Name a more satisfying shotgun to use in a video game
Guess what? You can't
Name a more satisfying shotgun to use in a video game
Guess what? You can't
Soldier of Fortune 2.
I'm on tablet, and too lazy to post a video... but it's WAY WAY better than any other game.
I've always loved the halo original trilogy shotgun, feels hefty.
Halo's shotty was good shit too, and the popping shields made it look even more satisfying
Good ol' Doom Super Shotgun
>That grenade 40 seconds in
Wasn't this supposed to be a horror game or something?
Yea I started playing it recently and the only time I got scared was an unintentional moment when a grunt was right around a corner
It's more of an FPS with spooky vibes
Soldier of Fortune. Well, that was easy.
It's supposed to be. Most of the jumpscares are laughable and the only thing that'll really scare you is seeing an enemy you didn't expect and startling you
95% of the time you are shooting dudes.
The rest is jump scares.
Reinbeck, Payday: The Heist
My favourite shotgun of all time is the automatic shotgun from Red Faction 1. I do love the fear one too though. Also the original Resident Evil one when you manage to blast heads.
One of my favourite things to do when I was 12 was blast through the library in CE with the shotgun on the hardest difficulty I could manage. I found it funny finding out a few years later that everyone on the internet hated that level because of the repetitiveness.
What are some unsatisfying shotguns?
Doom 3
this video made me reinstall
this guy speak truth
I don't see what people find so satisfying about the melee. It's pathetic.
Unironically quake
any shotgun in vanilla stalker
Killing Floor 2
It is a horror game.
For the enemy NPCs.
Sawn-off in first Max Payne felt kinda shitty.
1887 in every game
Quake's enemies are a bit too tanky for my liking.
Max Payne, Jackhammer
Jackhammer in Crimsonland
Onyx Blaster early in the game in Terraria
I hate all of HL2 weapons, except for the shotgun, so there's that
doom super shotgun is still the best shotgun to date. check and mate, niggerfaggot.
All the HL2 weapons feel like shit anyways
You don't like the crossbow?
Max Payne 3 has an awful sawed off
Magnum is great, especially if you use the suit zoom
Are there any games that have multiple reload animations for each gun?
alright you got a laugh of me
Perfect Dark
Guess what? I can. Play 1886 and grab the Three Crown off a corpse.
Shadow warrior shotgun was garbage.
Vermintide's Grudgeraker is damn fun
The recent Shadow Warrior games.
>Play 1886
Nice meme.
>burst fire 3 barrel shotgun
you never even fucking played shadow warrior
My man!
Sadly newer versions of the game past 2005 or something ruined the Barret M82A1 with delayed shots.
System Shock 2's shotgun.
it was such a huge letdown after doom 1 and 2 but at least the rocket launcher was good
I cant, and I know Blood's shotgun exists.
Hell Blood devs probably made FEAR's fucking shotgun.
>Developer(s): Monolith Productions
user, I'm pretty sure Monolith just took what made Blood's shotgun good and put it into FEAR's iteration of the weapon.
I miss it
>tfw mashing my mouse button with the MEC saiga
That's Jackhammer from Far Cry.
oh fug, my bad
you do know that the team that made Blood, Q Studios, moved over to monolith and became monolith devs themselves right?
it's a common misconception to believe Blood is a 3D Realm's game that was sold to Monolith for publishing near its completion.
Metal Slug
the best horror games (doom 3, deadspace, frear) have these and everyone hates them. How do you make a horror game without jumpscares?
CE's was great but 2 and 3's were trash with 0 range
By constantly making the player think there's going to be a jumpscare
>the best horror games
>doom 3
The first time you use a shotgun in RE6 after coming from 4/5 is incredibly unsatisfying.
name a good horror game
Jumpscares are good when they relieve tension are not the only source of scares.
Silent Hill 2
the shotgun in resident evil 1 is kick-ass
>Using a Spas 12 without the stock
that thing was some serious stuff
but then crybabbys ruined it just like they ruined anti air on bf4
>Pump action
>Wood furniture
>Aiming up and waiting for a zombie to get close to blow his head clean off
>When you manage to get lucky and blow up two at once
>Knowing that you'll never have to deal with them coming back
>the best horror games
is this a troll
Over-under < Side-by-side
Despite how frequently it shows up, I have yet to see a game using the Spas 12 with the hook unfolded and gripping the arm.
that one pump shotgun from bf3 with slugs
spas 12 from MW2, 1887 pre-nerf
mw2 has it unfolded...
Is the SPAS the most aesthetic shottie?
Does the UT series Flak Cannon count as a shotgun? Because that's pretty fucking satisfying to point-blank wreck someone with.
Yes, there are games where the buttstock's unfolded, but I'm specifically interested in games where you can use the hook. The few times I've seen it depicted with the hook, the stock was folded up. Also, I've never played a CoD game, so my experience with the series is limited.
>most aesthetic shottie?
I'd give that title to the AA-12
It looks like a disgusting hunk of plastic designed in Blender by a 15 year old using it for the first time to make their own Cawwa Doody rip-off.
The hunting shotgun the VC get in RS2 is fucking crazy.
1-shots with buckshot out to 70m reliably as long as you can aim, further if you get lucky, and can take slugs.
I hate the AA-12. I use it in Killing Floor 2 because it's one of the better shotguns but god is it ugly.
fear is second though
People don't like badly implemented jumpscares, a well implemented one is fine.