP.

>dog torments her the entire seasons bullying her and stealing her melon bread
>she still saves it from being taken away by dog catchers
>runs away in the middle of the freezing winter because they don't allow dogs in her apartment
>freezing starving and with only a few melon bread to her name she still shares her precious melon bread with the dog that's been bullying her this whole time
Satania is nice! NICE!

fuck no, it's embarrassing

>More than 70% of the site's traffic comes from non-anime related boards
>The site's community has been responsible for some of the most notorious political events in recent years
It's not an anime site anymore. When are you going to see the truth?


Satania is a titty monster


Goddamn, I want all animefags to die so I don't have to see their avatars anymore.

I want to stick my dick in Satania

Do not lewd the Satania

>play Second Life
>make an anime avatar
>make anime friends
>do lewd stuff in each other's butts

Reminder that ironic weebs should kill themselves

gaia online
facebook games


I was really disappointed when oreimo turned romantic.


No you can't. Satania eventually makes friends.

Hey, stop that.

Mating Press Rape Satania!

I'm not dead yet

Kill yourselves ironic weebs

Do you pull those stats out of your ass or your boyfriend's?


Yes, ironic. Fucking off yourself you cancerous piece of underage shit.

Satania is literally that autistic kid that only hangs out with your group of friends because your mom makes you hang out with her.

post your steam or I'll beat you up

>Entry level is considered "Ironic" now.
I guess casuals are just "Ironic" gamers now too?


>Pretends to like anime while ""watching"" shit moeblob shows and shows off how underage cancer he is
>Not ironic


There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck Anzu.

Every weeb is ironic.
If you like anime you are an autistic piece of shit and need to off yourself. It's a medium from which nothing good has ever come.

>CGDCT is "Ironic"
K-On has probably aired prior to you even getting on Sup Forums you baiting faggot. Kill yourself.

>The site's community has been responsible for some of the most notorious political events in recent years

>nobody said 100% Orange Juice

Sup Forums is a bad place to try and find steam friends. I've only got either traps, whiny fucks or weeaboos who never want to play anything. Or poltards, those are the worst when they keep on going about jews and niggers and what the fuck not. Like what the hell, I just want to play some video games.

I hope someone steps on her food

don't fuck with me kiddo, you're going to pound town

why don't you post yours?

>Ironic weeb gets mad for getting called out for his unfunny cancer
>Lists another no plot moeshit musical cartoon while calling others newfags
Please play by the train tracks user

I want a blowjob from Satania posters

When they get more funding

Dark souls

>This is considered quality animation

this is a dried up meme from three years ago, at least try to be up to date when you're being retarded