ITT: trigger Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums
ITT: trigger Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums
shit thread but yeah, this board needs to stop pretending japanese games are automatically better.
>Sup Forums is one person
Is there an easier way to spot a dum dum
Left is pretty much Dragon Quest tho.
Man I miss Fatlus comics.
Yeah, you see if they post sailor moon reaction images.
>There's no such thing as trends or general opinions
You're right, I've spotted the dum dum
>worst board on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums exists
literally full of underage, padjeets, and furries
They aren't but Japan is pushing the west's shit in this year and only the most biased of retards can contest this. I can't name one good western release this year outside of a few indie titles but I can name nearly a dozen good jap releases.
I'm the last xbot on Sup Forums
>he doesn't know about the poll
just say anything bad about nintendo. instant trigger.
you might even trigger a mod too since they're all nintendo fans
It's not made by Atlus. They just published it.
Pic related is also a bad example of non anime-cliched game by Atlus.
Why the fuck is final fantasy tactics advance on that image?
Fucking triggered
>Why the fuck is final fantasy tactics advance on that image?
made the game unfun and unplayable
>standalone game that's not a part of any series
>worst in its respective series
What did he mean by that?
I voted for Hillary.
gamergate ruined the internet
>not 14
>or 11-2
Just either
A) use the law changing cards
B) dont rely on 3 characters the whole game you goof
it was marketed as a SMT x FE crossover so it's viable for being the worst game in both
I don't do MMOs but I doubt they can be worse than 15 and this is from a guy who played the 13 trilogy
>A) use the law changing cards
never got that far
>B) dont rely on 3 characters the whole game you goof
I have 1 of each race and the laws would always fuck over one person
Did you use only 6 characters or something?
You either deploy characters who can't break the law or just use a card yourself. Playing around this system takes little to no effort.
>worst board on Sup Forums
>When Sup Forums exists
Recent events prover otherwise. Enjoyed your Gone homo today? Remember to play it like a obsesion every day, your 3 minute sacrifice to your lord and masters at the womens study course.
reminder that with comics like these you are defending trash like skyrim and dragon age
>it was marketed as a SMT x FE crossover so it's viable for being the worst game in both
Oh, that's why it appeared two times
>Muh Sup Forums
>muh laws
I thought TRPGs were for smart people
Oh man you need to go back and play it again.
Between each race having so many different classes, the law changing cards, and the fact that you can see what laws take place on what day; it really doesnt end up being that much of a nuisance.
Plus you can make laws to fuck over the opponents, even though it doesnt rly do much
"oh wow I agree with all of these, this guy has great taste!!"
>Pokemon Ruby
You were so close too
Sup Forums is also pretty bad
>I thought TRPGs were for smart people
they are but the law system was just bullshit to cripple you, the player, and only you.
>Oh man you need to go back and play it again.
I do have a romhack that gets rid of the laws. Just never bothered touching it.
>worst board on Sup Forums
>not /r9k/
Sup Forums is literally an extension of r/the_donald at this point
Sup Forums is bad, but not THAT bad
>they are but the law system was just bullshit to cripple you, the player, and only you.
The laws change ever time you move on the map. Just check what the laws are and move until they aren't shit. Blindly rushing into battle should be punished
These are made by atlas fans typically as a joke, only idiots think they're sincere.
Hey guys, POLITICS. Also someone put a non white character in a game.
Imagine being so upset that a brand new franchise from a no name developer bet the most hyped entry in arguably the most popular franchise of all time that you have to make an image like this.
If anyone is Reddit it's summer fags like you
At least Sup Forums remains on topic
return where you came from, scum
you don't deserve these numbers
Sup Forums hates it because it portrays exactly what they think about their precious Metal Gear franchise and simultaneously blows them tfo
>Sup Forums is also pretty bad
forgot my pic
and from what I remember, the moment you step onto a map with a fight, you get sucked into it.
Plus it was early on so I had fuck all in terms of equipment to do other jobs that would not get them punished by the law
>Sup Forums is literally an extension of r/the_donald at this point
>r/the_donald was made years after Sup Forums
This pic is so right, Sharia Law is the only way
>i have no idea what "at this point" means
go back to scum
name one good western game
How do you "bet" it when you didn't sell more copies and got a lower review score?
Sup Forums > /lgbt/ > /qa/ > /mlp/ > /r9k/ > Sup Forums > Sup Forums
/fit/ > Sup Forums > Sup Forums
Reminds me of when idiots thought Demon's Souls was an Atlus game, because they published it in North America.
>Black guy in the game
>not 4
look I don't like 2 nearly as much as 1 or 3, but come on now, it's not a bad game
most of that is accurate though, only a few wrong opinions.
Just because something was made after another's creation, doesn't mean the older one can't become the newer one.
>and from what I remember, the moment you step onto a map with a fight, you get sucked into it.
Only certain battles. The laws are not random, they progress in a fixed order. If you put any effort in you can easily work the laws to your advantage.
>one general portrays the whole board
I'm not interested in papercraft nor origami
>White guy in the game
please note, the guy(Quentin) who made this got banned for posting it AND he legitimately thinks that DmC is a good game