>applies to relationships
>applies to career
>applies to hobbies
>applies to video ganes
Why are you not having fun?
If it's not fun, why bother?
I’d rather have hot wife than a fun wife
Fun is a buzzword.
Fun is subjective and does not equal to Mario, for example I don't need to fuck Peach to have fun or to work at Nintendo for that matter, so why would I be forced to play Mario to abide to your arbitrary definition of fun?
Nintendo games and their artificial fun can fuck right off
>artificial fun
Just as bad as the dumbasses who say nu-fun.
You don't. I do and she's a fucking cunt.
Can't have fun if you hate yourself
Nu-fun is a good term to define it
>Make it as easy as possible to make everyone that plays feel like a badass
>Saturate everything with colors
>Everything has to have a funny cartoony sound
>There must be lots of gimmicks but you don't actually need any of them to beat the game
People suffer in the vain hope that one day, it will be rewarded. If they suffer through the present, in the future, things will be different.
>being a dirty disgusting utilitarian
Reggie is absolutely right, however he is also anti-fangames, and therefore still a faggot mullatto nigger.
>hasn't had a women before
Get one before you spout your useless opinion.
How dare a company protect its intellectual property.
No fun is what it always has been.
>no frustration
>no bullshit
>no lazy difficulty
>good times
You need to be 18 to browse this site champ.
b-but muh pokemon game with the third gender!
He's only shitposting because he's on a phone and is ban immune. Just ignore him.
shine on, you crazy diamond
Spoken like a true virgin
>Meanwile BotW sells shitty DLC for 20$ when CDPR gave more content with Witcher 3 for free and both expansions are bigger than entirety of BotW.
Really makes you think.