Mists of Pandaria was the best expansion since wrath but was hated because LOLPANDA

>Mists of Pandaria was the best expansion since wrath but was hated because LOLPANDA

>Throne of Thunder
>Isle of Thunder
>Krasarang dailies
>Timeless isle
[1. General] [Kooshdank]: Raretimer huolon

>raids were just one room after another with like 2 mobs inbetween each boss
>pvp was a shitfest

Still had lfg / lfr, cross realm, plus lackluster and easy raids.
I think people hated it for the same reasons they hated Wrath and Legion.

That's Vanilla.

>raids were just one room after another with like 2 mobs inbetween each boss
buts almost every wow raid

the only raid in the entirety of vanilla that can be described like that is onyxia, what are you on about

Blizzard think they slick...

they copied and pasted terrace of endless spring four times?

Gladis and highranked RBG player all say MoP had the best balanced PvP in Wow history also

>raids were just one room after another with like 2 mobs inbetween each boss

Where wasnt it like this besides TBC?

>best balanced PVP in wow history
>MW monk

Magtheridon' Lair
Tempest Keep

>Tempest Keep
Bad example Tempest Keep Trash took hours. And it was even worse because you would normally do Voidreaver and Solarian before Alar meaning Alar trash would respawn atleast once and you had to do it multiple times
tell me one expansion where it was possible to get highranking with more combos than in MoP

>defending anything after wotlk
you furry pandafuckers should be ashamed

Why do people keep making WoW threads? What's even the point of them? They should be banned like Minecraft and eceleb bullshit.

I like Pandaren, when will Blizzard give me a Pandaren wife?

this is the only wow thread on the entire catalog sperg

I don't give a fuck, I see them every day. Should be seeing ZERO WoW threads.

for being so mad about them you sure like posting in them

Because they're still here.
>Actually defending this garbage

post pandas

People didn't like MoP because of furry pandering get it?.

They hated it because of its irrelevant story and orcorcorcorc.

Comfiest fucking expansion though for sure.

Make your own waifu

orcorcorc was the kneejerk response to LOLPANDA tho. everyone bitched about pandas first.

wotlk had FOUR 'dragon in room' raids. Fucking four.

Malygos. Sartharion. Onyxia. Halion. Then there's the 'chamber of loot' raids aka vault of archavon and trial of the boss rush. Get the fuck out of here with that bloated shit.

orcorcorc is what Orclords of Orcnor was about though.

considering the next expansion, and arguably legion also feature orcorcorc, its not misplaced hatred
blizzard just cant write a decent story anymore

Blizzard could never write a good story

BC was the height of WoW. I don't know what happened after that or who was making the decisions, but it was on a steep decline once BC ended.

>And it was even worse because you would normally do Voidreaver and Solarian before Alar meaning Alar trash would respawn atleast once and you had to do it multiple times
Scared off some of the casuals looking for loot pinatas at least.

people are slow to return after a shitty expansion and cata had just happened, mop wasn't gonna be a huge success no matter how good it was, but mop was pretty good then you see wod sales were great


That South Park episode came out shortly before TBC dropped and then there were those tv commercials for WoW. I think there was an influx of people not accustomed to MMOs and their money started to steer design choices.

I never said good

>talents removed
>resistances and other stats removed
>scenarios replacing dungeons
>dailies out the ass

That's just the top of my head. MoP was just as bad as Cata if not worse in many aspects but Cata at least had the honor of having a great first tier before everything got nerfed and went to shit. mopfags are so delusional

Human on Panda is the purest love


They ruined Monk and Paladin. I have no desire to go back.

What? I dont even like mop and i dont know what youre talking about. The only raid like that was totes. The other raids looked pretty good. Some of the fights were mediocre but they at least looked great.
>pvp was a mess
You could say that about literally every expansion.

>neither of them are enjoying the panda show

They're gay for each other that's why

>Trial of the Crusader
That was when I quit. Yogg was the last boss I beat before leaving. I think I got out just in time.

>WotLK might have had quantity, but it sure as shit didn't have quantity.
had more quality than your posts

What was your favorite boss fight ever Sup Forums?

Mine was probably Zul'Jin before they turned ZA into a dungeon.

I got the mount the first day he was available on live servers. I always rode around on it too, but then I realized it's ugly.

>deletes his post from embarrassment from fucking up
How much of a newfag can you be?

the one in wod with the trains

Orc of Orccraft: Orclords of Orcnor's story was a direct continuation of the ass end of World of Orccraft: Orcs in the mist

The lore was shit and none of the raids were interesting. Plus MoP added titanforging and for that it will always be hot fucking garbage. This is a fact of life.

10/10 I raged hard. That instance was a buggy piece of shit and every fight was completely trivial because mechanics could be ignored or circumvented.

What an awful instance.

I remember numerous blog posts about how such a low portion of the player count ever saw the raids, so they wanted to increase that number. What the idiots didn't realize is that it wasn't just the difficulty of the raids that gated shitters, but all of the attunements and stuff leading up to them too. So questing turned to an AOE snoozefest. Same with dungeons. Bad players don't grasp the concept of CC or resource management. All of the best players leave the game because they feel alienated and can't enjoy it anymore.

I feel as though Blizzard was the original guinea pig for what a casual audience would do. They found that despite making raids more accessible, the casual market still dropped at a high rate. They might have seen some of the easier parts of raids, but in general it just did not matter. Bad players are bad because they don't care to learn or try. So now all of the hardcore fans have ditched. The community then suffered. Queue the facebook-style trendy minigame stuff they added in a desperate attempt to snag that casual market even more, since it's all they had left. When that wasn't as successful as they'd hoped, they came back with a promise of "we're going to make the game rewarding and hard again, please give us another try" but they had already dug their graves. They were stuck developing for their core fan base by order of the executives. The few that did come back realized nothing had changed and just left again.

From Vanilla through the end of Cataclysm I was a member of various world-top raiding guilds. I remember reading all of those forum posts where people would mock anyone saying WoW is dying, and how they should cry more that they can't be special snowflakes with rare gear. Then seeing Blizzard stop reporting player counts, more and more casual-centric systems... I just left. I haven't logged in or even had a desire to since then.

thunderforge/warforge was a chance at like 4 extra ilvl and was fine, it's legion titanforging that's fucking garbage

valor ilvl upgrades were the real bullshit that they only added to pad a year of SoO

Then why even go to the show?

game lost its magic once LFG system was introduced, which is in late WOTLK.
cataclysm ended it all with retarded story, redesign and lack of content

>it's legion titanforging that's fucking garbage
Where do you think they got the idea for it? MoP was a testing ground for how much shit they could get away with and all those bad decisions have persisted since. Everything's an absolute fucking treadmill now and you're never fucking done with anything, we have fucking pandas to thank for that.

This. WoW didnt die because of just fuckup or bad mechanic. No, it took a constant and sustained effort and mountains of stupid bullshit like crossrealm, LFR, etc. combined to finally put it down. They could have easily put the game on autopilot and coast for a decade with 10 million subscribers if they just kept the BC-WotLK design and tierization. But no, the textbook managerthink and greed struck "okay, its good that we have an order of magnitude more players than our second largest competitor but what if we had MORE players!" So they decided to attract in all the casuals and failed hard because Timmy McKeyboardturner wont stick around for five years playing the same game, he will 'beat' it by reaching max level, maybe dicking around in the easiest raid getting carried then leaves within weeks to play Generic Shooter 4

It kills me to know that it took so much effort to kill something that could have been so fun with so little effort. After the retardation that WoD and Leejun was I gave up hope completely. I refuse to believe someone in Blizzard isnt running a Springtime for Hitler scenario. Every single one of their fuckups have been pointed out within days or HOURS by testers yet they go live after months and fuck up the game even more beyond belief and they have to scramble to hotfix something everyone with half a brain has seen coming

MoP made most people unsubscribe, leaving only a core community of furries.

If they didn't unsubscribe from Cata they were already retarded

If you watch their developer commentary on Cata they mention the entire reason they revamped the whole world was because the majority of people that quit the game didn't even reach level 20. The entire revamp of the world and casualization was to bring in new players but not just new players, the dumbest mouthbreathers that needed this game to hold their hand. It still perplexes me that they think people quitting before level 20 somehow means grounds for making the entire game dumbed down, did they ever think those people just didn't like the genre or the game in general? They actually thought the leveling system was too "archaic" and difficult for the average person.

What's even more fucking hilarious is that wow already had like 10m+ subs at this point and they STILL felt the need to pander to the casual audience just so they could make even more money even though they never expected wow to ever exceed 1m+ subs in the first place. They jew greed was the downfall of the entire game--- what a surprise this happened right after the Activision merge :^)

In their defense, cata actually started out sorta promising. The dungeons were hard, you couldnt just aoe shit, no free epics from dungeons,the zones looked awesome, the new raids were fun, and the concept of remaking the world was actually pretty neat. Then it all went to shit and all the shit they already added started smelling even worse.

>the fun journey of levelling is to ardous to newcomers!
>lets make it a tedious, boring, meaningless slog!
>yeah, that'll teach them!
>fuck, its even more boring now!
>I know! make it even more boring, tedious and meaningless by speeding it up so nothing really matters! its just a mandatory grind where you will encounter no newcomers only retards in heirlooms blowing up shit by looking at it!
>wait, youre an actual moron and gave a shit about the world and the story? fuck off, dont forget to abandon every zone three quests in because you have already outleveled it, LOL!

Leveling was NEVER a fun journey. Go fuck yourself.

>go on Elysium
>start a new character
>have fun because levelling, trading, crafting and getting stuff actually matters
>planning ahead and travelling efficently actually matters
>being well stocked with buff food, scrolls, enchants, engineering shit, elixirs and potions actually matters
>social as fuck, youre constantly meeting and playing with actual players, not some nameless bozos from another server

11 years later its still a fun journey.

the way expansions heaped on more levels and skill points never worked well with leveling but instead of thinking about how old content should fit into the game it was bandaid after bandaid until $60 character boosts

Because instead of making a proper game with properly integrated expansion content they just releaseda separate new continent, jacked up the itemlevels and called it a day. Thats no way to develop an MMO, the entire problem could have been nipped in the bud if they gave the slightest fuck about it.

looks like someone NEVER had friends