>18 years later
>Still no proper sequel
18 years later
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
You got plenty of sequels. They were garbage just like Adventure. It's time to move on.
Those are sequels, they are spin offs.
It's nice to know that there are people who fully understand that adventure 1 was the only good 3D sonic game that actually tried something different.
> tfw sonic fags can't accept that 06 is everything that Adventure was
>was the only good 3D sonic game that actually tried something different
Sonic's gameplay was the only remotely good part of the game and it was like one-sixth of the game. Everything else ranged from mediocre to downright awful. Sonic Team didn't know what they were doing and tried to fill the game with as much bullshit as possible so it wouldn't be too short.
Get the fuck over yourself.
Next, I said PROPER sequel
Sounds just like Adventure to me.
I only liked the sonic/shadow levels
Finding jewels was boring and I hated chao shit
There wasn't a good 3D sonic until Unleashed
>sonic 1, run to the right
>sonic 2, run to the tight with tails
>sonic 3, run to the right with tails but you can also go vertically with &Knuckles
>sonic adventure, plethora of different styles with different characters before Sonic went full furfag, plus chao garden and VMU stuff, and some great music
>dumb adventurebaby instantly has to compare his shitty game to the Genesis games
A "plathora of different styles" does not make a good game. It just means they don't know what the fuck they were doing, and especially in Adventure's case considering most of the other levels were rehashed versions of Sonic's stages.
It's shit game design and it will always be shit game design. SM64 managed to be a good game with one play-style. Pretty much every other 3D platformer from that era did the same thing. So why is it okay for Adventure to completely fuck it up?
Because Adventure didn't fuck it up? It did more for the series than the classic trilogy, yet progress was completely ruined by Adventure 2 and the inclusion of Shadow and grinding with Official SOAPStm sneakers.
Delet this...
>It did more for the series than the classic trilogy
Like what? It did nothing good. It was a clusterfuck of half-baked ideas. Take off the nostalgia goggles.
>both mario and sonic sucked ass in the 6th generation of gaming
at least mario got better afterwards
Unleashed was at least better than pretty much every modern Sonic game before it, but still suffered from a lot of the same bullshit. They trimmed the fat with Colors, but the level design was gutted so you can't really win.
Sunshine is still miles better than any Sonic game from that era.
I didnt say it was a perfect game but it wasn't complete shit like the ones before it.
While people were jerking off over Adventure 2 and DX I was playing the Advance games. Far superior.
Unleashed is only somewhat enjoyable during the daytime stage non-sidscrolling portions. Even then it's not very good.
DX is a broken port. Also the only good Advance was the original.
The difference is the other games before it weren't good at any point.
Nah, like 1/3 of the Adventure games were enjoyable. Much more so than Unleashed.
Sonic Adventure was the only good 3D Sonic game. Sonic Adventure 2 strayed too far, and so did every other installment of the series. Sonic Adventure 1 was genuinely the perfect template, but they fucked it up instead of expanding on it. I look to fangames like Sonic World, to see where the series could have gone, and it makes me sad to see it go this route. One boring generic character, going in 1 generic boring direction, ignoring everything good about Sonic Adventure.
Youre gonna have to explain how SA2 ruined things. Its better than SA man
Not him, but Adventure 1 had better level design that was less automated and had more platforming. It also had the hub, which is either good or bad depending on your perspective.
>better levels
Eh not really. As a fan of both, the one i always go back to for a quick play is SA2. City, space, jungle, pyramid, mountain all those levels both shadow and sonic are great.
The hub is cool your first playthrough but after that feels very pointless.
I'm all for hubs, but it was basically just padding and loading screens in Adventure.
They're good levels but they're all light on platforming and heavy on automation relative to the first game's stages. Compare those to Lost World or the ice level from Adventure 1.
>a bad sequel isn't a 'proper sequel'
The ice level from adventure one is mostly just icicle shimmy and jump but i get you. That lost world stage is fun stuff