Is this the pinnacle of the series?

Is this the pinnacle of the series?


this is the pinnacle of bait though


>ha awakening isn't great but its brought more people to the series, the sequel will be better for sure

doesn't look anything like her

where are the megabuns

What am I looking at here exactly?


It has the best gameplay for sure. And also worst story, but the series has never been good at that.

that's the most boring, stale, repetitive, redundant and unbalanced fe yet

Fuck no. Go play thracia 776 for a good fire emblem.

most overrrated game in the series

it's got great mechanics, excellent BEXP system, and great maps - utterly ruined by the piss-easy difficulty

PoR is a great example of why difficulty is so important in vidya. All the greatest mechanics in the world don't matter if the game is so easy you can faceroll it with anything


Not with these designs.

Gameplay wise? Yes.

Story wise? Not even close

Unfortunately, its flaw stemmed from a dumb localization decision. Especially a shame because the localization was entirely positive otherwise.

But I don't think lack of difficulty is a fatal flaw. It still does everything else right. And still the best writing in a FE game so far.

As far as it does things well, it does many things terribly.
While the gameplay was there and it provided a good challenge, this was the game that made me realize that FE games need at least a tolerable story to make me even want to continue. If there was a hard part, there was no motivation for me to power through, I just didn't care so I put it down for a while and played something else. At the end I felt like the whole game didn't need to have happened, there was no logical justification behind the battles other than a character being deliberately retarded. It was a game that was saved from being bad due to the great selection of defend maps, but prevented from being the best due to having such an awful reasoning behind it and no motivation to move the player.

read a book

Rather than that it made me realize that FE doesn't need a good story but it dies need characters I can care about.
Birthright has a better plot, but the cast is so utterly insignificant that it makes me lose incentive to play, while Conquest has a retarded plot, but many of the characters are fun and charming and that's more important.

>NO Japanese audio
Fuck no.

2 games off, but Conquest was petty good.

Conquest and Birthright were both better than Awakening, but Revelation somehow managed to be worse of the bunch

you're exaggerating

CQ was pretty shit yeah, but I never felt like it was SD-tier of blandness

I've tried to play SD/NM at least half a dozen times and I just can't. Everything about the presentation is so shit, awful graphics, terrible writing, characters have zero personality and join your team for no reason, they say "let me join" and that's literally their dialogue in the game

As shitty as CQ was, it at least met the minimum for writing/presentation for me. If you think CQ was bad, SD and NM will make you cry

I feel the complete opposite. The more subdued characters from Birthright, with better defined pasts and motivations are way more endearing than Contquests simple caricatures. Same reason I dislike Awakening's cast, too many simple characters that can be described in a single word.

That's another thing. I cared more when they died in BR, but I found too many of the Fates characters to be focused on one specific note in general. Some had more likeable notes than others but the characters were fairly weak and given that so few of them had actual plot relevance, they didn't impact motivation of the plot, given that supports are not tied to plot progression or events.
I'm not exaggerating.
SD was bland as fuck, agreed, but CQ had actively terrible plot. I'd rather have a bland, pretty boring plot than one that is deliberately awful and makes me want to strangle the writers.

>I'd rather have a bland, pretty boring plot
I bet you liked Echoes plot too you faggot

Not him but Birthright had a very extreme way of doing characters. Either they were terrible one-trait jokes like Setsuna or amusing and likeable, like Azama. Too many of them felt like afterthoughts though, the strong points of Birthright's plot is the deaths of the Nohr characters, which are strangely better in birthright than in conquest.

Was the fan-translation ever finished?
I tried checking in serenes but somehow I'm banned from the page.

Echoes plot was fine though, somewhat standard but I felt like I wanted to see what would happen next and how the story would end, unlike in SD (boring and bland) and CQ (genuinely terrible).

Celica was really the only big issue in Echoes that I can recall, and even most of her actions make sense from the perspective of a devout religionfag.

What the fuck happened with this series?
It just went from great to steaming feces as it aged

celica wasn't the big issue, her actions in act 4 were a small wart on the utter blandness of Echoes writing

Post Camilla and I'll agree.

She's right there

I dunno, I got pretty invested in it. The writing and world building in Echoes was fine and did a good job at providing a reason to keep playing.
Why is it that every argument about CQ drags in the other 3DS games? Echoes is a remake of an NES game and Awakening was a mass appeal last ditch marketing ploy. They don't have any bearing on Fates's story or gameplay.

every argument about every FE game drags in other FE games

just in this thread we've already had people mention Echoes, Thracia, BRT, Rev, SD, NM

That's a phenomenal pose of her, yes, but she is covered by other people.

Eh, that's stupid then
Well let's talk about CQ again then
post your mvp unit that you fed every stat booster in the final battle.

I won't say that the plot for Echoes is anything special, I mean for fuck's sake it's a super faithful remake of a flawed NES era FE game, it wasn't going to win any writing awards to begin with. But calling the writing of Echoes bland is just wrong, when it and the voice acting are pretty much the high points of the game.

Corrin, but for the Ryoma duel chapter. Fuck trying to fight through those hallways with everyone else, seriously.

close, but not quire

people that praise conquest chapter 10 you know they're from /feg/ or rebbit(basically same people )

shit game with one of the worst translations ever

I beaned Ryoma pretty good, prepped Kamui before the battle and made her not only capped in every stat via items but also had her with several healing items and special stuff. Stomped him like the little bitch he was.

it was bland as fuck. It's an incredibly simple, incredibly generic tale of a boy and his friends rising up to fight evil. It doesn't help that the MCs and villains are also bland as fuck. The entire game rests on the strength of its presentation.

>saving stat boosters for the last battle
I really hope none of you do this



is that the best you can come up with?

Conquest 10 is literally the only chapter worth a damn in Fates in general.

It was well done though for what it was and they used a FE staple premise (e.g. Lord defeats bad dragon) for what ended up being a decent story.

Also I do save stat boosters for the final battle, it makes it so much more rewarding to blitz with them rather than incremental boosts, given that the usable characters in CQ have such great growths anyway for level ups.


thread is just another FE series "my favorite is better and yours sucks" contest

>it was bland as fuck. It's an incredibly simple, incredibly generic tale of a boy and his friends rising up to fight evil.
That's complaining about the plot, which I'm not defending. What I'm praising is the writing and delivery.
>The entire game rests on the strength of its presentation.
Again, that's exactly what I'm praising. Do you have reading issues?

Why would you not save them? Conquest units have fucking amazing growths for any of the good characters, the only reason to use them prematurely is to prop up a garbage unit.

It's not even the pinnacle of bait like he said though, it's just a half-assed attempt to stir up FEfags into arguing about how much they hate part of their series and love the other parts.

if you say writing you can mean anything, be more specific

because saving them does nothing? Those statups aren't doing jack shit sitting in your inventory. If you get a Dracoshield in chapter 7 and don't use it until chapter 28, that's 21 chapters it's literally doing nothing

It's incredibly easy to look up your unit's average stats and % to cap, then use statboosters accordingly.

holy fuck

if you faggots want to circlejerk over how every FE is special and perfect go to fucking reddit

>acknowledging the thread was generic bait for people to just become angry over nothing is reddit
If you know so much about it then take your advice for yourself.

>looking up stats instead of playing and realizing what units are better and what they have strong points in
user no don't do that
It's like consulting a wiki for builds in a singleplayer rpg instead of experimenting.

>he uses shit units

>he cheats using outside information

It is some pretty bland bait though, even you would have to agree with that. No effort at all, just a "here's a one sentence opinion go fight."

>using serenes is cheating
top cuck

>not playing to find out what units are good and which ones aren't
>letting others playing the game for him and collect the info instead
I bet you use guides for puzzle games too
I repeat don't do that

birthright had pic related

that would be true if the game gives you all the info you need, but it's blatantly not true

it purposely hides growth rates

older games have ridiculously inane conditions for recruitment and gaiden chapters that nobody will ever figure out without a guide

desert chapter items will take a thousand turns to find using trial-and-error

don't assume everyone else is as stupid as you are

>tfw the cutest unit in all 3 routes is shit

>if you say writing you can mean anything, be more specific
Fuck, I can't find the line on YouTube, but shit like that line about "ripping that traitorous tongue out of your mouth" where I believe it was Lukas that retorts "then you'll finally have the truth in your hands". That's the kind of stuff I'm praising in Echoes, not the boilerplate plot.

But we're talking about Fates, not older games or gaiden, or hidden desert items.
It's not being stupid, and finding out which characters are stronger instead of using a guide is part of the gameplay. If they had rates for every character visible it would defeat the purpose having those units at all.

This is Fates though user, and it's not like units are hard to recruit until you subject yourself to Revelations.
It's ok that you're a guide using casual user, just don't flaunt it as superiority.

trial and error gameplay isn't skillful

it doesn't make you good lmao

It's ok that you can only make it through the game if you have someone helping you user, not everyone can do it by themselves.

Using a guide isn't skillful either, it's just lazy.

never thought I'd see the day when Sup Forums purposely defends obfuscation of game mechanics from the player

Velour was cuter
Say what you will about the game but the waifu game strong

>give stat boost to an unit
>he dies to a random 2% crit three chapter later

If you aren't a resetting faggot, saving stat boosts until the endgame is a safer option

>checking the wiki and calculating average stats


Never thought I'd see the day when Sup Forums purposely defends the usage of guides because they can't handle having to find shit out by playing the actual game.


just because you're autistic doesn't mean everyone else is

It's alright user, it's ok to need someone to help you because the game is too hard, I'm not defending the game mechanics, you're just alright being special.

i like them both but selkie is my favorite

I liked the personality of Selkie as a wife but Velour ended up spending more time with me because she's an incredible unit. Also trashgirl is cute.
I'd use Selkie but she ends up dying to 3% hit chances way too often.


Says the guy who calculates stats and the best units to use his items on.

Nohr has the better royals by far

In my eyes, Conquest pretty much had everything going for it. It wasn't until the localization changes began to lurk the air that the disappointment began and only kept getting worse from there on out. The story, Corrin's character and Azura were just so offensively bad it actually manages to bog the game down several notches making it an overall meh experience that could have been infinitely better if they gave a damn. At least the game is fun to play and the music is good for the most part.

Didn't help that they apparently had a good script written by a competent writer and threw it out in exchange for whatever mess the final product had. Or so I've heard.

>localization changes
Wasn't a lot of things in the original script also shit? They somehow made that worse?

The localization was complete shit by and large, but the plot problems of Conquest (and Fates as a whole) were already pretty fucking bad in the nip versions.

>competent writer

apparently it was the same guy who wrote Bloody Monday, which was not a good manga

Alright then maybe I was lied to, idk. Heard it on here anyway.

Yes, but that doesn't really change how sloppily the localization was handled. Lack of dual audio when Awakening had it, Saizo and Beruka's C support which I've heard the ellipses were actually placeholders, Rhajat's S support with her F!Corrin being the same one as the one with M!Corrin when in the jap version they had another written out for F!Corrin specifically, and lastly they didn't even bring over all the DLC which may seem trivial to some.

ahaha no

this autistic fox's voice was the best part of birthright

I know, it's a crime.

Echoes is the best of the New Fire Emblems.

The game was ok, not really that memorable but I enjoyed it, but it had some fun pre release and post release months.
Remember the petting scandal?
The "...?"
The "rawr" shit?
The removal of the unique support for the gay ones, replacing it with identical dialogue?
No swimsuits?
Missing DLC?
Muh Honorabu?
Kill your famiri?
Slime dad the good dad?
Kana the eternally friendzoned?
Good times. Echoes release didn't capture that same glow, all we got was flavourless complaints about the DLC and maps.


Remember the boycott?
That went well.


It was hard, but that's about all you can say about it. It wasn't really all that memorable outside of how dumb the plot and writing got. Most of the difficulty was in the enemies being so strong rather than the objectives being at all interesting outside of a couple outliers, which just leads to a pretty boring Fire Emblem.

But hey at least it gave us a shitload of memes to shitpost with.

It may not be literally the best game ever made, but at least we got Camilla out of it.

At the same time, that was because Echoes was legitimately fun, if not outright good. At the very least, the presentation, voice acting and scripting was pretty well done, even if the story was as bland as a 20-something year old game would have.

Gonna be honest, I didn't play echoes.
I only played fates so I could join in properly on the shitposting fun, which I enjoyed more than the game itself.