Is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Who is this, and why should I care about what he thinks?
Why should I watch a video of the inane bullshit he'll likely spew in one or another annoying accents when you can give a quick summary instead of just putting in the absolute bare minimum of effort in creating your cancerous advertising thread?

Is he right?

I don't know and I'm not going to watch a 5 hour video to find out.

You don't have to actively watch it; you can easily just listen to it while playing Diablo or some shit

because he put more effort into that video than your mother did in raising you up

>four hours long

I ain't fucking watching 5 hours of video wtf.

With the autism levels involved may I suggest the RPG Codex.
That may be the hugbox you are looking for.


>I don't want to watch videos with lots of effort put into them!
So this is nu-Sup Forums? Dear god...

yes, actually

He had a lot of great points but he also had a lot of opinions. We all know everyone's got them. He wasn't entirely correct on the radiant AI for Oblivion. They actually promised more and more intelligent AI that wasn't delivered on.

He also seemed to have high praise for Skyrim's leveling system. While I did agree with him on most of his praise, I still think Skryim has some room for improvement. Then again he is right about it complimenting the style of TES the best so far out of all the systems they have made.

I'd still argue though that Oblivion's biggest weakness was its godawful character models and to a lesser extent their artistic direction on a more cartoonish looking world rather than the realism they went for with Morrowind and Skyrim's look.

The TES games still manage to be amazing despite their insane number of flaws.

>lots of effort
By a retard who doesn't know what a concise script is so he rambles into his mic for four hours.

>watching a video is effort
>making a thread with literally 0 substance, except "is he right?" and linking a 5 hour video

this thread won't even be around in 20 minutes, brainlet

also, not any of those people you replied to

>not wanting to watch another shitty youtuber who is clearly shilling his own video of a shitty game from one of the shittiest devs out there
>nu-Sup Forums
I never thought I would live to see this day, jesus christ the cancer has really spread here. Try shilling your video in reddit.

nothing should take 5 hours, if he sat down and put his thoughts together he could've said what he needed to say in 30 minutes or less.

Nah, he has some good points, but his opinions are awful.
He says that Oblivion cities are bad cause they are too pretty and unrealistic when that's the best thing in the cities.
He says that it would be better if oblivion's npc were dumber(didn't have schedules), so the game could handle more npcs at a time (like witcher 3). I disagree completely, I think that the schedule and the (dumb) ai is what makes oblivion's (and skyrim) worlds so fascinating and different from the other rpgs.

There're a few other thing I disagree with, but I watched this video some time ago and I can't remember everything about it. Though overall I enjoyed it.

muh opinions.

He has some good points, and it's an interesting video, but some of the things he says are bullshit - or at least entirely subjective.
He thinks that Oblivion's artstyle gave the game a comfortable tone, but think Morrowind and Skyrim's artstyle give it a neutral tone. Which is bollocks, are you really going to say Seyda Neen doesn't seem comfortable, whilst the Ashlands is a harsh environment where the tone is different?

reading comprehension

Jesus Chirst 5 fucking hours. Did it really need to take him 5 hours to make his point.