>crouching to shoot
Crouching to shoot
>default crouching bind is on C
>this is a bad thing
It is.
>F is interact
c is for retards
ctrl + spacebar is for patricians
>not using T for crouch
>not using W for sprint
>not using H for reload
>not using Mouse4 for interact
E is for right lean.
As it should be on games that haven't been cucked down for consoles.
>Manlet hands without a thumb that can handle space and c.
>sprint - SHIFT
>look around without turning - LEFT ALT
>interact with teammate - WINDOWS KEY
>prone - Z
>crouch - X
>full interaction map - ctrl + H
>radar style map - H
>speak vanilla - LEFT ALT
>speak into short range radio - CAPS LOCK
>speak into long range radio - NUM 9
>adjust gun sight distance - Pg Up / PgDn
>take out binoculars - B
>lean - Q/E
>compass - K
>nightvision - N
what's her name?
I live life on the bleeding edge & bind in to N.
my jumping bind for all games is V
after playing actual tactical shooting games like Onward or Pavlov in virtual reality, I can't see why anybody wouldn't want to crouch while aiming, especially with sniper rifles or something
crouching makes your aiming literally more steady and it makes you a smaller target
It also involves you sitting the fuck still making you easier to hit to someone that can actually fucking AIM.
You probably capitalize your letters with caps lock too you toggling freak.
>Crouching with "c"
>You can't custom bind the control
C is fine for toggle crouching (stealth games and other shit where you want to stay crouched long periods of time)
Shift is better for multiplayer fps where you absolutely can not take your fingers off wasd for the lengths of time you might need to crouch.
You don't mean Ctrl?
Shift is my sprint bind.
>name 2 games that do this
>implying you cant get around that with a simple ahk script
>aiming down the sights to shoot
What, you expect me to return fire while my aim is waving about all over the place?
Most of the console ports of course. Which other kind could it be?
Very clearly Arma.
>look around without turning - LEFT ALT
>speak vanilla - LEFT ALT
KILL yourself Marge.
c - crouch
w - walk forward
b - walk backward
l - walk left
r - walk right
s- shoot
f - feed more bullets into the gun
the console ports I've played have allowed remapping keys on kb+m. I use ds4windows to remap controller input or like I said ahk scripts can be set up to only work in a certain window. but I've never had to use one for crouching with ctrl.
>going prone reduces felt recoil
That's not how it works, that's not how it works at all.
>not using the ยง key
>using the caps lock key so its always at a random position when you go to type
C for toggle, Ctrl from hold.
But what is slow walk binded if not ctrl
>play csgo
>get told not to crouch because you'll miss if you do
>get told to crouch because you'll miss if you don't
Your first mistake was playing csgo
Is Shift not walk in CSGO? Haven't played it since launch but i'm almost certain it's Shift.
That's the point you retard. You shouldn't have to use third party software to fix shit.
That's why you shoot them before they see you
It depends on your connection and what gun you're using. People who always do one or the other are typically hacking
sure, you get what I'm saying though. pinkie for crouch when you need the three big fellas glued to wasd and the thumb on space for jump.
Was thinking of MGS and Arma but what ever
yeah but like I said I've only had to use that for controllers or if in city builders or grand strategy games
name me 2 games where you need a 3rd party tool to rebind crouch from C to ctrl.
>not bunny hop
It doesn't matter you're too slow. Just quit the game.
>not binding all of your controls to the same three buttons
>devs remake game
>game has now slow ass balistics instead of hitscan
>dont wanna change velocities
>u gotta crouch to shoot now bitch
guess the game, also rip
e is for melee you wanker
>not realizing that crouching can be a more stable platform to shoot from
v is for melee, stupid idiot
v is for teamspeak
u is for teamspeak
how the fuck you press U in the middle of a fireght or calling in your shots before you shoot?
easy gitting gud
By using a good "open" mic with properly set up tresholds so your mouthbreathing doesn't go through but talking does
>not using push to talk so you can choose when to be heard
do you even party?