a) consolecucks
b) poorfags who can't run it
c) requires skill
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a) consolecucks
b) poorfags who can't run it
c) requires skill
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Other urls found in this thread:
ur a faget
early access open world survival with crafting and skins
Because the OP (You) keeps making this fucking thread.
it doesnt have crafting tho
it's dayz flavor of the year game
it's another shitty walking simulator with death after an hour of walking
it's incredibly boring
literally just another fucking early access survival shooter with inventory
Isn't this coming to xbox soon?
d) early access survival crafting indy shit
crafting? your bait isnt even good
>it's dayz flavor of the year game
What happened to flavor of the month sweetie?
oh look it's this thread again for the 30th time
early access open world survival battle royale with hackers and skins
can you not shill your meme game please?
it's trash. end fo the discussion
Sup Forums hates ANYTHING popular, don't be a newfag please
in a few more years there will be a day z / battlegrounds clone every month.
d. No friends
>hey user you should get this game it's fun!
>yeah sure it'll be a good time
>next day
>buy and download
>see friend online playing game
>hey user I got the game let's start the next round together
>he gets offline immediately
>haven't seen him since
What a dick.
i dont hate it OP but i dont play it because i dont play multiplayer because i am horrible at it
This happens every time a new sort of popular game is made
It's casual streamerbait shit, and I wish that everyone who plays it would be shot and left to rot in a ditch.
Post yfw DayZ comes back around as one of the most technologically advanced games, delivering the ultimate survival experience
I don't hate it, but I won't buy anything still in early access.
Considering it's multiplayer only, I'm sure it'll be dead or close to death by the time it does leave EA, making it a waste of money.
I don't have a problem with it. It's just not my kind of game.
RNG isn't skill
d) It's early access open world survival shit
I don't hate this game but I can see why Sup Forums would since people hate when things are shoved in their face over and over like with these threads that all start the same "WHY DOES Sup Forums HATE THIS POPULAR GAME CONTRARIAN MUCH?????" so yeah at this point it deserves the hate its getting.
Drop in town faggot.
How are you this delusional
>all these morons parroting the same garbage without realizing what this game actually is
How many open world multiplayer only games have come out of early access
I hate multiplayer-only games and it makes me sad that they are so popular.
Sup Forums is contrarian urr-hipsters who don't actually play games. Liking something popular is not allowed for fear of looking like you're not part of a secluded in-crowd that pro-actively dislikes things that reddit/facebook normies enjoy.
How do you not immediately know this? Even the people who play this game aren't going to post in this thread, and there are people who are going to post "yeah normies reee heh" while the fact that it's right there in their steam library is nervously scratching in their mind.
most people on Sup Forums just arent good at multiplayer games and blame it on the game itself
I'd love to grab it. Not for it's price however.
Sup Forums hated doom 2016 which is a good and a playable game, this place is full of "special" people that only like some animeshit, not vidya
It didn't reduce price in the steam summer sale so I highly doubt it will for a long time.
for your requirements to be met, this would have to be in early access for +5 years
this isn't flavor of the month. this is the battle royale to end all battle royales. if anybody is ambitious enough to try to compete with it, they're in for some hard work
I think it's sad you have an irrational hatred for people having fun together
You craft guns by attaching parts together
Bugged mess.
Runs like shit.
Looks like shit.
In other words none of them have come out of early access. Thanks for clearing that up.
It's played by mostly normalfags with shallow taste. It can be fun but it lacks substance, plus it's early access.
let's be honest. You're not interested anyway
Early access.
It's instant garbage.
>he bought an early access game
you forgot the boring option
i think this was a case of someone not being interested, checking to see if they should be interested, then confirming that they should not be interested
I'm not the user you were responding to.
Some people simply don't want to play incomplete games
pic related is probably the most vocal. No one gives a shit about cod or fifa or other popular games, yet PUBG is actively hated on
Multiplayer games stopped being fun for me after bf3 and halo reach.
Cant stand other people
>a) consolecucks
Xbone is getting it, god knows how it'll run. Sure hope for them that they optimize it real good before release
>b) poorfags who can't run it
My 4 year old toaster with GTX 760 runs it okay, and is the current bottleneck with GPU usage being 100% most of the time. Fucking whatevercoin miners ruining my plans on getting a 6GB 1060 on the cheap.
However for me the difference between 8 and 16GB ram was having to restart every one or two matches, to not having to restart at all. Again, I hope they fix that shit before release.
>c) requires skill
Sure, but at the same time my casual ass got to #6 with 9 kills that one time. Being such a popular game there is a huge range of players, although apparently there is some type of hidden ranking system to matchmake.
I present option D
>Sup Forums is filled with shitposters that shitpost to get a reaction out of people
Fuck off retard
There's a gun.
And then you put a thing you found in a bedroom on that gun.
That's not crafting
KSP was early access, was great, and more "done" than most early access bullshit.
And then it actually fucking released.
Just because most ea bullshit is garbage, doesn't make all of it so.
If you get the Early Access do you get the full version for free?
Are you extremely annoying? If not, we could play together
>requires skill
You can win by getting just one kill.
Yeah, it also goes up to 60$ USD as it gets closer to full release.
I won a game on COD by getting one kill
define extremely annoying
That makes it sound even worse desu
If you have to ask you're probably annoying.
would love to play,
last great multiplayer FPS was modern warfare 2 (yes, it was actually amazing on PC)
but VAC is shit and the hacker community for PUB is going to ruin it
valve wont ever step up and make a proper VAC and pay people to run it
this is perhaps the worst thing which shows how greedy valve is, by ignoring the need for proper anticheat.
valve is really just a bunch of gutless marketing spooks
Why lie?
>Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“The game will remain to be at the current price even after Early Access.”
Literally from their steam page.
IIRC battlegrounds doesn't use VAC
It uses battle eye which is extremely easy to circumvent if you have private hacks
That's the point you silly bitch!
>being a contrarian asshole while not knowing what you're talking about whatsoever
fucking summerfag
>Liking something popular is not allowed for fear of looking like you're not part of a secluded in-crowd that pro-actively dislikes things that reddit/facebook normies enjoy.
modern Sup Forums is reddit/facebook incarnate and the most talked about games on Sup Forums are almost entirely popular mainstream shit so I don't know where this is coming from
If Sup Forums "hates the game" then why do you and exist?
>Poorfags whose PC can't run it
I built a computer for $1200 last years ago and I have to play this game on low if I want 60fps. And even then I get massive stutters for the first minute each match starts I'm tired of seeing
>you can't run it smoothly?
>you must be a poorfag with a toaster
The game runs horribly. It's not my computer's fault the dev sucks. This is what happens when mod authors try to make their own game.
Definitely A with a little bit of C. Except it to be praised to high heaven on Sup Forums when it releases on consoles.
pubg is the epitome of casual bullshit
its amazing how this luck based campy shitfest has convinced thousands of retards that they're "skilled". in a way its genius design. just go on twitch and watch as thousands of drooling mongoloids camp in a corner for 20 minutes and then claim theyre gods after they get the jump on some unlucky sob who checked the wrong house first.
the only "skill" requirement in this pile of shit is memorizing the map.
You are bullshitting. I'm playing pubg in 2k at 80+fps with 120 scaling.
This is coming to xbox one this year idiot
i bet those ps2 era textures look great in 2k
>I'm playing pubg in 2k at 80+fps with 120 scaling.
Do you have proof of this or are you just bullshiting.
reasons why
1. Popular
2. Fun
3. Not animu
4. Not Nintendo
having a blast
hax coming along nice
Oh right, I forgot to include
>you're lying
There's always one of those, too.
It's not hidden it says right in your stats
> I get massive stutters for the first minute each match starts
I bet you're using a 5400rpm HDD or something. It's time to upgrade user.
>I'm playing pubg in 2k
You realize that 2k and 1080p are the same thing, right?
4k is 3840 × 2160. Divide that by 2 and you get "2k is 1920 x 1080"
Oh so people begin to hate it for petty reasons that aren't even relevant to the game. Okay.
Or make your own. Speaking of hacks, does it matter on what language you use? If I remember correctly, people code in C++ for CSGO.
Fuck off Playerunknown.
I fell for the bait.
KSP is an anomaly. It was a great game in early access and then it turned to shit when it released. If you got it early on, you were just getting a rocket building game where you go to other planets. If you got it later in the game's life you were buying a game that was basically advertising itself as a space program sim with resources and asteroids. When all those features finally made it into the game, they were disappointing and there were already mods that did it better. They started hiring mod authors, which took them away from developing good mods and put them to work on the half-assed official game mechanics. Then the publisher turned into jews and the entire development team left.
Welcome to Sup Forums -The Vidya.
mainly because it requires no skill
you can win with 0 kills, sadly because of this it attracts, encourages and rewards campers
duos and squads, in my experience, is a bit better. People seem more confident along side others, but on your own this game is not fun
>you can win with 0 kills
This is technically true of any shooter where at least 1 or 2 other players are retards who might accidentally nade themselves, fall off a building, or ignore the objectives.
Confirmed for not knowing anything of the game
Bruh are you trolling?
2k is 2560 x 1440 you dumb fuck.
> you can win with 0 kills
So just like any none-arena shooter?
Then that would mean that 4k is 5120 x 2880, which it isn't. Plus wouldn't that be 2.5k?
>wow so original
>but this one has a timer!!!
you just know, someone right now is making their own battle grounds clone, with an anime tone, with so much waifu customization and cell shading.
People that complain about it being 30 dollars are faggots. AAA games are like 100 fucking bucks now and have equal or less content than PUBG.
Literally google 2k resolution and you'll find that you're wrong.
When they're not given any significant reasons to like the game, then yeah. Sup Forums generally hates games that are shoved down its throat, regardless of popularity. Popular games just tend to be spammed more often than lesser known ones. Borderlands is a perfect example.
I run the game off a SSD and still get stuttering.
Battlegrounds is unoptimized as fuck. I don't understand why people pretend otherwise.
AAA games can be bought for less than $50 if you know where to shop and 9 times out of 10 they're finished games even without the extra DLC content. People who act like PUBG is comparable to a AAA game to justify its price are faggots.
Well damn. QuadHD it is then. A lot of people call 2560x 1440 2k though, for some reason.
How do you expect me to prove it?