For it being one of the worst in the series, Skyward Sword has some of the best dungeons

For it being one of the worst in the series, Skyward Sword has some of the best dungeons.

ITT: Post comfiest/favorite Zelda dungeons

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Sandship would've been great if Fi didn't pop out to spoil one of the coolest parts of it.

Fi was a mistake

Skyward Sword does indeed have some of the best dungeons in the series. It's one of the few positives the game has.

The Desert area in general was great honestly.

Skyward Sword could have been my favorite game in the series if
>Fi stfu
>The game didnt have such a huge emphasis on motion controls. Even if they were good, they would still be annoying.
I know what you're talking about though. Ancient Cistern is comfy af.

timestones were cool
shame the boss was straight outta dreamworks

Aesthetically, maybe. I thought they were simplified in terms of gameplay, especially with compass/map being one item. It feels like Nintendo wanted to keep it easy because they thought motion controls were going to be all the challenge the game needed.

>>The game didnt have such a huge emphasis on motion controls. Even if they were good, they would still be annoying.
This. sword play was actually ok, but there was literally zero reason to do away with TP's pointer aiming, and they made Z-targeting useless

Not him, but I'd personaly say the motion controls add about as much as they subtract, ultimately not bothering nor pleasing me too much.

I'm actualy an advocate for pointer controls over gyro, but I guess gyro has a close enough effect and is MUCH easier to set up. Makes the hopes for an HD version much more likely, although it wouldn't have been impossible anyway.

Fire Sanctuary is my favorite.
I think the music is what does it for me.

Just imagine if SS had all of the fat and padding removed from it. You'd be left with a quality zelda game with some of the finest dungeons around.

None of that 3 out intro shit.

3 hour*

The intro is not too bad really. What really shits the bed is boss design, both visually and gameplay-wise. To this day I still feel insulted that they thought the Imprisoned was a good enough fight to not only put it in the game, but make you do it multiple times.

The intro is allright.
It's pretty much the same thing with TP, but it's really not that bad for dozens of hours long game.

The really bad shit are those collecting challenges.
Even if it was just one, it's not that fun to begin with, much like the stealth segment in the volcano, though at least that one was only done once.

Also having to go back to that temple inside the dome was completely unecessary.
Those are the things that drag the game for too long.

>The Sandship had a fucking god tier lead up to the boss
>it shows its face

Actually yes, that too. I will never forget the disappointment I had wash over me when I saw the Sand Ship boss.

>Tentacles breaking through the ship
>Ship swaying violently
>That ominous description fi gives before you exit through the door to fight the boss

If you weren't getting images of a huge ass kraken-like beast clinging to the ship during that moment, then I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you. Opening that door and seeing that monsters inc reject just saddened the fuck out of me.

That's pretty much what I meant about the padding in general. The Volcano Stealth segment was the worst part of the game for me. Not even tadtones compared.

What do you mean?

It's a real shame because the other bosses are actualy pretty good.

This is the only 3D Zelda I can recall where killing the boss isn't just a question of stunning it with whatever item you got in that dungeon and smacking it with the sword.
It has that too, but they're much more focused on patterns and landing the sword angles.

They also seem much more thematic this time.
I still remember getting chills when realiing Moldarach was indeed the 1000yo form of one of those harmless critters.

>That's pretty much what I meant about the padding in general. The Volcano Stealth segment was the worst part of the game for me. Not even tadtones compared.
Yeah I getchu, but I think padding is less harmful if it's either done sparingly or enjoyably.

For example, I don't mind flying around since it's kinda fun and at least the stealth segment is done only once.
Those gem collecting segments were neither of those. Same with many of the dousing segments.

>Just imagine if SS had all of the fat and padding removed from it.
Wow, a 6 hour game.

Worked for OoT


There's a section where you have to hit the timeshift stone at the centre of the ship from below the deck by firing an arrow through some grating on the ceiling.
This would've been pretty cool if the player had been allowed to work that out on their own, but instead Fi pops out and explains exactly what you need to do, because I guess they thought that was too difficult to figure out or something. It's fucking stupid.