I have a feeling that the first ever SR you get in this game affects your SR placement for the rest of your career regardless of season
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It's because it does.
Someone who gets 10/10 placement wins and had 4000 rating last season will get put around 4000 this season.
Someone who gets 10/10 placement wins but only had 1500 rating last season will get put around 1500.
The placement matches themselves don't pit you against people of random MMR, only people close to you, which makes them effectively pointless as they don't allow you to move up and down.
you have to put in the effort to climb, it doesn't happen just because you play a lot
Myself and my friends have always thought this.
We won majority placement games in seasons 2, 3 4, and now 5 and have always placed around high Silver/Gold level (2000 SR) while also finishing the previous seasons around that level.
Usually through massive several-hundred SR drops at the end of a season.
We think both your initial SR and the SR you end a season at affect your season placement SR. The game might be fun but the ladder system is total dog-shite anyway.
yeah that's what I mean. if you start out shit in the game because you don't understand it, you won't go that far even after you improve. you're fucked from the start
Pretty much, I won 10 ranked matches, did well in all of them, got Bronze. Check the end of the video
no you're not lmao
if you're actually good you can climb out of bronze/silver/gold/plat quickly
you people need to understand that you're probably not as good as you think you are. like this guy who's still in gold which is below average even though he's been playing since season 2
Not true unless you regularly play with a competent team. I'm stuck in silver but average 4 gold medals a game. I've also destroyed friends that are in plat/diamond who were lucky enough to simply place there in the first place. A lot of people rebuy the game once they've gotten good to place better.
>Be me, playing Ana
>Diligently healing fuckwits and sleeping overextending Ganjos trying to kill me
>Team throws themselves into Symmetra turrets and refuse to push through until they're dealt with
>Nobody deals with them. Not even the team's Winston assuming we HAVE one
Completely disregarding the fact that people trickle in and throw themselves to their deaths, getting out of Elo Hell with some of these people is nigh impossible when their coordination is broke as hell.
it's because it compares you performance of heros against the rest of the playbase that plays those heroes. you can win all you want but if you have low numbers on those heroes you get placed low.
Buy a new account then goy
Trying to escape low leagues as a healer is by far the worst route to take.
You have to rely on your tanks to create situations and your dps to carry them out, if everyone else is only doing that at a silver standard then of course you won't rank up.
Play a dps and actually make things happen, if you still can't climb then maybe you're right where you belong.
Getting to plat is extremely easy if you have even any degree of skill and critical thinking. Anything past that is more effort than I'm willing to put in as an adult. I feel like you guys are just ass.
>everyone is ass
>is stuck in Plat
I don't care anymore, i don't find a reason to keep playing competitive or OW at all, i got my golden weapons and neat skins i wanted.
I do pretty well normally when I DPS, but I usually end up having to foot the bill when nobody else steps to the task.
I usually opt to be the "fill" guy, because there are plenty of weebs out there itching to get their Shimada on who will never heal.
Then there's the DSP Stanky knockoffs. Those are a story all its own.
this. what even is the point of playing OW seriously if you just get shiny gold weapons. you can't win on individual skill alone so where's the fun in that.
Placement matches are pretty much there to make sure you don't automatically get credit even when not participating in this season just because you did it one time.
You still have the same rating, it just hides it until your placement matches are done.
Competitive OW in general is insufferable and stressful, after getting your shiny weapon theres nothing else to do, unless you have an e-peen problem or you're an OW streamer. Individual skill is not heavily rewarded because the "press Q to win" and the bullshit that is hanzo.
Don't pretend Hanzo is the hero that requires most skill, i never use that bastard and i literally bullshitted my way to victory with one-shot kills and scatter arrow instakills, its disgusting.
how come i got from bronze to diamond solo?
>First season touching comp
>place at 2300
>Get to the next tier because its close
>Stop because I don't have aspergers and my friends and I have work/lives
>Lucio should never speed boost
you're right where you belong, nigger
Is meant for You're 100% right. It is a fool's errand to give a shit at all unless your self worth is tied to the ranked mode of the most casual shooter out.
I started at 50 (aka 2500), climbed to 3350 by season 3, and every season since I've placed at 3600, although I only play placements and arcade.
just getting it out here now, Hanzo is the most fun guy in the game. way more fun than dive.va or dive monkey
boosted my friends account from silver to diamond, he kept saying "TEAMMATES SUX XD ELO HELL"
>first ever SR was 53/100
>that somehow means something now
makes sense
>SR means nothing
So I got a computer for the first time a few months ago and overwatch was literally the first game I've ever played with a mouse and keyboard. I'm ranked 3600 now playing zen, Winston and genji. I placed 2900 in the middle of S4. If you can't climb its only your fault.
>which makes them effectively pointless as they don't allow you to move up and down.
i was 3100 end of last season
got 2500 these placement matches
season 1 placements matches landed me at below 2000
>t. DSP Stanky
Maybe I should have made it a bit more clear.
Stankyfags are running off on their own accomplishing nothing and getting themselves killed in the process. It doesn't help that they have the "heals are for the weak" mindset because of him, meaning they never heal.
we're doing circles, i see
i'm a big stanky fan, but never fail to get gold heals
I got placed in gold with no previous fps experience cept' COD pls no hate. Stuck floating in diamond tho
Make a Twitch account and try to get a lot of followers by playing Overwatch. Spend money on microtransactions in the game often on your stream. They'll put a finger on the scale for you if you're helping to generate revenue.
>never fail to get gold heals
>as a lucio
please be memeing man
just Platinum things
i always get placed in the 2.5k-2.7k area but i always get to diamond in no time
i prob can get to masters if i try harder but try harding in this game is no fun at all and unrewarding since you dont get to keep your masters icon once you drop out
I really hate the mentality of so many plats, especially the "I'm not one of them" thing. I'm great at fps, but I'm not that great at OW since it heavily relies upon a ton more moving parts and team communication. I carried myself to diamond with pharah junk and reaper, but climbing higher up takes too much effort and luck half the time.
>tfw cant get out of silver.
>tfw want mcree golden gun but also dont care enough to play comp that much
zen can be god tier for self carrying, his dps potential is lower for things like shield busting and team wiping but his pick potential and dueling is massive at all ranges, plus he has that ult to safe your teammate's fucks ups
>Play 10 placement matches
>Usually a middling performance
>Place around 3200 SR every season (65 in season 1)
>Don't play Comp again for the rest of the season
People who bitch and moan about never climbing and how they should be high level are hilarious. Dunning-Kruger faggots aplenty.
this is true, he and ana are undeniably the best supports for self climbing, like I said earlier more "selfish" heroes like pharah and reaper are best for solo climbing
Verifiably wrong. I placed in plat in S2, Diamond in S3, and GM in S4.
The system is shit, but if you genuinely improve at the game and grind you can get to at least diamond.
When the game first released I couldn't break Plat even playing with 5-6 stack. Stopped playing with DPS mains and queueing solo, won more games but still in Plat. Decide to play exclusively Roadhog for season 4 placements and got placed at 3082. I could probably keep improving and get to Master but comp is stale as fuck and doesn't look like its going to get better.
It is hilarious to see the majority of Sup Forums bitch and moan about the ranking system when the reality is you are all genuinely garbage.
System is fucked but with time and a conscious effort to improve you can climb, but people want to blame their inadequacies on the game itself.
So what you assholes are saying is that if i buy a new account, i will much more easily get higher rank?
Blizzard trying to take your money as usual.
ana used to be able to carry harder when she can instakill any 200 hp hero upon landing a sleep dart with her shoot+melee+nade+melee combo and that ridiculous nade heal boost, i find that she has to be far too passive now since they took out her dueling potential
nah mate. it's been known for a long time that the ways to doctor your sr is a) stick to only one character, and b) choose an unliked character at the bottom of the meta.
that's what i do. 10 matches a season to eventually buy a gold wep and move on with my life. maintain my sanity
i am plat, just low plat. But retards are in every ELO. And in everything below 2700 you have a 80% Chance of being the only support/tank
>thinks a game that is 90% teamwork has an MMR rating decided by individual performance