How do you cope with the fact that the golden era of gaming is over and will never come back...

How do you cope with the fact that the golden era of gaming is over and will never come back, and modern games are only about graphics and cinematic garbage now instead of challenging gameplay and complexity?

ur a faget

make your own game then faggot

I just play old games.

>challenging gameplay
SS2 is your idea of "challenging gameplay"? Wow.

ss2 has cool ambiance and resource management but playing it is a sloggy and trash experience

Its also his idea of complexity, hitting things with a wrench the entire game is real complex.

By not being a faggot with nostalgia glasses permanently glued to my face

>get SS1 int he steam sale
>been meaning to play it for a while
>boot it up to give it a try
>suddenly everyone on Sup Forums is talking about the SS series multiple threads at once for days
you guys are creeping me out get the fuck out of my head

Confirmation bias

Playing games from a few years back. i dont think things were that bad until 2016.

>graphics and cinematic garbage now instead of challenging gameplay and complexity
You were saying?

I don't play modern games

Vidya died in 2007, 100% of everything made after it has been shit made for casuals and/or SJWs.

>How do you cope with the fact that the golden era of gaming is over
by continuing to play said games from era?

>playing SS2
>spooky as fuck
>suddenly some fucking super out of place music starts playing and kills all the atmosphere
what the FUCK were they thinking? the music isn't bad or anything but holy fuck is it immersion breaking

you don't get it

There are still lots of good games coming out.

it's not supposed to be jumpscare tier spooky like Outlast or some other shit

It's supposed to give you a feeling of constant pressure and that the entire station is actively trying to fuck you up, and that music fits perfectly

The techno music gives the feeling that you have to move fast as fuck because everything is after you.

There is more than one kind of scary atmoshpere, the suspenseful cliche horror music and a jumpscare isn't the only kind of scary.

Your mom is a trash experience

>played in the same year the witcher 3, mgs GZ/TPP and dark souls 3
I thought it was over too but greatness is still possible

There have been several great games just this year that focus everything on gameplay.
Nioh, Zelda: BotW, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells

I try to remember citadel.

>The techno music gives the feeling that you have to move fast as fuck because everything is after you.
I've been an avid listener of electronic music from Robert Rich to Aphex Twin, but I had to turn that shit off. It was just way too distracting. I liked it though.


i try to make my own game, all the newest ones are shit

Nier Automata was the best game I ever played

Dark Souls and Thief 2 are my previous favorites

Stop cherry-picking. There are many games released today that are just as good, even occasionally from AAA publishers (take Prey for example).
If you only look at Cowadoody crap or whatever Bioware is currently shitting out you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

I pull out the classics from time to time. It's a real shame complexity of any form is shunned in vidya today. Constantly targeting the lowest common denominator leaves out a large portion of the market.

System Shock 2 is meant to be the kind of horror that RE4 is.
Action thriller.

I noticed that all these people complaining about shitty gaming are either PC or Nintendofags.

Get a PS4.

Personally I think gaming has never been as good as it is today. I mean yeah, there are many games that I am nostalgic for, but there are also a lot, if not more, recent games that my younger self would have been absolutely hyped to play.
Funny that the OP has a picture of System Shock 2, because I just finished my first session of Prey in which I explored the map for two hours off the beaten path and it reminded me a lot of System Shock.

Is Prey worth full price? I missed it during the summer sale

I really haven't played enough of it to tell you. I got it 40€ and so far I definitely think I'll get my money's worth out of it. It seems to be pretty open, because after getting through the introduction the game already allowed me to go where I wanted and that's what I've been doing so far. I'd say if you like Deus Ex, System Shock, Dishonored or Bioshock then you'll probably have fun with it.

Video games are for children. They are aimed towards pre-teens and teens.

You consider those video game years because you were a literal children then.

You are playing games now because you are a pathetic manchildren who can't grow up anymore, but haven't turned into a full Ponyfag.

Pic related is you, but obese.

A pathetic excuse for a male grown in a feminist society. A sad joke to what men used to be, a literal mockery.

>get SS1 on SALE on STEAM
>duh why is everyone talking about it ON Sup Forums

>projecting this hard

The campaign is ~20 hours and you have decent replayability with different Neuromod builds, or challenges (only Typhon Mods/No Mods/Wrench Only etc.).

Who's sadder: The guy who plays video games and enjoys himself, or the guy who lurks on the video game board for opportunities to tell said guy how childish he is.

It is if you fuck up the levelling. It's impossible to proceed past a certain point if you do.

>instead of challenging gameplay and complexity

Daily reminder that most of that "challenging gameplay/complexity" was really just poor design as a result of the medium being in its infancy.

I'm not saying video games better or worse than ever but if you honestly think video games used to be great as a whole and that now they can never ever be good again you're an idiot.

Is that your idea of challenging gameplay? Not putting cybermodules in a skill when SHODAN tells you to, overwriting all your saves and then going OH WOW THE GAME IS UNWINNABLE NOW THIS IS AMAZING TRULY OLD SKOOL

You're trying to promote your dumbassery by alienating children and manchildren on a board full of them.

Why are you so mad?

Why shouldn't I be?

Because you're talking about video games.

That's a very important topic!

Look at weird beta source materials for good games from that era and wonder what might have been

bullshit remember how you had to engage some brain cells in the ALTTP zelda, super metroid, metroid fusion just to figure out where to go? megaman x4 had challenging af gameplay and was a good game, some people also liked others in the series. I picked up super mario the other day, even as a kids game its more challenging than the twitch shooters and DUDE PREY on HARD mode or whatever the fuck it has.

then what do you do for fun, get fucked up the ass? People play video games because it's entertainment, the same reason people read books or watch TV. The only reason people scrutinize the people who play games is because they're mad they can't get into it.

agreed, most people who talk shit about vidya are sports fans and other low iq subhumans who watch tv or go clubbing because they lack the brain function and coordination to play games. Also have zero imagination

Play old games and hacks of old games.

>go clubbing because they lack the brain function and coordination to play games.
Can you dance, user? Checkmate.

when i take xanax which lowers my higher iq powered, robotic-like movements, checkmate low iq dancers

Only problem with the music is that its too loud.

If it were to be remade, they should take samples of the loops Brosius pulled out of his ass for the game and make a dynamic music system with it.

>Robotic movements rather than fluid movements are superior

It's called "The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon" fyi.

Just finished SS for the first time and replayed SS2 right after it, man these games are fucking rad. I might do a replay of Bioshock after I'm done with PREY (which has been great so far).


I drink a lot of alcohol and shut myself away from the rest of the world

I've played through ss2 a few times now and never once used the psyonic abilities. they all seem kind of pain compared to just shooting at things. Am I playing wrong?

I did a pure psionic playthrough and I couldn't beat SHODAN because I couldn't hack her and I wasted my ICE picks. Game is kinda broken that way, but I really did the counterintuitive thing by playing like so.

You can just destroy her shields without hacking, apparently.

I'm moving to board games, they're much cooler, more social and I can actually afford them now that I have a job.

I played on Impossible, got my ass beaten before I could do that. Standard + Energy weapon + hacking is THE way to go in this game.

You absolutely don't need EWs if you go Standard. Laspistol is fun though.

Checked. You are doing fine, it fucking sucks out here more by the minute

I mean, sure, those types pf games during your supposed "golden era" aren't really popular nowadays, but video games have only gotten better, like it or not.

Isn't there a skill that lets you substitute your psy level for your hack level? The psy tree had a lot of one-off utility functions that you had to practically memorize to know where to use them.

Psy was mostly utility functions. You swam in cybermodules by the end of the game anyway. You can try 'em out and see what works for you.

Laser pistol on overload is a must on the engineering deck for those fucking droids. EMP rifle is good to have on recreation deck and vs SHODAN. Either that or the grenade launcher with EMP rounds.

Don't feed into a shut-ins tendencies.
Stop being pathetic and do something with your lives, like kissing a dude.

In lategame AR with proper ammo will kill anything in 1-2 hits, probably something like 3-4 with standard.

Itt: underage retards talking about a time long before they were born.

>tfw played SS2 so much to the point where I actually start to like it less because of it's faults

Just shooting things with the rifle is by far the simplest way to play the game. The balance between different weapons and psi powers is fucked.

Most psi abilities are fairly useless, but some like invisibility can be situationally powerful. The ability that causes organics to show up on radar is especially nice when you're hunting for eggs on the Rickenbacker.


I started playing vidya in 1996. It stopped producing perfect games over a decade ago.


>born in the mid-90s
>got into vidya around 2002-3
>just after the golden era
>tfw now that i'm older i can go back and appreciate the classics

It's such a refreshing feel to play a good old game after the shit show modern gaming is.

>instead of challenging gameplay and complexity

It's funny that people like to argue which is more important between gameplay and story, when the reason those old games around the late 90s/early 2000s were so good is because of how good both of those clicked with each other.

People like to give credit to MGS2 as the perfect example of how it incorporated gameplay into story, when older games did it way before that.

2017 has been the best year for gaming in ages. By the end it could be another 96 or 07.

If you're still saying that kinda shit about this year OP you're an aping faggot who doesn't actually understand the opinions that he holds beyond that it's the Sup Forums approved opinion. Literally the worst kind of poster on Sup Forums.

07 was when gaming died, you retard.

My first game was Sonic on the genesis when I was 3 in 1996

Shitposting, mostly.

It was gamings LAST year, you'd know this if you actually understood the opinions that you parrot. 2007 was filled with a lot of great releases but conspiring circumstances also made it the year gaming started to become mainstream. It was the year all the gears began turning, not actually the year it instantly fell to shit.

>playing single player """""immersive""""""" games in 2k17

You're complaining about being blessed with a golden era? Is it illegal to play those games now or something? Check your privilege

Thanks CoD4

What I don't really understand is why games don't have the same love or effort put into them. Yes I get that they shifted from focus on gameplay and enjoyment of the game, to sales. But it doesn't make sense, you can still make good games even if your goal is just to sell as many copies.

SS2 is a challenging game. You probably played it on easy with a walkthru you little bitch

Damn really hope that SS1 remake will be good. Looks pretty trash from what I've seen. Also is SS3 still happening or nah?

>tfw got tons of truely innovative game designs
>tfw still stuck working on my first game
>tfw jaded and unmotivated

Golden age ended on the year 1998.

>What I don't really understand is why games don't have the same love or effort put into them.

>if you wanted to make video games first you needed a regular background in programing/ect and then actively chose to persue a lesser paying career making 'games'
>management/company leadership was made of the same kinds of people who made the conscious decision to persue the games industry

>you have a worthless social justice degree and you need a job bad, the corporate suits at gaming company will hire you simply because you have an education and they really dont care how you feel about video games as long as you meet deadlines

It's the difference between a new industry being ran by bright eyed idealists, and one firmly in control of unfeeling corporations who simply seek to please their shareholders using the most logical/risk free techniques. Hire cheap fucks to do a shit job but as long as they follow the formula you will make some money.

There's always been good and shit games.

Honestly I'd rate Darkest Dungeon, Souls, or TW3 as well as any older game like Might and Magic 6/7, Morrowind, Diablo 2.

The bigger problem is dead genres, RTS is gone, Heroes of might and magic still hasn't managed to make a good game since V. 3rd person action games are starting to die, they could be revived by another really good Dragon's Dogma.



>use high resolution
>HUD becomes tiiiiiiiny
This shit sucks.

By realizing that's not true and that you're retarded

On Impossible, actually.

This makes me think of bodybuilding. Like video games its golden era is long gone. BUT it is up to us who appreciate and respect the true art form of the past to revive it. With our access to modern technology and the classic styles we can't go wrong.