>normies and casuals play lowest common denominator normie and casual video games
This isn't a surprise (pic related)
Is pubg the new reddit meme?
add dota and csgo to that list too
only if you dont land at spicy c dot like a scrub
but those are actual games you can play
dota = league
csgo = pubg
add cod there too then
Reminder that 'fun' is the excuse women use to justify playing Candy Crush, when you defend Mario you are doing the same, you are a woman, only ugly with mantits
Nothing hardcore about Sup Forums.
this pic and example games are fucking retarded
I remember when I was almost afraid to tell people I played Minecraft's alpha because they wouldn't know what it was and think I'm some weirdo. Funny how it just moves right on up to casual just because it's popular.
League obviously has a lot of casuals, but then and again it's the most played game in the worl
For PUBG I'm sure casuals own the supercomputer to run it
Stay autistic v
wow people play video games
more news at 11
>"For PUBG I'm sure casuals own the supercomputer to run it"
>implying PC gaming hasn't been infested with casuals and kiddies for years now
It's a Day-Z spinoff that's sold over 4 million copies, it's going to attract loads of fucking casual reddit-tier kiddies.
Yep and virginity rate increases from right to left.
Kids don't own good computers, and unless things have changed PUBG requires a supercomputer to run.
PC gaming has been infested with casuals because outside of burgerland it's the main platform with people over 18.
>No Overwatch
>interest in japanese games is directly proportional to how much you know about the industry and is a reflection of taste
man, why can't we just agree that good games are good regardless of where they came from and taste is subjective. not everyone likes every genre nigga. Anyone who thinks a game is better because it was made by a specific person regardless of gameplay is a retard.
Yes, most children who play minecraft are sluts. They all spend time getting fucked in Notch's massive house
i'm not a huge fan of it myself, so don't take this as me defending it, but PUBG is not a dayz spinoff. It's a sequel to the ArmA 3 Battle Royale game mode. I think you're thinking of wasteland.
I don't understand LiS or Undertale's inclusion. I might be wrong, but neither Undertale nor LiS are that popular with the normie crowd. Undertale attracts furries and Tumblr, most of which are as dyfunctional as Sup Forumsirgins.
you can watch both games uncommented on youtube and you've played them
all hardcore bros please redirect to
>Oh I don't remember if I watched that part
I hate this let's play/streamer shit nowadays, nobody plays games any more