Sonichu Game dream team

Sonichu Game dream team.
My proposition is.
Wachowski sisters as directors.
G.Romero game design.
Alex Mauer sound design.
Digital Homicide development.
Who else ?

Other urls found in this thread:

Platinum action game.

why the mods don't allow us to have pure CWC-threads anymore

Director - Chris
Game design - Chris
Sound design - Chris

C'mon you know it would be amazing. Let Chris be in charge 100% and have people put his ideas into practice

Change my pick Terry A. Davis should be the head Dev.

Chris would definitely need to be heavily involved. But if you gave him too much responsibility, the game would never be finished.

totem, I need an answer. am I doing a good job?

Wouldn't a Chris directed game just be like Sonichu where it would essentially act as wish fullfilment for himself?

Actually Sonichu is one of crises personas, but there is also cartoon version of Chris that is the mayor and Sonichus father. By that reasoning Chris become his own father in comics and his own GF in real life

Will I ever find some china?


>cartoon version of Chris

I don't think you understand-- in his mind, that IS Chris. There's absolutely no separation of the two for him. Once he drew himself the way he thought he looked: fit and with a Goku Get 'Em type personality. Now he thinks he's a beautiful flirtatious lady so that's what he draws. In both cases to us it looks like dog shit, but to him, it might as well be a photo.

Let me put it this way: He believes CWCville is a real place with real people in it. He operates on a much higher level of autism that we lower humans can't possibly comprehend.

Wow... You have to love Chris. I cannot that there is no Netflix documentary about him yet. Sonic arms aren't blue ...

Great totem, should I fucking kill myself?

Oh totem, will I ever find a full time office job?

We already have college length lectures on the dude bro.

All I am saying is when other memes burn out Chris just keeps on giving.

Not trying to get too off topic from OP's point. But when his mom dies what do you think will happen to Chris? Will he be put in a nuthouse? Will he have to face the real world? I have so many questions but i'm afraid of their answers.

Did anybody see the post on FB where he admitted that he listens to hypno therapy to change his sex and post a picture of his new vagina ?

And Chris has build such a massive wall of delusion that it might be the real world that will shatter upon collision.

>New vagina

The ideal new world answers to Chris, and Chris alone.

Post it

Well he had gone much worse since the fathers death and mother is a complete enabler. He might end up homless since they are already struggling. He even did a comics about his brother burning money rather than wanting to help him and his helped many times before but Chris spends most of it on toys and games so he said he will not give them any money anymore.
Well he fix that he has grow a vagina because of hypno therapy that he got online but in fact it's a skin infection eating his flesh.

Jesus fucking Christ thats horrifying, and Chris had a brother? Is he an autismus as well? Or is he just a normal guy trying to distance himself as much as he can? (Like I would)

Half-brother. He isn't autistic but is a pretentious faggot wanna-be movie critic
There boys enjoy the mangina. I'm not posting this this here because this is some Sup Forums shit.
This. Than again by comparison a normal guy.

Yeah poor Chris will most likely die shortly after the mom. Best bet is a social worker or someone in th state comes in. After taking a break of following Chris-Chan for like 5-6 years, this has all taken a very bizarre and depressing shift.

Will the loneliness end?

People have beeb following the dude for close to 20 years now. Its incredible.

>close the 20
Really? Jeez when was the first big time he was noticed?

Will SA3 happen before I turn 30?

>mfw I'm 24
>at least 6 more years of awful boostshit games

Will SA3 ever be made?

Will Sonic Adventure 3 ever be made?


Will I outlive Chris?

Actually closer to 15. But a good bit if the well archived things happened earlier

It's been 9 years since he was discovered, there literally wasnt enough material of him before then

I couldve sworn it was a lot longer.

To be fair people have documented what he was doing pretty much every month since he was born. Like you can probably look up Feb. 1993 and find out what he was up to then

Well it would be from that time when he had the interview as a small kid but officially it started around his quest for love and girlfriend video

Oh great and wise totem will I get that job?

Please totem will I get that job?

Will I finish my backlog in the next few years?


Great totem will Chris will ever get his shit together ?

Kek spot on.

Will i pull my shit together