Just remember the New Vegas thread and the drifter that loved you so true

Just remember the New Vegas thread and the drifter that loved you so true.

Other urls found in this thread:


Are the mods that open the strip and free side worth it?

sure if you want the game to keep crashing


Well fuck. Thanks anyway user. Was considering using it.

Do you know if that Delilah companion mod is any good?

never tried using a companion mod that wasn't of an already available character so no

I didn't have much for trouble with them. Save an oddity that part of the wall in one of spot of strip was still there but invisible. Could just walk around it but still annoying. Improved Freeside mod was cool though, the one I used livened the place up a bit too with cut squatters and shit. And a pickpocket that occasionally steals 100 caps from the heavily armed and armored man walking through freeside with a 1st recon sniper at his side

Yeah, I've only tried some mods that add new companions myself, after trying fucking Willow to if it was as bad as everyone says. I've mainly used one that make Marcus, Joshua and house into companions.

don't listen to this fuck I've been using the strip and freeside open mods for a while and my game barely crashes. Expect fps drops but the feeling of having them both open is really nice. Makes it feel like an actual city with all the people walking around.
I didn't really like her voice and her face looked like her eyes were trying to escape to different ends.

Didn't Bethesda use this game to effectively destroy Obsidian?

for a game with the core themes of letting go/not getting too attached to the past, y’all are hell bent on not moving on from new vegas huh

Probably because it was the only good Fallout game we've had since 2.

Nothing better has gotten released since then so there's really no point in moving on.

Strip Open is fine, don't use Freeside Open. That one will fuck up your save if you ever try to get rid of the mod, better safe than sorry. I run Strip Open with 0 problems

post your favorite companions, mods or vanilla


Ah okay. I wanted to use jip command and control, and have myself as the party mechanics and such using robco certified and have arcade and someone else be the medic.

No fuck you this is now a Fallout 4 thread.

Anybody know if there's a New Vegas mod that numbers your conversation responses like in KOTOR? I'd love to be able to use my keyboard instead of clicking.

If you're looking for a companion mod and you're not an NCR fag, get the Vulpes Inculta companion mod.


Tie between the mod that makes Pic related a securitron and the Joshua companion mod with better burned man.

Back to your containment board.

I actually have that one, I just wanted someone other then arcade as the doctor of the group.

I laughed when I realized weeks after blowing his head off on sight that he was apparently some high-up unique character in the legion.

why even make the thread user
its just gonna get deleted/banished





>We have reached a time where no matter what fallout you talk about someone spergs out
I don't even think new vegas is the best thing ever, but don't you think people have a right to talk about the games they like?

New PC means new playthrough.

Are we talking about the FO4 post?
this IS an FNV thread, no matter how quickly it gets deleted

Kind of like fighting on hoover dam with the boomers and enclave swooping in 3 out of 4 endings and ending with dialog with the general


>ywn embark on a secret and torrid love affair with Dr. Dala

yeah the endings are pretty similar, but thats nothing compared to FO4's lack of RPG mechanics
everything feels the same in FO4

>Blowing up the monorail makes pap khan proclaim you his successor
>You can then kill him to instantly solve the khan quest because you are in charge


The endings stretch of fo4 has more variation you can take out the BoS 3 different ways depending on faction choice

Not him, but I will say your right that 4 has more ending gameplay variety and I can respect it for that, but I think we can both agree it could have used more choice and rpg mechanics up to that point.

oh wow i drew this chart just for you user

That's how you do it? I heard it was possible but I never knew how you do it.

Not that I'd want to be the leader of a bunch of khan niggers anyway.

>you will never play Fallout New Vegas with the gunplay and graphics of Fallout 4

This game needs a remake

I'd rather they finished it the first time
a remake wouldn't be the same

quick, someone give me a weapon mod to focus a build around

>not throwing the general of hoover dam
top profligate

3 options is better than only using self destruct codes on a bunker

A weapon modification or unofficial DLC?

I always kill this guy right off the bat for his gun
EDE, all others are shitty memes
4's factions and endings are better differentiated(at least for rp and gameplay purposes) but its kind of a necessity when all sole survivors play the same way at some point or another. Nobody complained about skills, special, and perks- why the fuck were they removed?
If you actuallly want to discuss just post another one for fallout 4, you'll get plenty of reponses. If you want (you)s just post trump or racebait

>no matter what fallout
FO1,2 Tactics and new vegas fans seem to get allong
seems like people dont want to discuss shit games

like, something off the nexus. I'm eyeing this kind of though, so if nothing eye catching comes up I have something to fall back on

Bethesda would never let that happen. Although there is someone making a mod for 4 to remake vegas. He plans on using it for his own quest mod but I think he's willing to let someone remake the whole game using it.

bait, not replying anymore

I like Nv better than 4 personally, but you're part of the problem

I think you fags are under the impression bethesda didn't make any money off new vegas, they published it for fucks sake, they made almost all the money off of it.

I'm not that user, but FO4 is a completely different game
fans of FO4 are different people than fans of pretty much any other fallout game
have you seen /fog/?

what is there really to discuss in FO4
the story is shallow as hell, the factions and their motivations are puddle deep, there no different paths, secrets or even easter eggs in the gameplay
its like discussing Brotherhood of steel on ps2, its a shit game and everything that needs to be said has been said about it.
Sup Forums wouldnt talk about FO4 any time unless it was shitposting but ever since the New Vegas threads saw a comeback people suddenly want to talk about FO4

Bethesda doesnt give a shit, they just want money. You realize them rushing Nv had nothing to do with hating obsidian and all to do with not giving them royalties, right? They're a business, and if it can be demonstrated to them that fNV remastered VR edition will sell, they will sell it.

If they remake it they better add the cut legion content though


Just leave them alone. When we called their game shit they plugged their ears and said LALALALA. We are not going to change their mind, they are entitled to an opinion. Bothering them is wasting our time and their time. I bet people shitting up fallout 4 threads is part of the reason we see people like trying to shit up ours

tone it down a little

>ambush benny in his room
>accept his offer to the comped suite
>immediately blow his brains out with a shotgun when dialogue ends

>Want to replay New Vegas (again)
>Remember all the boring parts up to and including Nipton


>Have to buy books to teach NCR doctors
>Make Arcade teach them instead

It's a minor quest but still, didn't know about it until last night.

Why not run straight to strip through QJ

I don't want to have to grind for levels later on.

Off-topic but there was one moment that made me remember my legion playthrough
>Arizona killer mission
>Think that i can just go up tower, kill ranger there and shoot kimball with sniper rifle
>He's running to vertibird
>Say fuck it and shoot vertibird with gauss rifle, still looks like it's able to fly away
>Thankfully immediately blows when it leaves the ground
>I'm awkwardly running away thinking how bad i am in games


My Legion playthrough was my 3rd one. I just fatmanned kimball and all the spectators. Probably most satisfying moment I've had in a singleplayer game

Holy fuck, gonna have to try this now. It took me the longest time to learn that you can blow up cars, is there any other interactive scenery that you'd never think would do anything?

any good explosive weapon mods?

My favourite thing about F:NV is that (with the exception of OWB) there are no bullet sponges.

Which is also my least favourite thing about 2


All DLCs save for HH have bullet sponges if you play them at a high level

remember to report these threads

ncr pls

Speech is listed twice for Killer Queen. So is it only two skills, or was it a typo?

>People are talking about a videogame on a board about videogames

Kindly fuck off back to plebbit, facebook, neogaf or whatever normie shithole you came from, thanks.

there are a few typos as well as inconsistencies in that image

post video game generals on the video game general board

Yeah! We need more e-celeb threads instead. Don't talk about video games on Sup Forums!

What's going on will all the rulefags on this site?

Tag something else, then use the console to adjust it back to base and give yourself another 15 points in Speech.

/vg/ is where games go to die.

Lets go

>Wow you're talking about a single video game specifically on a board made for discussing video games

This had better be the start of some kind of stuffing fetish comic

>Sup Forums unironically thinks going to /tesg with guns/ is a solution

Hit me doc.

fuck shit

Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't load up one of my dedicated Ghoul Killing Saves, and kill Raul RIGHT NOW

Already did.

Let's try to keep these /vg/ threads off Sup Forums now

>I'll make a video game general on Sup Forums

Just got my new PC. Bought 10+ modern games during the summer sales, still going to finally play that definitive save going through all DLCs and fully modded.


A few years back Neogaf infiltrated and subverted Sup Forums. It's why opinions have taken a strong 180 in that time.

What do you guys do to this bitch? I always hand her in to the energyniggers.


Okay, so go "report" all of threads about single games in the entire catalog. We'll meet back here when you get warned for falsereporting shit like the inbred moron that you are, then you'll make a post about how the moderation is so bad nowadays, and about how you're going back to plebbit.

Alright, go!

P.S.: Stop replying multiple times to my previous post

underrated mods?

I was surprised i actually liked Niner.

>What do you guys do to this bitch?
Never let her go.