Why is she so perfect, lads?

Why is she so perfect, lads?

lol what game?


"Western design"

>lucy will never crush you under her big fat ass
Why even live?

Now that's progressive.

Crash is the real best girl.





What do you think she smells like?

>You will never be an e.coli bacteria flying in the wake of Lucy's musky farts

Hold me, Sup Forumsros

They should put her in Champions to get some progressive points.

Holy shit!

>170 lbs.

What, is she 4'2"?


Fish and shit

Seriously. I know fat weighs less than muscle so really really really REALLY obese people can often weigh a bit less than you might expect given their size, since most fat people even have at least some muscle adding to their weight, but come the fuck on.

I've actually seen women weighing 170lbs and are around 5'2 and that pic would be a better approximation of what I saw. An actual 5'10/170 woman would be slimmer than that.

I only just realized how similar-looking she is to Pam from Archer

spotted the millennial redditor

>170 lbs
>that fat
youd need to be at least over 200 before you start looking like that