Get in here slav bros.
How you holding up?
What ya playing these days?
Thirld World Gaming thread
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean second world?
they finally cracked denuvo, so I dl football manager and total war warhammer and warhammer barely works on low. being poor feels like shit
I feel you so deeply comrade. Just learned that they cracked forza horizon 3, downloaded it and can barely squeeze 60 fps on lowest possible graphics out of my 2013 rig
Been playing some Morrowind lately.
Been playing gwent whole day long.
Gonna ponder about kms now.
how many people from the balkans even post on Sup Forums?
During /vint/ times, there were a sizeable number of balkanites.
what would Sup Forums be like right now with flags?
I'm one.
Ukr here. Playing shit ton of games cos I escaped to western urop and used my degree to get a cool job.
been playing verdun lately, just played diablo 3 with some muricans
gibe money
>3rd world
3rd world is Africa and some parts of Western Europe.
you stupid fucking nigger
Just finished Sniper Elite 4. Also playing Miku.
>tfw you buy and pirate more games than you have time
Send help.
What the fuck are you on about?
Is this the new Sup Forums thread?
>using outdated cold war definition
Get with the times, gramps. 3rd World just means poor, and it's meant that for nearly 30 years.
From there, but living in the West now...
Making good use of the welfare, as you can see.
How much do you get?
How ?
>Third world gaming
>Only slavs
Well that sucks. The only thing that's shitty living in a third world country is the internet speed.
What? I got 120Mbps flat internet, TV and landline for package for $32 in slavland.
>What ya playing these days?
Za dom spremni.
I'm currently in the middle of my multi-year effort of finishing my old game backlog, be it emulated or old PC, it's gonna take a while.
Problem is after 2-3 games I finish I get the urge to replay some old classics.. Gothic, HoMM, Baldur's, etc
So a multi-year effort might turn into a decade old effort.
>What ya playing these days?
Disgaea PC.
In true Slavic spirit, Disgaea D2 (PS3) is perfectly emulatable now even on relatively crappy notebooks, but mine is even crappier and gets about 13FPS in the castle (which is where you spend a lot of time in these games).
PC port of a 2003 game it is!
Shits all over Overlord and I dare say even Dungeon Keeper as far as evil guy strategy games go.
>third world
>ex-ussr + ex yugo
Your education is third world.
Fuck off
Serbposter here
I wish i could play overwatch instead of paladins
>likes cancerous games
Checks out.
The fuck outta here with that welfare shit. My family came here because there was no work back home. \
Your family left 'cause they were literal traitors.
Why aren't you living in the Balkans, getting paid directly by the country in the public sector, living a piss easy life free of responsibility with literally no way of getting fired?
Balkans banzai
I smell a fellow brother uhljeb.
Call my country with that "third world" meme and I will kurwa you back into Russia faggot.
Think Serbia and Croatia will ever wage war again?
Slavs are the white niggers of Europe. Subhumans.
At least they're white.
A. It's wrong
B. It doesn't apply anymore
cool outdated map
>American education
You are lucky that your country is runned by jews and chinks.
Just imagine americans run america lol
Ironically Slavlands got at average better internet speeds than USA, Canada or the god forbidden spider island Straya.
Ask for a HDZ membership card.
How does it feel to live here? Is there anything cool to go and see? What about the women?
Never met any person from here while playing a video game.
So how do we get Tito back?
>1gbit/s for 7,7$/month
actually it's other way around
polack here
pic real are games which i play for now, my pc burned down so shit laptop is all i got left
also i need to finish nekopara trilogy
Good except being poor, everything is close and there's a lot to see, women are great, they just use too much make up.
Like everywhere in the world, unless you got a job that can pay rent/utilities it's shit.
Got your own flat/house? You're golden.
We don't need them here. Send them to Kazakhastan or something.
Yeah, for a whole lot of good it does for them. Ukraine is a bigger shithole than Congo. S*rbs are filthy genocidal subhumans.
Slovenia, Czechia and Slovakia aren't even real countries, just Austria, Germany and Hungary lite respectively.
If all Slavs disappeared from the face of the Earth, nobody would notice they are missing.
Bulgaria reporting in. Getting my shit pushed in by Hollow Knight
Calm down little brown boy.
I HATE ALL of you. you suck, you don't know english, you throw the game because your life is shit
mostly talking about russian and their offspring countries
So Serbia?
What mean you?
I speak perfect English on any server I am on. The few times I said I'm from Russia people starting being aggressive towards me, so I no longer reveal where I'm from.
moldova and romania have 1000mb internet speed
only west Ukraine is white and Poland lite. east is armenian, tartar mongrels and other garbagr
dindu nuffin
I'm Western Euro you Sl*vic filth. Your kind was still living in stinking mudhuts for as long as history had existed. Even now you're being holed up in crumbling, moldy commie blocks.
Quick! You have 10 seconds to name ONE, ONE Sl*vic country that isn't a complete shithole and has comparable wages and living standards to Western Europe.
Oh wait you can't, because Sl*vs are subhuman and have never ever built anything of value. You were never considered to be white. Hitler was right all along for wanting to cleanse Europe from your taint.
EVERY FUCKING F2P or cheap game. there is 100000 russians who don't communicate in a team base game. they either suck or throw on purpose because muh russian patriotism
Oh great now you made Tyrone mad
>buttmad brown skin trying to D&C whites by larping as a euro
go make a turd world Latino gamer thread.
Like 3/4 of the good looking porn stars are slavettes, you might want to rethink your statement.
Post vidya that was made in your cunt
>Quick! You have 10 seconds to name ONE, ONE Sl*vic country that isn't a complete shithole and has comparable wages and living standards to Western Europe.
I see you are unable to respond in a meaningful manner. Thank you for proving me right.
no one cares, shitskin.
The other one that people might recognize
you're an idiot and don't know that every f2p game is under thousands of thousands br and rus kids with shit net and toasters because those are free games and can run on anything for fuck sake
if you can't deal with it why do you play f2p games? because you can't afford it or pirate it?
fuck off nigger, go back to
at least it's playable
You three retarded idiots.
Where are out from, child? Out of curiosity. You gonna chicken out and not answer?
>some parts of Western Europe
What? Literally all of Western Europe is first world, retard. Even fucking Spain and Austria.
Yeah, you are right. I'm sorry. These niggers aren't even worth it.
Bit too "first world" for my tastes bruh
>1st world
Play real games.