On a scale of 1 to Dumpster Fire how unlikely is it this game is never finished?
What happened?
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well, the devs are mostly on a constant disagreement of the state of some elements of the game, so they always change AND add more and more stuff to the game to no end.
Wasn't there a trailer for this game like a year ago.
i think even more than a year
Thats why planning exists
Did they even reveal the new name yet?
Its probably never coming out
I posted a thread about it a few days ago. A dev (allegedly) said that they're finishing all the rebranding before revealing anything new.
Its never coming out. Been following the project for years and know the people in charge from the Starmen days. The release date has been the end of the year every single year.
The last trailer looked really promising and I actually believed it was coming out.
Apparently the team members keep getting into stupid arguments over nothing and thats ruining it.
wait, it's not supposed to be Mother anymore? wasn't that the whole point?
Hopefully it'll be C&D for stealing Nintendo's property.
>hey dude, let's take Nintendo's franchise without permission and make money off of it!
>awesome idea dude *tokes blunt*
The sooner this is taken down, the better.
>Another Undertale ripoff
I feel like this game treads on the fine line between cringy shit and endearing
You have to hit that sweet spot or the games gonna end up like Undertale. Don't really care how long it takes at this point.
it was, now it's not
they couldn't stick to a fucking plan if they tried
i feel like Undertale's tone was fine but its fanbase/tumblr undermined it and made it unappealing to many Sup Forumstards at large
I always ignore fanbases
The firs playthrough (meaning completing all routes) was fun enough, but looking back is not a game Id ever replay or think fondly of, the flaws are really annoying and taint the whole thing too much
dev in another thread said they're re-launching with the rebrand stuff and another trailer this Summer
The fanbase was cool until like a week and a half in. It was like everything went from alright to fucking horrifying overnight.
when the pixie girl at school with short bleached hair and slug eyebrows was raving about the game to me I knew it had gone full normie
i don't know anything about school, i'm just going off of Sup Forums threads. like 10 days after release the threads just went to a place they never came back from.
The irony
These faggots have a lot of nerve calling it Mother 4.
It's not called Mother 4 anymore.
>saw this project being started on starmen.net almost a decade ago
>saw all the progress being made to this fangame, but also saw them pushing the release further back and back for years
>tfw any interest I had in this is completely gone by now
It baffles me as to why they just don't release what they have. Betas and updates are a thing for a reason. It's also fucking fangame so I doubt anyone would ever hold it in the same regard as an official title or paid game.
I still have faith it's happening
obviously it's gonna be a different game with altered story elements which I'm still sad about
but maybe if we're lucky the original story will get "leaked"
>and make money off of it!
Except they're not
this post is retarded and you're retarded
also, reminder that Itoi gave it his blessing
It was canceled to be retooled into something else, but they only posted the notification on the mother4 subreddit so not surprised you guys didn't hear about it. I only know what's going on because I'm friends with one of the devs.
They got spooked by Pkmn Prism/Uranium and AM2R getting instantly shut down, it's retarded but they want to change all the Mother references to "original" things (remove Saturns, rename PSI, delete all homages/references)
It is incredibly stupid since I'm pretty sure Nintendo will still go after them even if it is legally distinct from Mother, and even if the game IS built from ground up assets. Nintendo is watching fangames like a hawk now, they should've just bit the bullet and released the fucking game into the wild of the internet and let word of mouth and torrents spread it, like AM2R did.
I don't even get it, what does Nintendo do if, for example, AM2R guy anonymously released a patch for the game? All they do when they shut these guys down is prevent them from patching or adding to the thing that's already out there. Nintendo are fucking stupid. They think DMCAing something just deletes it from existence (and their customers seem to believe this as well)
like you said I don't even get the point of the distinction
they aren't selling it, they still won't be when it rebrands (that's what I've heard anyway)
once it's out there it's out there. nothing nintendo can do about it. I really don't understand why they're so spooked
Reminder that Itoi considers Animal Crossing to be Mother 4.
There is no point, even the diehards who replied to the dev announcement on the M4 reddit were pissed and agreed it didn't seem like there was any point to "retooling" it so late into development. They put years of work into the sprites, UI, custom assets and everything, some Mother fans have been waiting for YEARS on the edge of their seat waiting for this thing to drop, a lot of them felt betrayed by the decision, arguing that it wasn't 'just' about the devs anymore, with the amount of publicity and fan followings they got for M4
>You can not comprehend the true form of your debt to Tom Nook!
I still remember how undertale was just a niche kickstarter demo and Sup Forums threads were used only for image dumping the goat milf
One of the interviews, I believe the one with Iwata, look for a translation, there's a blog with a bunch of them, or in EBCentral.
itoi also said that Mother 4 could be All the lives of all the people who have played the Mother games. We are playing Mother 4 right now.
anything that takes longer than 5 years is always dead
I think one of the Pokemon games was shut down a few days before its publicized release date, if Nintendo catches wind at all they go after it immediately. And it has nothing to do with the devs of those IPs either; Sakamoto said they started Samus Returns in 2015 (a full year before AM2R dropped) and last year he only heard down the grapevine that a metroid fangame had popped up and gotten shut down and had never seen/played it himself (god i wish he fucking had)
so basically Nintendo legal just watches the internet for fanworks to shut down now, they are THAT scared of piracy. They think the greatest asset of nintendo is their total monopoly on their IPs and assets
Neither did the Metroid remake but WHOOPS look what happened there
>itoi also said that Mother 4 could be All the lives of all the people who have played the Mother games. We are playing Mother 4 right now.
how much wacky tobaccy does this man smoke
>All the lives of all the people who have played the Mother games. We are playing Mother 4 right now.
Mother 4 is shit then
AM2R was free though, unless you're referring to Nintendo themselves remaking Metroid II
You're trying too hard
except, you know, not?
there's been several indie games in the last year alone that took over 6-7 years to make (like Owlboy?) and that's just the original ones, both Pokemon fangames and AM2R took over 7 years to make
just because chucklefucks like us would give up after a few years doesn't mean that's the expectation.
if am2r didn't have metroid in the title, its wouldn't of got shut down, same with those pokemon games
They HAD to change the name, or they would've gotten struck down by Nintendo's C&D-happy Lawyers.
Regardless, they're in development hell.
Honestly I have never had a ton of interest but since the project was always planned to be free, and still is according to them, I have tried watching it a bit. I think it holds promise, it looks pretty proffesional and I feel like devs are pretty responsible, they have said things like no internet culture/memes.
Whenever it comes, if it evet comes, I'll play it as long as it's free. I don't get why Sup Forums has such an autistic fit over this. Fangames have always existed, this was no different.
Yes they would have. If it were as easy as renaming M4 to "Father 4" or some stupid non-copyrighted but obviously referential title, they would have done that.
You think someone putting years of work into a fangame wouldn't already know where their work would stand legally?
It's not even worth the risk anymore to some indie devs, to make free nintendo fangames, because if it gets C&D'd BEFORE you release it, for any reason (fair or not), that's it. If you release it one day after getting the C&D then you run the massive risk of pissing off a giant corporation who won't hesitate to take you down
Nintendo-affiliated IPs, you don't fuck with anymore. Just 2 years ago, Pokemon Company slapped a SanFran cafe with a $5400 fine-- for putting pokemon images on a flyer for a poke-themed event (one they'd held multiple times before, too)
>guy has imagination
I hate people like you.
Thing is, with MOTHER 4, they're going out of the way to scrub out anything to do with the series so it can bypass C&D Fuckery by being "heavily inspired by the MOTHER Series."
And if inspiration was all you needed to C&D, literally every game in existence that includes mechanics similar to any Nintendo game would get struck down by them.
I never said weed was bad user
calm your tits
>And if inspiration was all you needed to C&D, literally every game in existence that includes mechanics similar to any Nintendo game would get struck down by them.
Did you not hear about the Gamejolt massacre? Nintendo scrubbed over 500 flash games from the site for having nintendo "inspiration" or even having like some sprites or whatever
What did he mean by this?
He didn't say it was bad either, retards like you that notice at least a bit of creativity instantly ask "what drug was he on".
Fuck you guys.
why don't they shut down all the SMW hacks? especially since Mario Maker exists now
Some people are genuinely imaginitive, something weird isn't always the result of someone taking drugs.
That's not imagination, that's being a fucking hippie.
Picking their battles. Go after any derivative projects with sufficient public interest or traffic.
They WERE going after romhack and TAS videos on youtube for a while, it was pissing off speedrunners
holy shit it was a joke
why are you faggots so offended?
What's hippie about what he said?
>dude, the real game was the people playing the game. that's deep, man.
this really
you play through it until you get the true ending and probably the no mercy ending and basically get anything you missed through sheer osmosis online. the game has no staying power. or at least i'd think, but apparently there are still generals on /vg/.
They kicked nelward off the team about a month or so ago, so they're doing SOMETHING.
The community could give less of a shit about the game itself, it's been discussed and played to death.
Everything's about Alternate Universes, Shipping and Waifu/Husbandofagging now.
why'd they kick him?
I dunno. He said he left due to "time constraints".
>there are still generals on /vg/
How? I get multiplayer or games moderately constant releases but what more is there to say about a 2 hour single player game?
Source please.
The description of the video I posted, retard. That's nelward's youtube channel.
fuck you, mention the description the first time
Why the fuck else would I post a video with that post, dipshit?
That's nelward's music
Why bother retooling it when the entire appeal of it was being another Mother game? You get rid of the branding and people won't care anymore.
Just like what happened to that MLP fighting game.
they're hoping it will be another Undertale
I see three reasons
1) they don't want an am2r situation
2) they'd rather bill it as their own project after how much work was put into it
3) they can't decide on anything as they never made a planning stage for the game