ITT: Vidya robots you want to get the fuck into
ITT: Vidya robots you want to get the fuck into
is this thread about boning vidya robots?
That all depends on how you define getting in the fucking robot
that's not a robot, it's an exosuit, retard
It's too big for that. It's a mecha if anything
Mecha are like 60 feet tall and would be many times bigger than the colossus, how is that thing a goddamn mecha?
Always wanted to pilot the unicorn gundam.. too bad it ain't real and never will be
Ever heard of mini-mecha?
I would love to get in this.
>get stuck on the smallest pebble or uneven ground
i want to get the fuck into this robot nigga
Armored Cores are mecha and are only roughly 30 feet tall.
Source?? What game is that?
I'm pretty sure that robot is going to be the one getting into you.
Reploids are totally my jam.
yeah why not
That's even better.
>ywn drain curly's fluids
why live
Mecha come in all sizes
this show sucks dick
Any bipedal machine in which you sit inside a cockpit and control the machine via controls is a mech.
Power armor is any machine in which it encases your body like a suit.
Mettaton isn't a fucking robot he's a ghost in a metal body.
>shitting on Votoms while posting some anime garbage
I wish I could hate you to death.
pretty sure they're bigger than that in the cinematics
No, he's a full-on robot now.
Fusing with the robot body made him completely anchored to the world, he's no longer a ghost.
If he WERE a ghost still, he wouldn't be killable in the long run. Same thing happens to Mad Dummy in Genocide - he gets so mad he bonds to his dummy properly, but can die because he's no longer a ghost, he's a dummy.
Napstablook on the other hand, is 100% invincible.
still, kinda has a robot body
Fuck you.
Literally every titan from Titanfall
>ywn cover your dick in Curly's warm, viscous, self-lubricating, non-toxic hydraulic fluids
I pray that robowaifus become an achievable feat of engineering within our lifetimes
All of Titanfall 2's Titans but mostly best girl NorthStar.
Can't argue with that, I am gay for Mettaton
This, except replace NorthStar with Scorch and you got yourself a fucking Toitan
>Draw a human
>Call it a robot.
Official art shows that she's supposed to have visible joints, but most artists don't give a shit.
Given the relative obscurity of the game, I take what I can get in terms of fan art.
>cut it in half
>it just switches to a different mode
The absolute best
Which Armored Core is the best one? Is V worth getting? I got interested in them a while back after playing some EDF 4.1
>official art
That's not official art, you fucking retard. That's art commissioned by Nicalis, who didn't make the fucking game.
Try looking at how Pixel actually drew Curly, dipshit.
>gatekeeping this hard
>in a thread about wanting to fuck videogame robots
Any other answer just feels wrong
If it was commissioned and accepted by the publisher, does that not make it official? (maybe not original, though) It's on the physical release cover(s) after all.
I do still have a bunch of fan art with robotic joints
This is also a bit of an ass-pull reason but low resolution -> less detail.
Technically, it's maybe not the topic OP was thinking of but it seems he's gone along with it so w/e
Of course waifufags ruin threads
>vidya robot
If we're talking strickly vidya maybe EX Troopers mecha
If we're allowing mecha that appear in video games than TURN A
Just play 3 then SL.
Only play Last Raven after youve completed Nexus.
V is ignorable, Verdict Day is alright, but the MP (the main focus) is dead outside of Japan, so youd have to get a Jap copy.
The original is bland, MoA is the best of the original 3. Don't have much experience with PP.
2 has a decent learning curve, it's a good place to start. AA is an expansion to 2.
3/SL are widely considered the best of the ps2 games.
Nexus is decent but has some goofy balance quirks and it's the first with a modern control scheme.
LR is a ball twister.
AC4 and ACFA are the first two on ps3 gen, ACFA is really good but it plays differently than the older games.
ACV is not that great and skippable as it's MP focused and dead as shit.
ACVD is similar to V but better. Still dead outside of japan, which requires a jap copy. These games play differently than any other the other AC games as well.
seconding this.
And not just a titan, but Legion specifically. He looks like he'd be comfy to pilot
>bird legs
>square missile racks
>vulcan gatling
>can fly
That's clearly not a Vulcan.
Okay whatever, still it's a gatling and that's pretty sweet
>no weapons
best bot
Never seen Terminator?
>not a weapon
>third post
Surprised it took this long, really.