Is it true that the ripoff of OW is superior to OW?

Is it true that the ripoff of OW is superior to OW?

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OW's characters are boring as fuck compared to Paladins'. The "reinhardt" ripoff in Paladins is both a frontline and a flanker.

Post flanknando

that video is flanknando

Paladins is pretty generous with tits/ass

Would definitely still be playing paladins if it had the same amount of polish that overwatch does.

All of the paladins heroes feel viable compared to Overwatch's stale, tri-month metas.
Not that I play either at this point


It's not like paladins is amazing or anything but it's better than overwatch in almost every single way. The maps aren't all total shit, the characters are more mobile and have more interesting abilities, and the devs actually add new content aside form skins at a reasonable rate.

>All of the paladins heroes feel viable compared to Overwatch's stale, tri-month metas.
Yea, funnily enough a Paladins LAN just ended today and a Chinese team got to the finals simply by virtue of their off-meta composition.

They shit on what was considered #1 or #2 best team in the world with what were considered mediocre/weak picks. Though an NA team beat them in the finals because they were a one-trick pony.

Paladins champions are pretty dynamic and it makes for some interesting meta.

ITT: Hi-Rez shills

Fuck off Hi-Rez

>tfw I'm genuinely upset that Paladins is dismissed off-hand and wish people recognized its superiority

>Buck will never be good

watch the video made by Rags about the games. he isn't a chill for either side.

He should never be.
His VA and design warrant being mediocre forever.

>Not digging the dudebro VA

You gay or something?

Paladins is free mac and cheese. Overwatch is $40 bacon mac and cheese.


I don't care, fuck off hi-rez

>Balance should be dictated by character design instead of what is balanced

You can also read it as I personally do not give a fuck about a character that is completely unappealing to my tastes

buck just shit on kids at the latest tournament

Must have been a clutch then, because he is objectively the worst flanker in the game.

Has more depth and is free. It's lacking polish but it is a good middleground between TF2 and Overwatch

>wanting reinhardt to be a dps as well

yeah, it's not as if he was on top of the meta until mid-season 4, you don't even know what you're asking for in wanting a rein to be a flanker as well

Paladins is fun but please fuck off Hi-Rez shills

He is nowhere near as bad as Skye.


Wew lad, glad skye mains got dicked long ago.
The initial release of the game was beyond shit due to her.

At least Skye does decent damage. Buck can have Entanglement, hit the net shot and still hit 600s at point blank range.

Did Seris finally get a skin?

It's more of a ripoff now than it was in the closed beta, but it's mostly just garbage nowadays.

No. Overwatch is for ass fetish. See Widowmaker
Paladins is clearly for big tit fetish. See Ying
Now that's out of the way when the fuck is a Ying and Widowmaker blender/SFM webm. I just want to see Widowmaker's fully detailed asshole getting rammed while Ying slowly reveal her big fucking tits and smother it on the cam pov style.

Played it for the Ares skin for Smite but it has its own merits
Not the kind of game I would PLAY play though

Ah yes, you didn't even TRY to look into the meta exactly and why it involved reinhardt. What part of reinhardt made it meta, more like mandatory?

His shield.
His rectangular shield made him mandatory.
In the cramped, narrow path offered by the beautiful map design of Overwatch, his shield is a must-have. Focus fire in Overwatch is strong which makes his shield Vital to his team.

He is not picked for his mere 75 damage in which he is forced in a melee range.
He is not picked for his firestrike, small hitbox and slow projectile for 100 damage.
He is certainly not picked for his Charge, long wind up time, slow, and easily avoidable.
His ult? Well, it is one of the problematic elements of him: powerful CC of 3 sec with a long range that is practically uncounterable.

You should fuck off far away back to r/overwatch cause you don't understand at all what you're talking about, you just saw a tierlist and said "welp, reinhardt is OP"

It's pretty fun but gets messier with each new character added

Orisa, another rein, or winston bubble counters his ult
You aren't entirely wrong though

Forgot to post her Boa Hancock emote buddy.

I've looked up some employee reviews on Hi-Rez
The reoccuring complaint is that the CEO is a manchild and that he constantly has them scrap their progress if he dosen't like it. So I find it belivable that this guy just decided to rip overwatch. The guy sounds like real life Micheal Scott.

jesus christ reddit just got fucked

Hi-Rez is a garbage cash-in company that will inevitably add in P2W, they literally bank on bait and switch

>I've looked up some employee reviews on Hi-Rez
which site? i've heard of it but forget what it was called

Glass door is a fairly reliable go-to, but I believe it requires membership for in-depth reviews now.

Reddit just got BTFO

They already have. You get cards out of RNG chest and the cards are the games most unique mechanic. They're the things you use to buff your character and change up how they play.

Pretty much this. Cards are your biggest source of power and card crafting is awful in this game

It's really only the legendary cards that piss me off. 10k takes way too long to craft for something you shouldn't have to craft in the first place.

Yeah but then you get into stuff like builds that take two or more cards that cost 5k to craft or you're opening chests and getting cards for heroes you will never fucking play

Going to need to be convinced. How good is the T&A for Paladins?

Also are all heroes free or is this some grindan bullshit?

you can sell cards for essence.

Grindan or $20 for all of them forever.

There's a ton of T&A.

Sell the cards on all those heroes that you'll never play

I never said any of the things you accuse me of dumbass, of course Rein was the only real maintank back in these seasons because of his giant 2k hp shield

what the other guy was saying that he should be a dps/flanker ON TOP of being the only real maintank, which I disagreed with. rein alredy used to be mandatory he didn't need even more reasons to be so, that was what I was getting at

instead you've completely sperged the fuck out and went on strawmanning a list of shit I've never mentioned and accuse me of going to a website that is even worse at this game than this shitty vietnamese fisher appretiation forum, I've got better things to do than to explain past metas to you sniveling platinum fucktards

>his rectangular shield
why is that important? do you jerk off to bathroom tiles as well?

>samefagging in 2017

They're all mostly locked
But the grind is easy
I've unlocked all except 2 in the 2 months i've been playing

Pretty good collection of cute, I need a can opener for Ashe to be 100% sure. And yeah, it's grindy, you need gold to unlock new heroes

You think I did not? You think hi-rez gave me a decent trade on them? Gamestop tier

Paladins is a tits and bare midriff game. Overwatch is for ass lovers.

Go play UT, you cucks

You sound like a completionist. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I've only played this game for a week and I've already acquired everything I wanted for frontline, healing, and damage.

post the barefoot girl

> Redditor mad that he has been BTFO

Unreal engine is shit


So, which is the most retarded, left-click hero?

Input lag even at low settings
Overwatch, Paladins and Quake Champions runs better than this shit

what the fuck am i reading

you forgot thighs as well

Reddit is so fucking MAD that he got BTFO by logic

Extreme grindan bullshit. First you gotta buy a character (Devs increased the price of all of them in the last patch ;)), then you need to buy rng boxes to get cards for the new character that you just bought but oh wait you just spent your gold on that character so you can't afford any rng boxes. More grindan for gold, now you can finally afford 1(one) rng box, you open it gives you 3 items (4 if you buy our booster!) these items will most likely be common cards and you'll be lucky if they're for the character you bought because there's no lock out or anything to stop you from getting cards for a character you don't own. So now in your average scenario you have 3 cards that you don't need or want right now and still none for the character you're interested in.

Well guess what you can break those cards down! Of course you don't get what they're worth if you were trying to make them yourself so if there's even a slight chance that you might play that character in the future you're taking a loss by breaking it down. But hey let's say just for the scenario that you know you'll never play those character or use those cards so you break them down, congratulations you now have 750 of the card crafting currency. Now you only need to do that 14 more times to get enough crafting currency to unlock a legendary card of your choice and of course these are the strongest cards in the game, they're called legendary after all, these cards pretty much make or break a character in most situations you'll have to buy a new one for every character you buy and on some characters you'll probably want to have 2 of them.

That $20 doesn't even save you from the majority of the grind by the way

Paladins runs on Unreal Engine 3

>Paladins runs on Unreal Engine 3
So Hi-rez is better at optimizing the UE than its creator?

Which paladin is the best for playing as a healslut? Ying or Seris?

seris is the best healer in the game currently

>Input lag
You can hang yourself now, idiot


Mal Damba is the ultimate healslut. The snake is female so it counts.

>playing this and not Overwatch which has sold the most copies of any game ever in the world


Ying for healslut
Seris for combat healer

>You don't have access to every character by default
>You have to lock in as one character before a match starts
>There is no ability to switch during a match

These are the big things that prevent me from truly enjoying Paladins, because everyone I play with wants to instantly lock in as Kinessa and Maeve and proceed to do fucking nothing. At least in Overwatch you can give people a chance and then switch to pick up the slack or hope that they'll switch, in Paladins it's literally a coin flip if you're going to win or lose based entirely on what bullshit your teammates pick/how bad they are at playing their characters.

it could be but hi-rez is lazy and unoriginal
they can't think of cards that aren't "do more damage" or "less cooldown" and things among those lines
even the new character's abilities are just shoot harder/ shoot more people with one shot
i don't understand if they have a plan of things or they are just this fucking retarded

Fuck, that's what makes Hearthstone and similar games cancer.

Why do so many devs use this anti-consumer design for their drops?

It's the same kind of piece of shit.
You are bound to have more fun staring at a wall than playing these two turds by companies that have never had any idea of what makes a game fun.

>the most copies of any game ever in the world

>He doesn't play Makoa or Tyra


>Overwatch is for ass fetish
But they barely have ass.

You could also play Team Fortress 2, a decent game unlike the other two, plus it's not played exclusively by retards who are figuring out what WASD does.




What kind of fucking retard "digs" bad VAs?

Neither do, the manchildren who play these pieces of shit think 14 year old tits and non-flat ass is GOAT.

Because they have drones that will defend anything they do, and their only goal is to pull in some dumb whales that'll dump thousands of dollars into the game.

Based Hirez with a gift for the femdom crowd.

>unreal engine sucks
>paladins plays better

What did he mean by this?

>wrecker, cauterize, and resilience are still fucking busted
fuck off

It's a competent 1:1 ripoff of Overwatch. The only thing that might make it better is it's F2P but it also doesn't have the level of polish Overwatch has. The presentation feels cheap in comparison.

Paladins has good gameplay but it really lacks polish. The voice acting and sound design are shit and the graphics are awful. I don't think it will get any more popular unless it fixes those problems.

>non-flat ass is GOAT
How is this a fucking problem

t. dunkey

I had no idea she was so fucking stacked until the Summer update

dunkey must be a smart man.

it looks like they increased her bust size for that outfit desu.

No, what I mean is that neither Paladins or OW character has anything special to them, it's just horny neckbeards who would get a boner for anything that resembles a human.