What am i in for?
What am i in for?
get the original for christ sake warband is a broken laggy mess GET THE ORIGINAL OP
Getting your dick wet in this game is harder than getting laid in real life.
The buttery path to grindworld
Also butter
Try 1257AD or D'Aigle if you get bored with vanilla.
I will drink
Getting your party killed and you ride around the enemy taking pot shots at them with a crossbow and a sword while you are the last one alive. If they have javelins then prepare to die
a game breaking bug that will leave you unable to finish it after you spend 100s of hours expanding your right to rule
Playing hide and go seek with letters
perfect description
Less talking, more raiding.
Someone will drink from your skull
A great concept of a game that's ultimately ruined by a lack of depth/real story
>needing a story
What the fuck is wrong with you?
user you make your own story
Load a different module then.
>Not roleplaying a swadian butter crusader as you eliminate all the slavs and sand niggers
Killing bandits for money
spend money on tournaments for more money
use money for dyeworks in every fucking city
spend 300 hours in war until every city in the game is yours
most people stop bothering and try out mods halfway through and then never play the normal singleplayer to completion
Play Rune Coon Chimpout
What is the best nation?
sarranid 4 lyfe
why the fuck do you need a story?
Doing tourneys
Getting bored
More or less pic related.
sleep session
>Doing tournaments to get invited to feast
>Dedicating your victory to a lady
>Trying to get your dick wet
>You get cucked eventually and start from square one
Rinse and repeat
Get Nova Aetas or Floris and enjoy
>shitting on half-finished games with playerbases strongly rooted in autism
>not insta marrying anyone you want after you get 3 fiefs
The second one is going to feel just as barren and shallow.
kill yourself please
I did this once and I almost turned gay. Had to stop playing it.
Diplomacy is literally the only mod you need. Dickplomacy is good too if you disable the degenerate parts.
Absolutely lol to both
As long as it adds some more tools to enhance modability, I don't give a shit if the base is dull
Why is it that dickplomacy was removed from nexus and moddb?
Combat mechanics and variables that are fun at first but quickly become stale. A shallow skill system. inane, repetitive dialogue from copy-paste NPCs that will keep you thoroughly unimmersed. Basic mechanics of the game that govern the economy and field ai not working correctly. Lords arbitrarily summoning 300 soldiers from the ether 5 minutes after defeating them.
Is there a new version? It's still up on moddb.
Any tips on how to amass 300 and up soldiers without raiding every town? I don't care about slow movement, I just want to march around and show my dick to other kingdoms.
if they are all mounted units you'll be pretty quick
]spoiler] it would take you YEARS to get enough renown for 300+ armies [/spoiler]
I can never seem to break the 80~ troop threshold as I only encounter groups of 20 or 200. What do I do? Just follow lords around on war campaigns?
this tbqh
install Floris
Only reason to get original is so you can play the Gangs of Glasgow mod, Jef(no second f).
How different is it to vanilla?
I will never understand people's qualms with Floris.
one of the best games ever in my opinion. the combat is absolutely fantastic. two tips, try playing in first person. lots of people hate it, but I can't play the game in third person after I got used to it. second, when you have a lance on horseback (most likely in a tournament early on) press x before hitting your enemies rather than doing the normal mouse click. you'll do more damage and it's easier to time rather than trying to thrust the lance at them
play diplomacy (or dickplomacy) at first. it's vanilla+ and it's silly to play without it
great mods to check out once you're bored of calradia
gekokujo (sengoku japan)
hispania 1200 (reconquista)
sands of faith (remove saracens)
napoleonic wars (dlc but it's some of the most fun multiplayer I've ever played)
the last days of the third age (fantastic lord of the rings mod that changes a lot. only go to this when you're very comfortable with the game)
not played enough of but they seem good
europe in flames (it's europe during the thirty years' war in the 1600s so you get guns)
sayazn (completely unique world that's really well put together. just had a major update come out recently)
not amazing but there's no better alternative
1257ad. if you want more than just reconqusta or crusading in your high medieval europe then this is the best mod out there. I say it's not amazing because the map is stupidly large with tons of blank space and it leads to travel being very laggy. also the women look like ass but that's minor. it's a shame there's nothing better out there
pretty nice and unique medieval RPG