
What kinda Toy did Sora and co take the form of when they ended up in Toy Story? Never seen this kinda action figure looking thing.

Also, PIXAR IS IN KINGDOM HEART???? Holy shit, what's next? We gonna throw in dreamworks soon? Because I can enjoy me some how to train your dragon type nonesense with Donald riding a dragon.

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I thought the toy designs looked bland
If this was done around the time of KH1/2 they would have all been their own separate toy. Not just their basic design made of plastic

Some sort of animu Nut crackers.

Pixar is part od Disney silly

all Disney is in KH

>Holy shit, what's next? We gonna throw in dreamworks soon?
are you being serious

Dear op, you aren't just a faggot you are also retarded. Look on the case of toy story and what does it say? Disney Pixar. They've collaborated on a bunch of movies.

>What kinda Toy did Sora and co take the form of when they ended up in Toy Story?
Action figures? Are you fucking retarded?

They are the most blocky as shit action figures I have ever seen.
And I own fucking gundam action figures.

Marvel is closer to getting a crossover than Dreamworks because Marvel is owned by Disney.

PAKs, obviously.

Same with mirmax

>dat pull fiction level
Can't wait to revive Donald after he o.d. on heroin.

What else? Sora is willful anime swordsman, action figure is the logical counterpart
Its to make the change more noticeable, if Sora was a high quality toy he would just look the same

the whole game looks bland, but shitters will still spew b-but its alpha!!!!!!

WOuld you prefer I call them dolls?

>tfw you'll never capture Toy Sora and keep him as a sex toy

Why live?

Should have made them dolls like woody.

You do realize that Pizar is Disney right?

Yea i knew that but I never figured they'd actually insert KH into something like Toy Story.

Dear user. You don't need to sound like a rude asshole when pointing something Yes i know that Pixar works with Disney and dreamworks is separate. I was just wondering what I'd be like if they expanded beyond Disney properties.


>Still no Incredibles

Why bother?

>They didn't make him into a figma or give him a spacesuit

Missed opportunities

>still no roger rabbit
just kill me now

Incredibles is much more relevant, especially with the sequel coming out next year. Also it just fits better into an action game.

what's the sequel is gonna be about anyways?

Apprenlty it begins EXACTLY right where the first movie ended. With the intro of the UnderMiner. That all I know.

so it's going to be the same plot as that one video game, Rise of the Underminer?

bravo Pixar

Not likely, I'm sure they'll just kill him off in the beginning then move on to a new plot.

Wud u hotglue Sora? y/n

There is only one I would hot glue.

Evil Doctor Porkchop

Hell yeah.

Should have been Funko pops

You should have been aborted.

Already a thing


>OP being a retard


Why the fuck would DreamWorks be in there you fucking idiot how did you not know that for the longest fucking time Pixar worked/is basically owned by Disney you fucking idiot

I read there was data already found of Woody and Buzz in KH2, is it true?

Please don't post pictures of my son on the internet.

You seem angry. Must you get his angry over this? He probably knows this user. Go and drink some milk tea.

Old 90's action figure

Can't wait to kill Sephiroth and Kefka with Buzz Lightyear and Mr Potato Head.

>they didn't made a Nendoroid Sora

it's okay, it has it's moments in gameplay that really do cool stuff, the design and story of Kingdom Hearts is pretty poor now though, it became to formulaic for it's own good.
