What's the SCARIEST Game You've Played?

What's the SCARIEST Game You've Played?

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who is this

silent hill 1

Shit man, PT is genius, just a hallway but fuck it works.

You can't be serious.

REVII (In VR) or Amnesia.

chico, metal gear vapour

who is the girl?

Still and always will hurt, man.

Lurk forever you fucking faggot.


>ywn play vidya and then bang stefanie all night
what the fuck do i even get up for anymore lads

its Joosten. How new are you?

She should do blacked.

"We're Diamond Dogs now, user. A part of me will always live in you. I will love all your demons because now they're my demons, too."

>Niggers have to ruin everything

is there a way to play PT now?


Wow what a cute horse.

>PT will never be


I find Subnautica comfy

Joaster it's a subhuman model, avarage tier woman, fake "nerdygamurgurl" who has done fucking nothing it's whole life and it's one of the major reasons why we ended up with and half made MGSV instead of the promised land Kojima tease us for almost a decade after that shit fanboy tier it was MGS4.

Fuck Joesten, Fuck any kind of hollywood prick who enters the videogame system only for the money, and fuck Kojima.

>they did nothing wrong

Amnesia was pretty fucking good, even though I watched a playthrough sometime before playing it.

Still great setting and atmosphere.

Doom 3
Condemned: Criminal Origins
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl

Stalker SoC


Only if you originally downloaded it. I have two digital copies one for each of my PS4s.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____!

Ravenholm ;_;


I feel so bad that your mom devoted 9 months of her life just for you to grow up with such abhorrent opinions.

I'm honestly amazed by the fact that you can solve a captcha

P.T. easily. Then FEAR 2'

That looks like Brighton

do not bully the Steph