Ignoring how fugly "she" is for a second

How the fuck do they even choose the hosts for these? Other than spikevegeta every single person in-between games and on the mic range from inoffensive to "shut the sound off" with most people hovering around the latter category.

So HOW IN THE HELL are these people chosen? I feel as if anyone could be better than who they got. Do they even audition people? What's the process?

is she... dare I say it? /ourguy/?

No, THIS is /ourgirl/

I think you have to know someone.

I think you need to leave my thread.

I think you need to leave MY thread.

Um, this is my thread sweetie.

I want to save that poor ROB.

Jewish mind control

Fuck outta here Sup Forums

Working out with girl weights doesn't actually make one a girl

Apologize to her.

Actually he was always weak so


not video game related by the way


Thats a penis

I wonder what he smells like

Warm Milk

is it wrong to legitimately hate them? if so, then I want to get better. please halp Sup Forums


stay retarded

Instead of spending money on all this tranny shit, why doesn't he spend money fixing his teeth?

>transgendered people are about 1 in 50,000
>there were like twelve of them at SGDQ
How does this even happen?

Speedrunners are mentally ill.

Farewell equestrians

only a mentally ill person would ignore the point of a game just to finish it as fast as possible

How can you be "trans" gendered if you have a penis or vagina?

>Be bi
>Have a cute bf
>Have plenty of gay friends
>Still find trannies weird looking and offputting

Am I a bad fag, Sup Forums?

That thing reminds me of manny.


No because trannies are weird looking and off putting.

ehh, to be fair i'm convinced a lot of these new age trannies are just gay dudes taking a giant leap in an attempt to appease some inner insecurities they can't beat. and because it's a fad

>eat me
I'd rather not

When everyone becomes a tranny, nobody will be different. How will they cope with this?

All the oldfags got kicked out and replaced with SJWs who've turned the place into a tranny parade with no fun allowed.
>I want to go back.

you'd be surprised at how good americans are at pretending to be victims when they have nothing else to complain about



Why do faggots use video games for their soap box?

damn, ted cruz looks like that??

All the genders are arbitrary

How do you guys deal with the shame of being a straight white male in this year of our lord, 2017?

You mean like how so many anons in this thread are complaining about being victims of SJW boogeymen?

Yeah but how do they choose the SJWs? I'd pretend to get a spot.

>Why do faggots use video games for their soap box?

It's okay when Sup Forums does it



exactly like that. They all act like theyre superior to each other when they all just cluck like a bunch of hens

but user, now we can celebrate diversities and fight against Donald Trump's dictatorship with the power of Vidya together!

Yes it is.

This image will never not be funny to me.

>I hate this I hate this I hate this
>but I'm going to keep on talking about it
>but I'm going to keep on giving people attention
>but I'm going to keep on watching the event

great job. keep on posting about it and you'll give them validation. worked really well for gamergate right? you create your own boogeymen then whine when they get attention.

If you really didn't like this you would just stop posting about it.

Anyone got that picture of the Sup Forums post explaining how she has to fuck herself with a dildo for two hours every day to stop her vagina from healing up?

Stfu bigot

are those 1 pound weights? thats not actually doing anything.

it's a volunteer sheet that asically turns into "are they here yet? shit, scramble for whoever's not retarded sounding, or works for us and is retarded sounding" like all those people with lisps.

>is it wrong to legitimately hate them?
Yes, you probably have some mental disorder.

>tfw the trans agenda has moved onto "you're a bigot if you're a straight guy and won't have sex with trannies"
>but the slippery slope don't real don't worry about it

they're in it for the user experience

Let's be fair, is anyone here ever gonna be in that situation where they're close to a trans fag who wants them?


i don't think that's true

Look at thing. Look at it and be glad you're not it.

You can never fuck up this badly. You can never make this many mistakes and become this much of an empty, dickless shell of a man. Look at it and praise Christ in Heaven that you are not a chemically neutered sociopath so obsessed with your special identity that you've mutilated your body for the praise of nobodies and losers and the amusement of everyone else. Look at it and think about how fortunate you are. You could've been born as this man, and followed whatever tragic path led him to this sad, sad fate. You could've been this man, but instead you are you.

Post YFW you're not this person.

I wish gay people would start beating trans people since they are literally the opposite of everything they stand for, where they surgically change their fucking bodies to reenforce gender/sex stereotypes.

How the fuck did they get lumped together.

Just get a tattoo or something. Wearing womens clothing will only make your attention issue worse. Fucking kids these days.

Even that pure faggot milo hates trannies.

>Be mentally unstable to the point where you think that your gender is different from your body.
>Brag about it.
I never understood this.

>You a special snowflake with a mental disability?
>You're in, we need to show we are diverse!
I would never let these mentally ill people near anyone I know.


i dunno i consider most of the virgins here to be dickless since they have no purpose
a lot of you are no better than this trash

>Complain about a problem.
>Continue to contribute to the same problem.
You have to leave.

The event is being run by feminist, trannies, and fruity looking males.

Probably because you are mentally unstable

>tries to close WEBM
>accidentally fullscreens

Excuse me, I'm going to kill myself

Behold, this is the power of projection...whoa....

Better than being a fucking tranny LOL

It's a sick, sick world that we live in today. They're trying to normalize severe mental illness and there are people retarded and brainwashed enough to accept it.

i don't believe you

I never thought id say this, but ill take regular gay people over this tranny shit. Fucking hell.

way to get offended
you're both genetic dead-ends

Trump will surely save us.

I am like a million years late to this but what the fuck happened
>be champ speedrunner
>take a shit all over everyone in the most competitively ran game ever
>get on fucking cnn because it blows up so hard
>ok I'm a tranny now xd
what happened


Trannies are the new form of a Darwin Award.

You remove yourself from the gene pool forever and do so willingly. This is just nature finding some new way to thin the herd.

Still better than being a fucking tranny LMAO

All the signs were there years ago. The dude wore nail polish all the time.

You save these pictures of this hideous creature for what purpose? They are pitiful and stupid but for you to give them more attention and obsess over it makes you look pitiful as fuck. Speedrunners are faggots but you are a turbo faggot.

IT is an abomination who did this to itself for something so trivial as attention. It is insane, Logic and rationality have left it long ago.



>people are getting fed up with the tranny meme

Bout time. The right path is this way my children. Welcome.

I cant help but feel sorry for these freaks dads. Poor guys. Id buy them a beer.

Even those psychos get renounced. Those losers are basically fedoralord /r9k/ rejects who literally thought they could get laid if they put on a dress and tricked someone into liking them.

What people? this board is a minority and they bitch about everything. Fat neets that scam the government so they don't have to work bitching about trannies that beg on twitch for money

The way the game industry is circling the drain, my guess is she wrote an essay on how there are 76 genders and (((someone))) with clout enjoyed it enough to promote someone that mentally ill.

>1 in 68 people have autism
>everyone at GDQ is on the spectrum

She qualifies for the handicapped slot desu

Neets>>>>>>>>>stepping in fresh diarrhea>>>>>>>>>trannies

trannies are neets too

Only because they are unemployable. Neets are just lazy.

naw, they're all the same trash desu. you're all a detriment to society in some fashion or another

Reminder that your taxes literally pay for this degeneracy.

No one really cares about trannies.