Is anyone disappointed about the lackluster third party support?

Is anyone disappointed about the lackluster third party support?

no because I wasn't retarded enough to expect it in the first place

Day Oner here, i am, and it worries me.

yea but im just buying it for the exclusives

I just want Sega classics and new Nintendo games on the system, desu.

I was hoping for more than a few indies of varying quality, NeoGeo ports, and stuff like Cave Story. I'm not surprised though

>Buying a Nintendo console for 3rd party

>3rd party support
How underage are you that this is your first console generation?

No, I have a PC.

yes and anyone saying otherwise is probably dishonest

well the first party is shit so why else would you buy a nintendo console

or is it
>buying a nintendo console

>platform doesn't get mechanically inferior ports
>"wow this console has no third-party support, what garbage"
>platform gets mechanically inferior ports
>"wow these graphics aren't as good as on other consoles, what garbage"

It literally just came out

Once the install base gets 20+Million I expect Japanese third partys to jump in, until then Nintendo needs to do 3rd party deals like they've done in the past

I wasn't expecting any, why would I be disappointed?

New system

It's only the first year. The 3DS had a rough start too.
It'll grow into its library.

I don't blame them for not supporting this trash

>It literally just came out

Even though both the PS4 and Xbox One had 3rd party support when they just came out? Oh you


Such as?

That's not a real excuse when Nintendo stopped supporting the Wii U in the end of 2015. They've had years to get ready for the Switch.

Not really, no.

I have nearly 1k games on Steam, a PS4, a 3DS, and and Xbone.

I have my Nintendo Switch to play Nintendo games, and there are a few I am looking forward to.

No, because I have a PC and PS4 for that stuff.

>expecting good third-party support for a Nintendo console

Where have you been the last 20 years?



No because "disapointment" would suggest you actually set a bar of expectancey.

The GCN had good third-party support

Its going to start selling piss poor after all the children and man children buy it.

Such as the ones I want and not the ones you'll call shit, because I don't need your validation.

Sony gave out dev kits way before and still had no games in it's first year. EA is supporting the Switch so far but people seem to conveniently ignore them.

Why can't you have both? Like, you know, when the SNES was a thing?

>releasing a shitty FIFA port

Wow, amazing, I'm speechless


>shitty port
>game runs well on the system
>one feature is just missing
everyone gotta complain about everything now

It doesn't matter

It's just a shitty port

Does anyone even care about Fifa?

>it doesn't count!!
Pathetic fucking roaches.

no because if i want to play third party i play it on pc

Ok, let's hear about the amazing games the switch has.

>it doesn't matter
welp good claim that wraps up the third party argument have a nice day

Exactly. We want the games as photorealistic as possible.

To be honest it's surprising there are no games what requires the maximum spec possible for current year.
Like, the latest and most powerfull CPU and motherboard with latest most powerfull Nvidia/AMV and latest and most powerfull and fast maximum GB RAM.

I'm being sarcastic. But normal western gamers and devs want really to the games be real life simulator like Matrix, or be playable holywood movie.
If you think that way, the most natural way is go powerhouse until PS4 or Microsoft discontinue their consoles it because devs wants too much power and can't deliver it with less than 500 dollars.

>No Devil May Cry
>missing dozens of games that are on PS2/Xbox but not GC

Picked up a launch console on day one because I live in buttfuck Indiana and I've been screwed almost every day for three months

>Had the joycon issue and had to send in my joycons on day two
>Had the WiFi issue and had to buy the dongle to make it function
>Games come out at a fucking slow ass crawl, we used to get two or three neo geo releases a week but now it's just one
>Virtual console is going to make us start over AGAIN, if they even let us have more than NES
>Just got done packing up my Switch to be sent in for repair because the USB port died
>They wanted me to send in the dock too and I realized it was warped as all fuck

I used to think I was a cock-gobbling Nintenbro until I saw all the posts telling me I was either lying, faking it, or telling me I broke it myself when I was showing pics of my damaged Switch.

>Guys, my USB port is damaged

pic related

>no MGS
>what is Twin Snakes
Konami, Capcom, and most other big jap companies made exclusives for the cube throughout its lifespan. And a lot of AAA western multiplat shit is on it too

Got em

I have a PC, so no

But I didn't buy a Nintendo for third party...


well at least you're the only person around here to return their product to its makers to get it fixed

What am I even looking at here

>said multiple times in the post my USB port died

Do you even read the posts you comment on

Nice blog

>Buying consoles on launch date
Are you fucking retarded?
Literally every fucking console since I can remember had tons of problems on launch, I dodged the problem by buying consoles at least after 6 months of release.
Worked for me with PS4 and Switch which had notorious problems at launch.

I don't really give a shit, I'd rather anything third party be either released on 3DS or Vita for better portability or PS4 or PC for better performance

I'm not worried. Some good games coming second half of the year combined with 1st party games there isn't going to be nearly the shortage as first 3 months. There has been some 3rd party support creeping in and I expect it to continue to grow as the years go on. First you must understand that these big cinematic AAA games will never come to the console. Don't even know why you'd want to play those on a handheld to begin with.

Came here to post this. Nintendo's gaming formats haven't been solid nor competent for nearly a decade, so there's no reason to expect competency from them now.

>been out like 3 months
>i-it's over the s-switch is finished

furthermore what kind of dumb retard wouldn't have a PC for the multiplats?

I've had no issues. Have you tried pooing in the loo?

Nope. You buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. It's been this way since the n64.

You clearly don't keep up with gaming news.

And Steep, which I never played but always wanted to. Also Xenoverse 2 which I again never played but wanted to. Probably won't get FIFA but NBA2K18 I will. FIngers crossed for Bayonetta 2 as well.

>buying the switch for 3rd party support
>not for the flagship titles

Don't you have a PC or at least another console?

Sonyfags who spent $400 on a paper weight and another $200 on a VR headset.

yeah right, the niggers of sony wouldn't be assblasted about the switch now would they

Because Xbox One X spec tablet would be way more expensive to buy.
Switch would be a good idea but it come too late.
PS4 and One will be discontinued fast if not ignored.
Devs will force the gamers to buy the latest version of PS4 or One X.
The difference between the spec become too big again.

The most intelligent way to go is forget it is an console and go full portable with capability to connect to tv.

Don't care. I bought it for first party titles, and got my money's worth.

They DID promise third party support. And so far they haven't really lived up to expectations in that regard. I think it's reasonable to hold Nintendo to what they promised.

this...why would you just have a Nintendo console only? Nintendo consoles in my opinion have always been good secondary console with my PC

>Switch selling better in the same time frame than the PS4 was, not even released during the holidays
>their GOTY completely overshadowed by BotW
>BotW generating tons of salt daily on Sup Forums
Nope, no reason at all.

Delete your post you sad sack of shit.

I have bought almost every single console on launch since the NES and never had a problem with a single one of them until now.

Even my original DS Phat is sitting on my desk in the bedroom and doesn't have any of the supposed issues everyone else had with it like screens and hinge cracking.

well considering I have already bought 4 games in the first 4 months, thats more games that I bought in the same time frame with my PS4 and/or my Xbone, so no, I do get 3rd party games when available on the system, but it doesn't dictate my enjoyment of it.

>>Switch selling better in the same time frame than the PS4 was, not even released during the holidays

Nope, PS4 is crushing it

>>their GOTY completely overshadowed by BotW

Horizon? It sold fine and got great reception

>>BotW generating tons of salt daily on Sup Forums

Not really

>Nope, no reason at all.

Yup, no reason at all.

What games?

umm i don't know mate.... maybe mario, zelda, splatoon etc????????

are you mentally ill?

Nope. I'm disappointed there isn't a new Wave Race or any jet ski game in general.

>disappointed about the lackluster third party support?

What did you expect, seriously? Are you new?

>>>Switch selling better in the same time frame than the PS4 was, not even released during the holidays
>Nope, PS4 is crushing it

Pretty much it was, until it died down after launch. Still, the Switch is selling really well for it not being the holidays and the sales is kind of neck and neck everywhere except Japan, where the Switch is crushing the PS4.

>>>their GOTY completely overshadowed by BotW

Both of the games were nice, stop comparing the both and agree we are lucky to have two good games.

>>>BotW generating tons of salt daily on Sup Forums
>Not really

Yes really, believe me, YES really.

>Nope, no reason at all
>Yup, no reason at all

More like this argument has no reason

I wouldn't be if ARMS and Splatoon 2 didn't feel like $20 throwaway games you'd find on Steam or if MH was getting localised but we live in the shit timeline.

I'm starting to worry.

No. I expected it. I buy Nintendo products for Nintendo games. Anyone who thought we'd be getting a call of duty or, fuck me in the ass, a dark souls game, was a complete idiot.

As a dev I wish I could afford to put my shitty solo projects on Nintendo stuff. But as a consumer I kind of appreciate the barrier to entry.

I work at an indie studio and we make some cool shit. But buying a $3000 dev kit to put up my game I know maybe 1000 people will buy when it's out up against Mario and Zelda is just dumb. Oh well.

It's just retards, doesn't matter if it's from sony or nintendo.
I don't buy consoles or games because they are popular or sell well, I just pick the ones that I might enjoy.
I'm waiting both for ps4 and switch exclusives to be released, there is no reason to be so salty about having a single console and playing less games.

>third party support
Honestly I don't get why anyone would buy this thing now. Breath of the Wild is fantastic, but no one game is worth buying a system for. Do ARMS and Splatoon really make it worthwhile for people? I dunno, I guess they just don't appeal to me. Metroid Prime 4 announcement made me sit up and take notice, but I'm not interested until that, Odyssey and Xenoblade are all out.

>Switch selling better in the same time frame than the PS4 was
>Nope, PS4 is crushing it

By the available numbers, the Switch is outselling the Xbox One in the same time frame but not the PS4. The Switch had a better launch, but softer following weeks due to shortage.

Because Nintendo has spent every generation since the SNES pissing off 3rd party publishers. From their decision to use carts instead of CDs, to their decision to use tiny novelty discs instead of DVDs, to their decision to release the Gamecube again but with a shitty motion controller

No cause I have a PS4/PC. Why would you buy a Nintendo console for 3rd party titles and not just Nintendo games? Stop being retarded.

Yes. It's somehow even worse than the Wii U

If switch was not a handheld there wouldn't be such a high double standard

It's something I've come to expect with Nintendo by now. Aside from the Wii, Nintendo's home consoles haven't had as much third-party support as their competitors since the SNES.

>Is anyone disappointed about the Nintendo's third party support history since 1996?
What a retard.

You need to learn about marginal value and marginal worth. The PS4 is now being sold for roughly 260 dollars, cheaper than the switch.

The PS4 is selling more based on stock and yet decreased its value price to stay competitive. That is a loss.

Switch doesn't even have any real exclusives, why would anyone gey it?


dude, the Switch has a MUCH better launch line up than either of the competition's consoles, let's be real here.

>no real exclusives
there aren't any games that appeal to me so instead of just playing the games on the console that does appeal to me I'm just gonna shit on someone else's on the internet

that's a long translation o_o

I recently bought switch mostly because I wanted to play Splatoon 2 with my friend, already got Zelda and thinking about Disgaea 5.
I wish they could make Animal Crossing, Pikmin and Bayonetta 1,2,3 for switch, but at least there will be new mario, kirby and metroid.


In fairness they've been pissing off developers since the NES. They just didn't have any alternative but to put up with Nintendo because the userbase was so vast.

PS4 has been doing profit for a while

Also, why are you bringing it in the first place?

I seriously hope this is bait, I mean switch will get some exclusive games pretty soon but this picture is full of ports, literally only a single exclusive game is in the picture.

kill yourself
