"dude switch to Reinhardt"
"dude switch to Reinhardt"
Anyone telling you to play rein in the current game is a retard
why would I? he's buggy af
I play who I want. If you want a "team player", you should join a 6Q. You can disagree with me or call me a cuck, that's fine - you're just proving me right
>people ask you to switch to rein
>They don't just switch to Rein themselves
people in competitve are retarded, let me play who the fuck I want don't take that shit so seriously
You should be banned from the game.
You don't want to play, so I don't see why blizzard should let you
Too bad blizzard is a small indie company with no money so they will never moderate the game
>I play who I want. If you want a "team player", you should join a 6Q. You can disagree with me or call me a cuck, that's fine - you're just proving me right
>Pick DPS
>Other guy picks DPS
>One of the 2 extras asks for someone to med/tank
>Doesnt do it themselves in hopes some other nerd goes tank
it activates my almonds
>"Sure I'll go support."
>pick Symmetra
It's always a fucking Hanzo or Reaper crying that no one picked a tank.
im not going to switch i have GOLD DAMAGE which makes me a golden god unlike you faggot
I do that or go bastion for self heals.
Once people started saying I was a mercy main I stopped playing real supports.
Playing a support out of kindness because some chucklefucks insta-lock dps does not make me a support main.
I choose a decent off healer (Mercy is the most boring character in vidya), or D.VA/Winston nearly every game. I literally do not understand how people have such little flex.
>implying DVa Winston hasn't been the meta for weeks
Honestly don't know if the roadhog nerf really caused that.
Seems like it'd happen anyway due to rein's current condition and dva's defense matrix.
>play games based on the "team based" meme and "class based" meme
>get mad about people not wanting to play chore "classes" which comprise 2/3 of the team and have no fun while the other 1/3 of the team kills people and actually plays the game while having fun
>make a fps
>include a class of characters with 5 times the hp of other characters with either braindead or non-existent shooting mechanics
Dive was still becoming more popular before the hog nerf but the nerf caused it to explode to become the concrete meta.
You have to play the shitty boring classes to win, also the DPS don't have fun either because of all the tank shields
My top played chars are all tank/support and I'm not doing it any more. I already put in my share and I'm going to instalock Widow regardless of whatever is needed.
This is how cucks are born
>switch to mercy
Playtime:3 hours
Reaper: 2.5 hours
Hanzo: .5 hours
>t. someone who plays nothing but dps
for how many years are these retarded 5v5 games which require specific team compositions going to stay around?
you'd think people would have realized by now that playing games like this with a bunch of randoms is generally unfun.
fuck off Sup Forums
>*guy with 400 hours with maybe 2% of that in healing/tank/support instalocks genji*
>*another guy leaves because he's been relegated to healslut for the 40th time today*
We've got start rethinking how we implement healing/support roles into these games.
>someone hated overwatch despite not saying it was about sjws
>must be about sjws
getting defensive about something, friendo?
Ana was amazing pre-rifle nerf.
She felt like mccree if mccree couldn't headshot ever.
Obviously, that sounds bad, but it was nice given that she could also heal.
Stawman much?
he/you never played the game obviously
>tanks have max 3x times the health of the majority of the cast
>they deal far less dmg
>normal shooting mechanics
>play game for entertainment value
>a good half of the roster I either does nothing for me, I am not good with, or I outright hate.
>Durrr if you don't pick the character I tell you to, you're a bad!
There's no point to making a team game where your team can actively hurt each other by doing nothing at all. Why go through the effort of giving the characters depth and complexity if you're going to bend players over a barrel for picking them? Why have hard counters in a game with 25 characters?
I don't even hate team shooters! I used to play the shit out of team fortress 2 but you know what? You never had to justify a pick in that game. There was never any need to justify picking one character over another and every character worked on every map. Any advantage they had was minimal at best.
Plus, he's not exactly wrong. If you wanted to play Overwatch seriously, you wouldn't be playing in a solo queue. You'd find a steady team to play with who can shoot the shit and talk shop outside the game and actually plan shit out. Otherwise you may as well be playing Russian Roulette with DOTA solo queues.
t. Hanzo main
not everyone who hates the game does it because of sjw tards
people make uneducated posts about hating games all the time, retard
Every time I play, even when we get stomped I compliment players playing healers to trick them into thinking they are good so they continue to play healers.
>auto aiming lazer cannon
>normal shooting mechanics
>Want to be godly at DPS so everyone can suck my cock
>Stuck in high plat, low diamond for a week
>Decide to go back to my original main of Zayra
>Climb to to mid-masters
Why are we cursed for roles, bros?
Ana was broken. She had no approachable flaw and playing her didn't mean you suffered any consequences for it.
If you picked Mercy, there were very clear consequences for it; you lost damage and if she did DPS it was at the expense of her healing. Ana had none of that, all her heals had a damage mechanic baked in if they hit enemy players and her piss grenade straight up shut down enemy healing. Plus she could remove someone from an engagement for ~5 seconds (which also meant she hard countered any channeled ult) and her ult, especially when she was brand new, was an, 'I win' button for one team fight. Shitty thing about it? The only way to nerf her involved making her unremarkable.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but I would've preferred a nade or sleep nerf over making her 'sniper rifle' feel shitty.
Her original gimmick was a sniper support, but she currently plays like a point blank no scope to the ass healer.
>when our soldier cant deal with a winston
>he then tells me i'm shit when he keeps dying
>our genji had to go reaper for him
Are you solo queue?
It's more luck than skill in that scenario.
Oh, absolutely. Ana's problem was her heal grenade and her sleep gun. You could have removed any one element of the damage, heal, heal buff, and heal blocker on her grenade and it'd still be a damn fine ability. The fact that Ana didn't have to pick between healing and DPS should have been her thing. A talented player can get a lot of mileage out of that.
But then Blizzard proceeded to weigh her down with a bunch of good-anytime utility in an environment where many characters utility is, at best, map dependent. This meant that she was a viable pick for any team comp and never had to justify herself; she could shut down one of the most important mechanics in the game while buffing her own team's ability to heal, regardless of source.
>Instalock dps
>always shit or slightly above average
>like this all the way to masters
I hate people. Good thing is not that bad on EU servers, only Americans have peanut brains.
>tfw bought OW at release
>played the shit out of it, trying to crawl out of platinum with friends
>friends eventually get bored and move on around Sombra's release
>have felt no want to play it since
what changed
>dominate people in all game modes
>dude why don't you play comp?
The concept of playing for fun is beyond most of these people.
Dear Platinum players and below:
Learning Mercy or Lucio isn't the hardest thing in the world, here is a comprehensive list on how to play these two heroes, it's fool-proof, so even retards like you can understand this:
Step 1: Always try to heal
Step 2: Learn how to escape instead of being a stationary target for flankers
Step 3: ???????
Step 4: Profit
you could also play a real DPS, but apparently you like giving up so you pick the french character
>he doesn't main the rocket queen
Can't speak for your friends, but mine never tried to work together beyond synergy among team comps.
Mid-diamond was as far as our little group was going to go.
>what changed
nothing. i got it at launch and played it for a week before getting bored too. because it's a shallow game at it's core that blizzard clearly wants to exist solely for A) lootbox money and B) charing teams millions of dollars to represent cities around the world.
genuinely amazes me how blizzard have made esports the focus of overwatch when it plays like shit and is absolutely dreadful to watch. who is their audience?
Once things go competitive its spoilt.
If I could recapture those first CS or LoL games with a group of friends where we didn't know what the fuck we were doing I could.
daily reminder that Overwatch is a strategy game, not an FPS
Game didn't ship with nearly enough content, no single player game modes, a lack of maps, a lack of game modes, and with severe balance flaws that would ensure that once people actually settled into the game they'd hit on a few archetypes for team designs. Because there were semi-strict rules for how much of what you could have on a team, the game pretty quickly set into a very narrow set of team comps which left about half the game's roster being either super niche, or outright useless against any good team.
Today it's reached the point where if you play one game, you've played 10, because they're all going to be roughly identical. And Blizzard took the, 'fuck you, you can't have a life so if you leave we're going to punish the SHIT out of you' approach too, meaning your team could hold that over you.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be an e-sport.
The problem stems from balancing at the non-competitive level along with them thinking their proprietary league was a good idea.
Let's not forget the most important fuck up
They don't accept criticism beyond lootbox rates
Overwatch is a story of excellent marketing. By rights a game they freely admit is the cannibalized remains of an MMORPG/FPS Blizzard shit canned because it was bad should have also been shitty.
But Blizzard has been in the industry for 20+ years and if there's one thing they've gotten good at, it's marketing and hype cycles. Blizzard hasn't actually made a good game in almost a decade at this point, but they have excellent sound design and their CGI team produces the best work in the industry.
never said there was anything wrong with esports. i love dota, i haven't played that game in years but i still watch every major and the international because it's that good.
it is becomign increasingly clear that overwatch does not work as an esport. spectating it is a nightmare. readability is all over the fucking place. team composition/hero pickrates/meta are all fucking dogshit because >blizzard in charge of balancing ANYTHING
Why couldn't they make HotS succeed as well?
Mixed on that
CS, even CS:GO, has far more options than overwatch on a casual and competitive level.
We were three ranks from global elite buying nothing but smgs on T and shotguns on CT.
Fun can be had in a competitive environment if the game doesn't have a solid meta.
>"But of course! STAND BEHIND ME!"
Seriously, I actually like playing tanks and support more than offence or shit, because I can't aim worth a damn. Rein is perfect for me.
Why should I? I'm the only support on this team.
>playing roadhog in competitive (2800 platinum)
>some faggot tells me to switch before the game even starts because "muh meta"
>fuck no
>end up doing pretty good with hog, 70% hook accuracy and getting kills with help from Mercy damage boosting me
>faggot gets pissy and switches to torbjorn and proceeds to build turrets in spawn the whole game
>rest of team goes full bro-tier and switch to compensate for the throwing manchild
>we somehow manage to win
Never understood the whole "switch or I throw" fuckshit. You complain about the guy who isn't switching and say he is throwing, so you yourself decide to stoop to an even worse level and actually throw the game?
6v6 is a shit format
Too few players per game means you have to pick the optimal choice and a majority of characters will never be used outside of casual.
The same thing happened in TF2 with 6 player team competitive. If Overwatch was 9v9 or 12v12, you'd actually be able to play what you want instead of being told to play X by some shitter who refuses to do it himself
How do you mange now, man?
I don't play hog much, but his m2 feels very unreliable post nerf.
Is it worth spamming his m1 once they're past the sweet spot?
I had a team of 2 earlier afk earlier because "You didn't respect us"
Assume all players are 8 year old children.
>2800 platinum
lmao why would i care about the tales of some shitter?
That's not true at all. Any higher numbers would make tanks nigh usless because, guaranteed those extra three will be DPS. 2 DPS can melt a tank quickly even with backup. 3 would absolutely destroy. 4 would be incredibly unplayable to the point you would need bodyguards for the tanks and at that point you're back at the original structure 2v2v2 meta of OW.
You did good. The game has absolutely not fucking changed at all since release, it's still the same piece of shit except with 2 more maps that you can't even pick and with the community even worse because only the autistic retards that play this game 20 hours per day are left. The only content the game gets is limited skin events every couple months. The esport scene is dead despite blizzard splurging money on its dead corpse. It's so stale it's unbelievable.
Its a game based on team compositions. Your whole argument sucks dick because youre completely ignoring the point. if you wanted simple entertainment there are tons of shooting games that let you be a lone wolf and do shit yourself, but you went out of your way to play a team game that focuses on what characters you pick, and then proceed to ignore people. Also you dont need a team to formulate strategies outside of the game, you just shouldnt be a braindead retard who runs around going DUHHH IT MATTERS WHO I PICK??? I DONT THINK SO CHANGE MY DIAPER
but hots did succeed, it's not the 2nd coming of Christ but it's doing very well
The worst part about it is that I've personally seen it happen up to 3300
So what you're saying is that Blizzard is just shit at balance?
I suppose tanks should probably get their shield stuff buffed if the player count goes up. But that will still not make Overwatch good
This shit is exactly why I stopped playing. I was a Pharah main but learned how to play D.Va, Mercy, and Lucio just so that we can have a real team comp. Naturally the other players still go DPS, or they fill a support role and suck at it. I can't tell you how many times I've played a game where Mercy never uses a rez and pockets one guy.
HOTS is reasonably successful. The problem is that the DOTA community likes DOTA, and people outside the DOTA community have broadly already formed their opinion about what they think about DOTA. So when HOTS shipped, Blizzard had an uphill battle convincing people who adore DOTA for some reason to leave a game they love for one that is a significant departure, while convincing people who hated DOTA to hop on board.
HOTS was fighting for scraps before the game was even conceived of, and most DOTA knock offs are not successful to begin with.
>Never understood the whole "switch or I throw" fuckshit. You complain about the guy who isn't switching and say he is throwing, so you yourself decide to stoop to an even worse level and actually throw the game?
People take it personally. All there is to it. Even if you're doing your job, and their job, they'll still whinge because they feel that you are making their life difficult. There's a reason why TF2 didn't really have strict character roles and didn't have the emphasis of character selection that OW has.
Then the problem is that a fucking FPS shouldn't have goddamn tanks. Or I guess you could just say OW isn't a FPS but rather a MOBAFPS, which would mean that MOBAFPS games are flawed by design
I don't know how shit or not Blizzard is at balancing. But it's just multplying the existing issues rather than really solving them with a larger player count.
how do i get out of gold :(
If they're respectful and nice I switch.
If they're cussing cunts I stay the same char the whole game.
If they're unbearable cunts I go torb.
Find a good team you have synergy with.
A Zayra that bodyblocks attacks with her own bubble is worth a million dollars.
>1 win away from diamond
>up 2-0 on nepal
>some guy gets mad in voice chat that our hanzo wasn't switching
>team tilts to game 5
>he decides to throw and build turrets at spawn
>lose and get reverse 3-0'd
got up to diamond the next day but holy shit the fucking spergs in this game
>Fucker switch to Torb stop throwing the game with Rein
What do you do?
What is bronze like, guys?
stop being shit
Is this your first time in diamond?
Prepare to play 7 games a week or do what every person post diamond should do.
>not maining toblerone and instantly leaving voice and text chat
fucking normies
>be top30 Mercy
>Still get complaints from 16 y/o retards about me not being their personal pocket bitch
Why pay to boost if you don't know the fucking game works?
Torb can be fun, I comply
You doing fine wo-
>winston in second
I am slightly miffed at your decision
>top 30 mercy
There's like 50 total mercys in the world.
What's the current metacancer?
Hard counters are not fun. Or at least if they are, it is in a completely different style of game. Turn based strategy games, for example. Prior to buying Overwatch I had no way of knowing how the game handled itself; you don't understand the metagame till you've belted at least 5 or 10 hours in the game. And yes, a game like Overwatch should not make solo queue implicitly it's primary game mode, and then proceed to allow partial teams to queue in this solo queue. Overwatch's game design only works when you're playing with people who are all on the same page which typically can't be achieved with a team of Randys you met two minutes ago and will likely never see again.
>tfw will always play dva no matter what buffs or nerfs come her way
The other day I played with an actual 8 year old child. He was carrying the team hard as Pharah until his mom made him turn the computer off halfway through the match.
>Current meta is instalocking 5 DPS and expecting you to be both a tank and healer.
>Despite your team consisting of only flankers, no one bothers destroying enemy teleporters and shield generators.
>Try out symmetra
>Counter all the dodgy cucks
>They don't bother with my teleporters either
Got a good winstreak going.
Bronze is more fun than others cause everybody there just wants to have fun.
I got placed in Bronze once because Blizzard punishes you for maining Mercy. They were pretty fun games.
A child with a developing brain learning the simple mechanics of a game will ALWAYS do better than an autistic adult.
There are literally no hard counters in Overwatch.
sometimes you gotta roll with the meta heroes to not completely tilt your team
sometimes the other team counterpicks toblerone hard after getting shit on with their genji tracer winston lucio meme teams
Zayra absolutely destroys D.va.
She is the definition of a hard counter.
>Tank rushes ahead on his own and overextends and dies
>trash Ana switch to mercy
>only game in a billion dollar franchise
>one year after release
>main tank is bugged so bad it's forcing people onto other characters
torb >>>>>>> tracer genji lucio
heavy on yukon :))
he's fixed on PTR