So it's being cancelled right?
So it's being cancelled right?
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No one cares? Everyone has forgotten its existence
I don't even remember what this was supposed to be. It was by MediaMolocule, right ?
I hope not... really want to dig into it
a more complex LittleBigPlanet, 3D focused (altought LBP is also 3D but you know what I mean)
Is this the game I'm looking at? Looks cool, but also like it's WAY too much work.
zbrush + game engine that's restricted but intuitive to use
probably or PS5
they said in one of their streams that their revenue plan is to have this be DLC based or something like that, so like asset packs
I think they're scrambling trying to figure out how to make this successful as there does not seem to be interest and project spark tanked, the game which was a shittier version of what this aims to be
What im understanding is their closing in on finishing the beta build but lack some key people their trying to hire as we speak.
As soon as they have the kind of team they need it wont be long before the beta is finally launched.
I hope at least.
yeah, it's basically a 3D modeling software and a game engine which is restricted and uses visual scripting, something like blueprints from unreal engine 4
you then share your creations and can also of course play other people's creations, their goal is to make it as intuitive to use as possible from what I understand, so no code, more like clay modeling things and doing very simple logic through visual scripting
I don't think this will take off though
You can go watch hundreds of hours of Dreams modeling / gameplay on the official channel
>but also like it's WAY too much work
Well, much like LBP you can simply consume content others make instead of creating it yourself. Although you don't have to make anything as complex as that if you want to have fun with the modeling tools. For characters you
can just grab the preset "skeleton" and it'll animate automatically (you can change the way it moves) and you can make a goofy thing if you have no skill, there's no need to be realistic or anything.
Personally I just want to model since I'm an artist, so the appela of it as a game is kind of irrelevant. I do wonder how they'll sell it to the average customer though
>Went down to Mm Brighton today to see studio and present latest build of Dreams to Shu and Michael-light at end of tunnel is in view!
They will most likely say something at either Paris Game Show or PSX. Release will probably be February 2018 at this point
I wish they'd showed something else than the create tools, like the story mode, regular gameplay
>I do wonder how they'll sell it to the average customer though
It's kind of funny because even with the first game they thought the whole creation aspect would bomb with gamers.
Yet here we are, now with even Mario Maker.
I sincerely hope they find a way to tie in Dreams creations into their future projects though.
>tfw another Dream shill
Are you excited user?
They story mode is being worked on last, they had to make a feature complete build first.
yeah but I'm tired of seeing the creation aspect, I want to some gameplay in properly designed levels
I love the handcrafted vibe the original LBP had, I wonder what sort of vibe dreams is going for
There was a stream like an year ago or so where they showed a bit of the story mode they were working on. It looked a bit like Clank gameplay from Ratchet & Clank games. As said though it's probably the last thing you'll see of the game.
Shuhei the qt squirting in dreams.
I've seen all the streams, I guess I either forgot about it or didn't see it as representative of what I'm looking out for
The creationist aspect is the main draw. The story mode is just going to be tacked on. As for gameplay modes/styles, they have shown off kart racing, soccer, twin stick shooter and a Pikmin-style game. MM also said to expect the gameplay making tools to be similar to LBP2
Sure but I've seen the shit out of the creation tools so I want to just see what sort of charm they're going for with the story mode
I love charm of LBP1 while LBP2 story mode was not for me
Difference is that Mario is easy to understand even for dumdums. It's a 2D platformer and nothing else. A level with a beggining and end. Even if you have no skill or imagination you can have fun by making a flat level with 50 random spikes thrown in and sharing it with your friends within 5 minutes.
Dreams has no genre and no planned path. Average people get intimidated and confused when presented with a huge blank canvas.
Also Dreams isn't a popular IP like Mario.
>I sincerely hope they find a way to tie in Dreams creations into their future projects though.
The tech is very impressive. I wonder if it can be mixed with tradicional poly engines to create bizzare creature and landscape meshes.
>tfw another Dream shill
Not really, I'm just casually following it. Prior to this thread I had no idea they were having problems or hiring, for example.
The racing track video is pretty fun looking and the big eyed monster they made reminds me of monsters inc. Super cute.
I have a hard time parsing through all the VODs on their channel, they're too damn long for me to sit through.
Can a nigga get a link to this particular one?
Dreams is lacking the charm that LBP series has, like the party platforming vibe.
>I wonder if it can be mixed with tradicional poly engines to create bizzare creature and landscape meshes.
Yes! I would be very surprised if sony doesn't leverage this in some aspect because the stuff MM is creating is absolutely insane. So many games struggle with DLC/communtiy created content that works across games yet MM handles it effortlessly.
They have an entire video based around creating atmosphere.
It's totally up to creators on whether they want that 'party platforming' vibe or something entirely different.
Problem is LBP was so limiting, which was also it's strong suit, it was focused as a platformer game.
It's a double sided coin.
I think the reason they've gone in the direction they have with dreams, is because people were getting so creative with the LBP2 engine. People were making pretty fucking good "games" in LBP2. There were first person games, there were action games, there were fighters, there were puzzle games, etc, all on top of that idiotically adorable platformer.
I hope they can find a focus for dreams that really gets a community rolling. I think there's still a chance for success.
I meant vibe they're selling
it so far comes of as just a 3D modeling software with funny dithering, yes I know it's technologically very different from existing engine but they're just not selling it as something very exciting to me
too unfocused, I kind of think it could tank because of it
The game allows you to use the playstation move to create stuff, so it would be wise to release it soon and capitalise on all the people who bought Move to use with PSVR and wondering if there's a regular game to use them with.
Maybe they'll also add Mouse support.
I agree. Working around limitations makes things more impressive in a way though, hence why a calculator in LBP1 is impressive while in LBP2 it's not and why the FPS in LBP2 is going to impress more than the FPS in dreams, not that this matters to the point I made
There are m/kb convertors for ps4
It looks like it will bomb hard and no one will care about it
Shame, looks interesting gameplay wise but it doesn't seems it's gonna be a success
Dreams is a waste of time and resources. I dunno what is it with Sony this gen, basically the only new IP of the company that took off was Horizon.
This will ended up being canned like that Santa Monica sci-fi and we wont have a molecule game this gen
agree, the only possible way they won't fuck up is if they manage to use this engine they created for some other game
>Dreams is a waste of time and resources.
The best way to revive this game is at psx. Show several trailers of different "games" at the end is revealed all those games are just stages in dreams crated by testers
"Beta available now" at the end of the video.
not him but they're spending a lot of time on something that will not be successful, but that's just what I'm predicting
of course I want it to do well but I'm not feeling it
Because after more of four years of work they still are nowhere near close to release it and aparently it wil rely heavily on the ps move at least to create stuff
It's a good thing that Sony relaunched the move for VR then.
I agree but you can also just use the controllers gyro to sculpt and it apparently is comfortable and easy, dunno if PS camera is necessary or not
Even if it isnt successful as long as its good then it wasn't a waste of time and resources
Vr is dead user it never stood a change
well financially anyway which is pretty crucial
I don't know, PSVR has sold over a million units so far.
Tobor? Is that you?
Can you imagine the loading times on this stuff?
LBP1 and 2 were bad enough. These look like they could take minutes to load.
probably to be honest, this shit is also compute heavy as they aim to save space by saving every object you create as the primitive shapes they're made of and then just compute that shit to create the object, basically saving every edit you create and then going through the list of edits to end up with the object you created, this saves space because everything is made of like 8 different 3D shapes so you only need to have saved data of those instead of any complex geometry, but it also means you have to calculate how all that shit fits together since you don't have the final complicated piece of geometry directly saved as an object
The guys who made the Move controllers and PSVR work at MM.
basically like this, feel free to correct if I'm wrong
I am going to make sooo many penises!
It will probably be shown at PSX in December. For some reason Sony withheld a few games from E3 to show at PSX.
>tfw making lolis and rubbing on them
and you'd just have one square saved on the hardrive and for that pic related shape you'd just pull that same square five times in different coordinates and scales, so all you need to have saved for that shape is coordinates for five squares and the scale of the squares and if they are negative or positive
>your player character is 100% sculptable and customizable
This game will be interesting.
What are you, retarded?
Not the game will become a franchise
if the game tanks it will not become a franchise...
Doesnt need to, what could you even do in a sequel
Are we just pretending the LBP sequels didn't exist?
nothing without making it more complicated, at which point it would just be a regular old game engine and stray away from their vision of having a game engine tier thing for people who aren't total nerds
lbp 2 added a completely different logic shit
LBP was a lot simpler
Do MM remove anything they think is offensive? I don't think they want their audience to see a bunch of dicks
a sequel for dreams wouldn't have anything to add to it
they said they planned to make it DLC based, to keep adding to the game, not making sequels...
But LBP was a clear cut platformer at least so it was an easy sell.
This doesn't really have any base game to latch the same model onto it. You have to have a good game before you add this shit into it.
this, they should either attach some focused game to this or sell it as gmod x1000, not as a be whatever you want to be artist fartist creator
Horizons the only new ip Sony has made this gen except for GT lite and the finally releasing that ps3 game.
Shame that company went that route instead of taking the driveclub tech and making Motorstorm better.
sony has made driveclub which you mentioned, order 1886, cancelled studio liverpool project, closed the studio too, KNACK!!!!! and