Why aren't you playing GBA games on your hacked 3DS?

Why aren't you playing GBA games on your hacked 3DS?

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/iwldcjgsovo6j0z/Nameless FIreRed Project 1.02.zip?dl=0

because im not pirate scum

No particular reason. Maybe I should get around to playing Mother 3.

No SD card slot, no money to buy alternative methods to hack my 3DS if there are any.

Doesnt the image look awful if it's stretched to that screen? Is there an option to keep the resolution?

Because I prefer playing them on my flash cart. Pretty cool stuff either way, though. I hope you have fun with Fusion!

Same thing as a flash cart, duh

Because I'm playing them on my hacked PSP.

No, but same idea on similar hardware with software making up the differences.

Because I own an EZ-Flash IV and a GBA.

Arm9 chip can play gba games natively, there isn't emulation involved, aka, its not a software solution, its hardware.

I am user

Why do you want to have an argument about this, user?

Sure, it's so accurate that people have to make custom color corrected CIAs for the games to even display correctly

I have a GBA with games.

I had trouble getting it to work back in 2015 with rxtools because you had to install it on Sysnand and then Emunand or something and it never worked for me. I just got a GBA emulator for my PSP 1000. Given how I'm using Luma-Whatever now it'd probably stupidly easy to do it this time but I already play GBA games on my PSP so why would I bother.

Panel thing, not same as the gba of course, also autism.

the dpad sucks

I have a 3DS that can play GBA games

What firmware are you on? Get a friend to help you or go to your public library or something.

Holding select while launching a game does that, and includes a gameboy/ color/ advance bezel.

Well that's nice, I just play GBA games on my SP rather than on different hardware. Just feels better to control.

someone please get me this CIA to work dropbox.com/s/iwldcjgsovo6j0z/Nameless FIreRed Project 1.02.zip?dl=0

Ive been trying to convert this pokemon gba hackrom and it bnever goes well
In my closest try it just goes blackscreen after seeing those initial pikachu messsages in fire red

This isn't a cia user, its a ups file, and there is 2 of them.

I literally was just playing fire emblem 7 on my hacked 3ds, but tried it on my android phone with a MOGA and perfer it as a portable emulation device.

Myboy is a better emulator than my options on a hacked 3ds. It doesn't chug on the title screen for some reason or randomly crash, and also its free as shit if you just pirate it.

My sample size is one RPG so I don't know if the bluetooth controller will have a noticable input delay making it shit for action games.

Because I don't know what emulator to use.



just played zero mission on my hacked PiiU instead. Awesome game!

That's a gba file user, not a cia.
3ds can natively play gba games injected into a cia. Not emulator needed.

Updated to 11.5 and can't hack. Kill me

How do you do this injection thing?

Did you try that hack-rom before on an emulator user? Do you know its working fine?

I'm not a poorfag

Can I hack the New 2DS XL?

But I do, plays so much better than playing them on pc as a kid.

> implying there is a ""good"" way to acquire GBA games

It's Ebay or piracy.

Because I play them on my flashcarted SP.
But I do have my N3DS hacked and with a couple GBA games.

Because I already own a GBA and the 3 games worth playing on it.

It honestly looks fine. Better than gba games look in my DSlite.

is there a way to transfer my gba pokemon(or DS pokemon) to to SuMo on a single hacked 3ds?

I don't know what I'm even doing, that's why I'm asking.

Can you run them off the SD slot?

Last I checked DS games still couldn't, and I only have a 4GB card in the flash slot (which is full already because ds games are actually pretty large)

I am friendo;playing superstar saga.

Im looking into it, romhacks have issues trying to make them work on 3ds

I have, but I slowly realized that when you put like 100 games on your system you'll never play any of them for more than an hour or so

Not sure if it'll work, but can't you back up the Gba save, open it in a pokémon save editor, and then drag and drop the GBA pokémon to the SM save

Because I play GBA games on my superior GBA Micro


Someone knows about the status of the DS being emulated in the 3DS right now? Last time i Saw they were almost getting It to work...

i love the way pussy feels. sorry wrong thread


Remember to use this tool to fix the brightness and color and get rid of ghosting.

I just download fixed cias made by other people.

Because I already played those games to death, some over ten fucking years ago, and many on a hacked PSP. You are the cancer killing the industry you dumb youngfag discard

i have no 3ds

I'm not the romhack user, I just want to know how to do this injection you mentioned earlier.

>no option for GBA filter colors to make overly bright games look correct on non-original screens
>only darkness options make things look blue
better off playing on my Gameboy Player with GBI

Literally jus finished a session of FireRed

Cos I play them on my phone from which I'm posting

Not seeing the issue, you can just dim the screen from the home menu.

Still doesn't look right.

Looks better than my GBA sp.


seems like a lot of work,

is FireRed/LeafGreen worth it?

Because I have a lite

because i play them on my wii u instead

Why aren't you playing SNES games on your hacked Old 3DS, despite Nintendo telling you that you need a New 3DS to do it?

You mean there is a non shit emulator now?

Because I don't know how.

Because I collect gba games

Snes9x does 59.9fps on everything I've played.

but I am user
playing Mother with the fan translation
about to start what I believe is the final stretch of the game

step 1: follow 3ds.guide
step 2: get Ultimate GBA VC Injector
step 3: get ROM
step 4: make the .cia and put it on your 2DS
step 5: install it with FBI
it's retard proof. take it from me, I'm a retard

Because I can emulate them on PC.

Retroarch Snes9x? Or Standalone?
On 3DS, 2DS or New 3DS?