What fanbase does this image represent?

What fanbase does this image represent?

Bioshit finite

Grand Strategy Games

Sup Forums offtopic

Most moba players, you niggers aren't even in the top bracket so stop being faggots.

Miyazaki fanboys

Metal Gear tards


Smash Brothers


shitposters like you, OP.


tekken and people that say vr is dead


This. I have 2 friends who are super shit at most games cannot even grasp basic fundamentals and are flat out mashing braindead I CANNOT GET PAST HADOUKEN WAAA retards in fighters. But especially the first one claims MOBAs are the most skill based genre ever and does nothing but yell at his teammates on a daily basis despite not being near top level players.

The fanbase you like.

People who still play arena shooters


funny enough Mike Ross and Marn are horrendous with hundreds of hours in dota 2

Manchildren that still play mario kids games because "those games are age-less".

Moba fans.

Sup Forums

witcher 3
doom 4
those guys that think singleplayer games are obsolete
those guys that say things like "videogames aren't a hobby"

The word you're looking for is pretentious, op.

funny enough i don't know who those e-celeb faggots are and you're retarded for assuming i did.

fuck you you stupid cunt

video games

Non-Persona SMT fans


Have to agree with this.




I know the feel
I have a friend that swears he can get challenger if he plays more, nigga your in plat and can barely win games there stfu
He's also a pretentious douche who always tries to downplay whatever you do in the game, like he's a good dude on anyother game (even if he's shit) but on mobas he's a complete asshole

Dark Souls / Bloodborne

Dota, acting superiour to starcraft and lol while they get cucked by valve

The shitheads that can't let go of their precious 90's and early 00's nostalgia.

Some people are bad at some genres. The difference is Mike Ross plays like a loon in fighters and Marn is random incarnate and neither claim the genre is the smartest or to be scientists at it.

Although i think fighters are averagely smarter then MOBAs especially LoL they're very different genres and if a MOBA player thinks they can just pick up fighters and do well they're insane and vice versa.

>The word you're looking for is pretentious, op
OP here. I just wanted to know which fanbase hides their hideously deformed head behind a mask the most.

People who still think OOT>Botw

Zelda fans.

Pretending your baby tier game has a story and continuity is saf.

mike ross was well known before SF4 even blew up and he became an "eceleb"

It's a good game but some people definitely praise it too highly. No matter how good it is it's still an open world game, that's a huge flaw all on its own.

Metal Gear



People who give a shit about the Zelda timeline are their own smaller sect of the larger whole.
Name 1 good linear RPG.

My friend watches pro players and criticizes them despite raging at randoms in elo hell and only playing alone. Also one time when i criticized him on where he was at and probably just decent he said he could be a pro if he had a team.

Hes playing in silver/gold league level shit and genuinely believes he pro level. Hes such pitiful cancer and his excuses for being bad at fighters are so weak he couldn't even play SFV he couldn't even do standing 360s with Zangief and would get st jab into whiff them because he mashes so hard. They're the easiest they've ever been in that game and he'd make excuses about how the input was broken.

I genuinely find it tries to be too ambitious at some points and then just barely fails. But I can't deny that what it did right was very very good.

Anime fans

online message boards in general

All of them

I have this friend who plays League, and he shit talks people for being in Bronze despite the fact that he's unranked. When I call him out on it his immediate response is (Still better than being bronze :^))). This image suits him nice.

Bethesda's Skyrim Rerealeases

Generally a good game but NV fans have some serious issues, namely retarded fedora tipping Ceasar's Legion supporters, and people so overcome with wanking off to their own superiority for liking NV that they can't for example recognize that Bethesda's F3 has a better open world design.

people who can't into strategy/grand strategy


Don't you mean second post, faggot?

SMT fags

offtopic non-Sup Forums Sup Forums threads are objectively the best threads in this website

Dota 2 after the 7.00 patch.

Any group that uses what they happen to like as a superiority/inferiority identity thing

Why did you specify non-Sup Forums?

you think that because you're 16


Wait a second that card

Every single MOBA.

Fighting too.

BOTW fanboys

video games

Obsidian fans by far

Because he means deep sea threads, sleepover threads etc where everyone is getting along and funposting. Sup Forums threads are a giant flamewar.

fighting gaems
no exceptions

but is dead, vrfantard

Because there's nothing fun about amerisharts baiting other amerisharts
You won't fit in by reddit spacing, boyo

Any fighting game community

It was never even alive in the first place.


>new vegas is an rpg
Don't kid yourself, it's a shooter. They would've improved it by making the shooting more dense, and they could've done that by making it linear and restricting choice. Instead you've got a game with a ton of walking and not much to do until you get to some content dense place like a town or a vault or whatever. The freedom of choice in which factions you side with makes for some good replayability but it also makes for a game that takes forever to get to the point. Look I'll put it this way, immediately joining the brotherhood of steel on your second playthrough and sneaking around the edge of black mountain to bypass the deathclaws and reach the area around the strip is great, but at what cost did that come? The game still moves at a snails pace. It's a very well designed game, but its design and its mechanics are at odds.

89iq tier thread

People who get mad at anime on Sup Forums

>pick Brandenburg
>Ally Austria
>Eat up little duchies over time, never have to worry about fighting a defensive war
>Form Prussia
Wow, that was hard

You can complete the game with NCR or Yes Man without shooting or killing ANYONE. It is not a shooter-first.

Witcher fans. Offscreen, Wojack is grasping a Yennifer dakimakura.

PVP Souls

Witcher 3 fanbase

Would you post the scathing Wither/Gothic quest comparison image if you have it? I don't have it on this harddrive.

how literally ironically unironic

>system shock and ss2 fags
>grand strategy autists
>basically any weeb, especially the really nasty ones whose higher order brain functions have atrophied with their personal life
>Moba players, Overwatch players
>Dark Souls fans
>Monster Hunter fags who literally cant talk about the game due to their own dipshit ego
>any console poster

The 4X and Grand Strategy fanbase are the community's posterboys for how to mistake complexity for gameplay depth. To them a difficult question with a simple answer > a simple question with a difficult answer, which is a fool's trap I would hope most on Sup Forums understand enough to avoid.

Tfw several thousand hours in the genre and still agree

i made part of this wojak lel

someone posted the one with just the brain mask one, i edited in the small brain and made an OP on /r9k/ and voila, mainstream wojak

didn't mean to hurt your feelings

two popular fighter players are terrible at dota 2 with hundreds of hours played

>What fanbase does this image represent?

easy, final fantasy fags. every single game they sperg out and over react.


>dislikes system shock and grand strategy
>dislikes console users
Wanna know how I know you started PC gaming in the last 5 years?

people who cling to turn based rpgs

Surprisingly a fighting game player could probably pick up and be decent at a moba than vice versa. Mobas and fights share some fundamentals

>ITT: Games that I don't like

I'm saying that that's great dude, but i'm also saying that its great variety is what is hurting it. I'll put it this way, I thought The Divide, the most linear dlc in the game, was the best part of the game because it had a very strong focus on delivering fighting and storytelling in one very dense package. I'm not even saying that the game has to be a shooter but I feel it would have been better if they had focused on one thing rather than everything. It makes sense for them to focus on the combat though since the game is built upon the corpse of fallout 3 which had nothing going for it other than comical gore.


Everyone who browses Sup Forums.

Soul games

>Paradox games is all 4x/grand strategy