Which of these movies would make the best video game?
Which of these movies would make the best video game?
your suicide tape
"Let's take every animated movie we've ever made and remake it in live action. What could go wrong!" -Disney's strategy from now on
disneytoon studios untitled would be a cool game
>Toy Story 4
For me, it's the Incredibles
>only movie on that list you're looking forward to is The Incredibles 2
Feels good to have grown up.
>the Lion King
>live action
Disney has gone full retard.
I remember when Pixar had a perfect track record for movies, then Cars 2 came out.
Daily reminder that the comic book industry is slowly uncucking themselves leaving the video game industry as the sole megacucks of the world.
What's wrong with Cars 2?
A Bugs Life ruined their record a long time before.
Beauty and the Beast made 1.3 billion dollars in box office sales alone. I wouldn't call it dumb.
>he didn't like the seven bugurai
>ralph breaks the internet
kill me
>not frozen 2
Haven't grown up enough, senpai
The comic book industry is making themselves irrelevant because all people will remember a generation from now is the live action movies. They have successfully made comics even more 'geeky books for kids' than it was before, while somehow making general audiences okay with the movies. This divide is only going to grow until comics start to die once again. And then the super hero fad will die because there's no more source material except rebooting Spider Man and Batman for the 12th time.
>End Toy Story with a movie that isn't COMPLETE shit, and atleast has a solid rewarding ending of Andy growing up and giving up his toys
>"AAAHHHH fuck it lets do another!!!!"
>bought out by Disney and talent spreading out
It was inevitable
Is Disney reaching retard levels of JUST?
Untitled Han Solo story with upgradable wookie
They would be, except it's still printing money somehow.
There are people on this board that enjoyed star wars 7 and civil war. Consider that.
only one entity could be behind this...
Don't know if they're good because I haven't played them in a while, but The Incredibles got two games, one tied with the movie and another one about the Underminer.
I think the Underminer one let you play as Frozone, might have been coop too.
Ant-Man, I'd say. I can imagine a solid platformer/beat-em-up with cool levels because you're so god damned small.
Imagine this. Open world Frozen 2 game where you create sick ass ice golems and rain icy death on your enemies.
>Frozen 2
>Captain Marvel
>Mary Poppin Returns
>CGI Lion King
>Ralph Break the Internet
>Star Wars shit
This is a cancerous lineup. Only things I'm looking forward to is The Incredibles 2
>a one minute joke of a boring 2 hour movie makes it a good movie
You're a Disney fan alright.
What joke? Also
>implying you didnt want to fuck gypsy as a kid
The only actual live action I'd want to see is a Hunchback of Notre Dame movie. I'd kill to see a live actions musical of all those amazing scenes only without the mood killing gargoyles. Please, Disney. Give me a live action Hunchback of Notre Dame that doesn't suck.
But Hunchback has multiple live action adaptations already. And a Disney live action remake won't have all those musical numbers. They'll turn it into a serious telling of the story with maybe one song like Beauty and the Beast was. Then stick in a whole new cute mascot character just to sell toys.
The sooner people realize Disney doesn't make movies anymore, they make demographic mosaics, the better we all will be.
But maybe they will though. Maybe they'll actually make something good for once. I love the music in Hunchback of Notre Dame. But if they did make one I can only hope they don't ruin it by hiring a bunch of well known celebrities who aren't shit singers like they hired Emma Watson as Belle and they had to auto tune her voice to get her to sound decent. I really want Disney to hire actors based of their merit of acting and actual singing.
>I really want Disney to hire actors based of their merit of acting and actual singing.
You're going to be waiting for a long time. As I already said, Disney isn't making entertainment. They're making movies aimed at demographics and social media hype. If putting someone who can't sing at all into a movie will get more people to go to the theater, they'll do it.
This of course means they don't care about the long term. No one is going to remember these shitty live action adaptations 5 years down the line, let alone 50 years like the animated movies. But Disney doesn't care. In 5-10 years, they'll remake all the movies again. Continue the cycle forever until it stops making money.
Zootopia 2