Squirrel Girl set to replace Deadpool in MvCI

You don't want to play that crappy character anyways user
You want this character, she's funny she's snarky and she's way better than deadpool. She makes socially conscious choices and fights for women and the environment. There's nothing that you could possibly hate about here.

Besides all the characters are functions anyways. If you don't want to play as her I think the problem is with you and NOT the game.

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What the fuck is wrong with her face.

She got tumblr'd


That's just how REAL WOMEN look. You've just been brainwashed by the media that tells you that women should look attractive

Deadpool is a shit character.

marvel thinks hiring sjws who openly shun the status quo is the way to go.
Actually they're ahead of the curve. the MCU made comics mainstream, so now the old fans are being replaced by sjws who demand this shit.

We all know who should be in Marvel Vs Cacom Infinite.

Why do all the characters have a 8^o face

Did Tim Fuckley draw this?


i doubt theyd too many non-movie characters
and its not like the japs would use this shitty artstyle anyway
shed probably look cute if she was in the game like

I wouldn't even be mad if Squirrel Girl got in at this point.


I'll fite you m8

But they don't buy comics which is why their sales are tanking. At least DC got their act together with Rebirth

Oh wow it's that marvel character with downs.

I unironically only like characters because of functions. Is that bad?

>No Kamala in MVC.

I could see it happening since deadpool is stuck in the shit movie continuity

>liking Reddit: the character

Drawn by a western "artist".

Here, have one designed by the east.

>Disneys Marvel Vs Capcom

Superior squirrel girl.

Yep, that character that's older than you are sure is Reddit

ok gwen

I'd stick to the fake women then.

You joke, but I don't mind her, It's a fucking fighter
I welcome new characters

>mfw someone tries to convince me that deadpool was a good movie
for a film that's meant to make me laugh, the only part that got a chuckle out of me was the double mask. movie is a 5/10 at best

Now that is straight up beautiful

That's not Gwenpool

Same. This looks much better.

why does squirrel girl look like squirrel man

squirrel girl is actually awesome though

the new run isn't even that bad, it's just written by someone who's not a writer and drawn by someone who's not an artist

1. Source?

2. Why are you saying that she's replacing Deadpool specifically? They have nothing to do with each other. That's like saying she's replacing Wolverine or Storm or MODOK.

The sad part is that its from a phone game.

Deadpool's pretty good.
Batman's big with reddit too, but I don't see people calling him reddit.

She can eat my nuts any day

But Deadpool IS a horrible character 99 percent of the time. I actually fucking ENJOYED the Deadpool movie and even I think almost all of the shit he's in is just horrible.

she looks like the girl they're casting in her series

The artist apparently can't draw females for shit and justifies it as being that you're not supposed to find comic book characters attractive because attractiveness doesn't represent reality despite the book being about superheroes and SG herself coming off as the most godawful mary sue character since the "humor" in the book sounds like it came off your lesbian aunt's facebook page in a post about donald trump. There's a scene where she takles a stand against facism because she runs into people who live in Dr.Doom's country and it takes up 3 whole pages.

If that happens I'm dropping any chance i reluctantly give this game.

Not even kidding, I'll leave this game in the fucking dust and I'm the most forgiving on all the bull shit they've pulled so far.

If she does then fuck the game

he is lying she will be in possibly if the dlc focuses on tv show characters.

what the fuck's wrong with her mouth? she looks like a cabbage patch kid.

Of rather have Gwenpool

that's just comics though, theres a huge wave of shit issues for every character

come on, future fight is probably does the best out of all of marvel f2p games. their trailers are not bad. youtube.com/watch?v=P5B4wBGReMo

>it's just written by someone who cares more that the character is a woman first and a character second and drawn by someone who can get outdone by a blind monkey


like a squirrel girl should be

how is Gwen both Spiderman and deadpool now?

at least the fan art is better

pretty much. it's better to follow writers you like who tend to do pretty decent adaptations of characters than the characters themselves

Despite the pandering, sales are at an all time low. People are just not biting the SJW bait anymore. In fact, I dont think they shouldve started, especially since literally 4% of all readers even girls (and since gender means nothing on a survey anymore, that could actually be as little as 2%)

>Dr.Doom's country

Isn't that one of the most prosperous places on Earth thanks to Dr. Doom being a mary sue level genius?

I don't know I don't read comics. All I know from hearsay is that Doom singlehandedly transformed a shithole country into a super nation.

To be fair, Squirrel Girl used to be better than Deadpool before they ruined her with this shit.

>the new run isn't even that bad, it's just written by someone who's not a writer and drawn by someone who's not an artist

How does this work?

Gwen Poole, not Stacy

Do you have anything to back that up?

>Dr. Doom being a mary sue


whats this from? looks good

No love for Ms. Marvel?

Waypool is fucking trash and anyone who liked MvC3 Deadpool is a fucking idiot

>it's better to follow writers you like who tend to do pretty decent adaptations of characters than the characters themselves
I'm surprised there are people who do the latter
Wouldn't the book get better if you don't give your money?

>ms muzzie


>all the characters are functions anyways. If you don't want to play as her I think the problem is with you and NOT the game.

Deadpool is FOX right?
Disney don't want to promote FOX just like they wont use X-Men for the game, so instead we get her I guess, shes kinda obnoxious from what I've seen so maybe they thought that deadpool being obnoxious himself would make a good replacement.

Doom isn't even a fascist his country is a monarchy like Black Panther it's just that he hates Richards that much and looks stylishly intimidating

Doom will also be absent from MvCI because fucking Fox still holds the rights

She's cute though.


She's neither.

Gwenpool is a girl from "our" world who gets trapped in the Marvel universe somehow.

Realizing that she can't get killed off if her books sell well, she takes after two of Marvel's more popular characters (Spider-Gwen and Deadpool) in order to survive.

Do you cucks actually read this shit?

They don't own game rights.

I can't think of a more gay power/superhero motif. Like, what are her powers, to suck and eat nuts?


Disney doesn't want to advertise Fox owned properties which is why the X-Men are absent.

She was literally a joke character who would beat really strong opponents off panel as a jest. Then she got a fandom and people wanted more of here and now this is what we get for asking for more

That thing looks horrendous

That one looks generic as fuck. Its not as shit as the first one


doesn't matter. The CEO of Marvel is a petty motherfucking jew that will kill over his own shit if he doesn't 100% own it. It only took until recently that Disney was sick of his shit and got Spidey on loan.

Is this dota?

I'm sorry you're so serious you can't laugh at a comedy. Maybe next time get some friends/girl friend to go with and you won't be so salty.

I'm surprised fox would want to even acknowledge fantastic 4 considering how tainted the franchise is.

> Like, what are her powers

Talking to squirrels, being really strong, and having lips that taste like hazelnut.

I'm sure Fox is aware of how shit their F4 is, but they also own Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, Skrulls and Galactus cause of it.

>Game has baffling lack of quality in its previews and demos.
>suddenly introduces Tumblr-characters in the game.

Why does this happen everytime? Tumblr is like a curse that spreads bad quality on anything it touches.

Some weird meta shit.

so then why don't they do something right with the franchise like recast the f4 characters but make them cameo characters in an x-men movie like how spidey was in civil war and set x-men and f4 in the same universe or something.

Gee that's a lot of cultural appropriation in one picture.


Is there hope after all?


they're all just waiting until people have forgotten and then they'll repeat that cycle

It's fun when it doesn't shill reimagined versions of characters like Miles or FemThor

"Normal" people don't care about SJW shit, its just that SJW are so loud that some people think they are a huge group of people

>Is muslim
>no powers that cause her to perpetually explode

Why even exist?

somethingsomething acting retarded somethingsomething actual retards becoming comfortable here somethingsomething confirmation bias.


Gwen a cute


it's shit

the art is cute though but only when drawn by the japanese duo

I would care if was still cool, I don't.

Bill Nye got an Emmy nomination

They generally despise SJW shit, not because they hate minorities but because SJW shit is usually bad quality, boring and filled with cringeworthy material that makes you ashamed on the creators' behalf.

>recast the f4 characters but make them cameo characters in an x-men movie

They tried that, and Marvel cock-blocked them cause its some breach of contract or something.

It's a lot of petty shit being flung around, desu.

This artist has no idea how mouths work.

or anything really. Apparently the only people she's seen have their upperlips curled up into some retarded shape.

Yeah, and CNN won a Peabody award, which is this very prestigious international journalism award, for a documentary they featured that was created by an Al Queda propagandist about Syria and Assad. Al Queda is fighting against Assad by the way.

These awards are all far left circlejerks.