Nioh thread I guess

Is there more DLC yet? Have they nerfed Ninjutsu into the ground yet?

Too early user.
The DLc hasn't dropped yet. You will get no discussion.

Only reason nobody is talking about this game as much as souls is that the game has no cryptic story to piece together and the PVP isn't too stable.

No. 2 weeks.
No. It was never viable in the first place.

This is my 3rd Nioh thread today. I've noticed that if I make a sperg out thread on Sup Forums every time I struggle with a boss then I beat it shortly afterwards

I actually didn't find her too bad, I didn't find the shrine/shortcut right by the boss room though so I found the run back to her a lot harder than the actual fight

She by herself ain't shit.
Yuki-Onna with Nobunaga Oda though.
That is the stuff of nightmares.

Yeah just beat her and she's probably easier boss since that lightning cholera that I cheesed.

So far ice bitch is easier than spider bitch and bat bitch.

Uh oh that don't sound good whoever the other guy is...

*lightning chimera...

Btw I just beat ice level. How far through main game am I?

Just keep your distance and only go in for a quick few hits. Alternatively, there's a reason her arena spits out so much ranged ammo.

Ikr, best girl

About halfway, I think. It's been a while.

Another question. I seem to be way underleveled. I'm level 50 and my next mission is level 62. Will I be okay like this or is more grinding needed? I'm doing all sidequests already

Thanks. Really enjoying this game but I wanna get into ffxii too

God king emperor of Japan during the War.
Literally every other army basically banded together to fucking kill him only for one of his subordinates to do it. Then a completely different subordinate later because the Shogunate of the fucking country.

Nioh is a fanatical retelling of history my dude. even though Nobunaga Oda was dead long before this whole fiasco.

Nah, don't worry. Area level and your level will start to get further and further apart. You'd have to grind like a madman to actually be at the same level of the final area when you get to it. As long as you keep up with crafting you'll do fine.


Oh uhh.....theres crafting? Better give it a look

I honestly had way more trouble with the two kings. For some reason Oda and his waifu were way easier to keep apart despite not having that rock in the arena.

I'm a bit stuck with the bat girl. Almost beat her but the shitty paralysis is fucking me up. what should I upgrade to not have that shit?

Because Yuki onna isn't mobile and easily staggered and poisoned. So you bum rush her than worry about Oda.
While the kings are two melee specialist. One of which is a fucking rock that hits like one and the other is going super saiyan on your ass all fight.

Your dodging skills, honestly. There is a ninjutsu skill that makes pills which up your paralysis resist, but you shouldn't even get hit in the first place. Her tells are fairly obvious. If she does the wing spin, just block her.

Yuki-onna is my favorite boss fight, because it feels the most like a Devil May Cry boss fight.


Who's this qt?

I honestly want to replay the game right now so badly, but I'm waiting until all the DLC is finally out. It's taking so looooooong.

Is it worth putting any points into dexterity? I'm thinking of redoing my build.

Body 18

Heart 22

Stamina 24

Strength 26

Skill 60

Dexterity 5

Magic 25

Spirit 25

fuck that cunt
how come every skinny ass bitch named maria in an action game doesnt fucking stagger when you smack her in the face with a fucking axe? And then she proceeds to stunlock you from 100 to 0 health with no input allowed from the player

I think dexterity is only needed if you go for a sickle and chain build. Most ninjutsu ain't that great.

>look at ninja skill tree
>decide what you want
>put enough points into dex to equip
You'll respec down the line anyway because of all the locks you find in higher difficulties.

That revive roll is pretty good.

Bloodborne Maria flinches really easily, though.


yeah but she also has that one attack with 0 startup frames that's impossible to dodge out of unless you do it pre-emptively, which means she can hit you with that delayed attack, both of which can lock you into a very high-damage combo
you will run out of stamina before she gets to pull off one of those two moves, the only true cheese for that fight is augur

Equip a paralysis needle to the dpad. You can use it when paralyzed.

Two Kings are harder. For Oda & Yuki just focus Oda and ignore Yuki until Oda is dead.

>It was never viable in the first place.
Think again, bitch

Everything in this game does a billion damage with buff stacking, though.

So you're saying that everything is viable.


she just wants you as a husband user, just give in

The guy you are talking to isn't me the one you posted the webm for.
Anything is viable if you are max level in literally everything.
You no longer have a challenge.
How you are now you could run around butt fucking naked with a wooden level 1 sword and still hand those two their asses.


She doesn't though.
She already has a husband. And it was Nobunaga Oda.

so, is this a good game? How does it compare to DaS 1 in various aspects?

Oh shit when can I fight this footslut?

This. Separately, they're both manageable fights, gear aside.
Together, they fucked my shit up more times than I care to put a number to.

And I didn't post the webm. Ninjutsu is viable if you build for it and maybe have some good rolls on your equipment. Of course you won't be able to walk through every level just throwing shurikens but you can deal a bunch of safe damage to bosses pretty early on.

I only use Shurikens/kunai to nick some stamina off enemies from time to time and occasionally finish poisoning a dude. I'm not going to waste my time building my equipment up to strengthen a finite resource.

It is a good game. I wouldn't really compare it to a souls title, more like a ninja gaiden or cuhrayzee game that's a bit more grounded.
The story is blah, the characters are neat and the endgame is a lootgrinder's dream but you play Nioh for the fun as fuck combat.
Only catch is you are going to be fighting the same dudes over and over and over again which isn't all bad considering how fun it is to slice motherfuckers up.
It's worth your time. Better combat than a souls game but pales in comparison for most other aspects.

Just keep playing, user.

That's fine. Some people enjoy the resource management though and the Dex isn't wasted if you use a Kusarigama.

Someone give me the tldr version of forging. I want +20 weapons and armors

Soulmatching weapon+(x) with weapon+(y) and you get weapon+(x+1) as long as y is greater than or equal to x. Same for armor.

How good is Nioh on a scale of one to ten when it comes to action games? how much content does it have? is it fair hard or bullshit hard?

moth girl guardian finally obtainable?


Then what's forging for?


It feels a little floaty at times, but it's a solid action game.

Making new weapons/armor if you don't want to farm for a specific one. Additionally they have a chance to have stronger versions of affixes, which you can't get by reforging. Forged armor also has lower stat requirements.

A little biased but I think it's as close to a 10 that I've played. Heard people describe it as basically Soulsborne but with Ninja Gaiden speed.

>tfw cheese Nabu + Ice bitch fight with sloth talisman
>don't think I could beat it now that sloth has been nerfed

The casul life ain't easy.

It's a solid 8/10 game. Combat owes a lot to PS2 and OG Xbox era Japanese action games, so if you like NG, Otogi, Genji etc. you'll find a lot to enjoy.

It's about 30 to 40 hours for the main game, allowing about 70 or so to platinum it (100%'ing it now will take a while though, since one of the trophies in the first DLC pack is finishing it on NG++. The new DLC in a couple of weeks is apparently adding a new cycle of NG+ on top of that, so there'll probably be one for that as well).

For me it's a 9/10. The combat/movement are really addicting and combos can be really fun to pull off. I enjoyed the setting and characters despite some peoples' gripes over the story(it's a fantastical retelling of Japanese history). The only reason it isn't a complete 10 in my eyes is because of the lack of enemy variety and the Diablo style item grind.

Great game, and the first DLC was pretty fun as well with more on the way.

i somehow beat this bitch first try, though i think i was one hit from death with no elixirs left

i never even attempted the 2v1 with her and nobunaga tho, fuck that shit

>30-40 he's
How the fuck. I easily go to 90 before I beat it the first time. I don't even remember dying that much either.

great, i'd say 8/10.

biggest thing holding it back by far is lack of enemy variety. the shitters you fight in the first few levels are what you fight for 90% of the game

I'm on the 3rd mission (just beat the vampire bat lady) and just don't feel like playing anymore. I think it's cause there's so much to take in and I feel like I'm not utilizing the most this game has to offer..

Does the story get better or more compelling?

i did all of the sidequests except for the shit that opens up after the rooftop snake fight and i still beat the game in ~40 hours. and that's with dying a pretty decent amount and fucking around with summons for several hours.

no idea how it could take you 90 hours unless you accidentally left your ps4 on with nioh open for like three days

Is that you, Arthur Gies?

Man fuck that fight, it's next to impossible to stagger her

>Level 160
>Still can't beat them
>Got my ass handed to me on the mission with all those Kelly's that I never bothered to go back
>Can't seem to do any of the newer missions
>Just do random co-op instead

M-mabye by level 180.

no, the story isn't really this game's selling point.

its really made for a jap audience since they will recognize the names of every character and the general progression of events will have been taught to them in school. because of this, the game doesn't really explain a lot of shit explicitly, guys just show up and they expect you to go "holy fuck, it's chingchong-sama! this is so bad ass!" for westerners it just feels like a procession of named characters who show up in cutscenes out of nowhere and then are irrelevant for most of the game

i mean i still really liked the game, but the story is kind of a joke

>the mission with all those Kelly's

i cheesed that part with ranged attacks after getting my shit kicked in many times. what makes me mad is that the *actual* boss of that level is easy as shit, i beat him first try. not sure why they'd put in something so much harder before the boss.

I'm not sure how either. I was pretty cautious with every corner and so on, only replayed a few levels to grind to next level but nothing stands out. Weird.

>spent weeks getting everything and maxing myself to level 750 during launch
>some update comes in
>caps my level to 400 because muh PVP
>added even more grind

shame really. it was a good game, but because of this update, everything died, including the general

Who is the best Nioh girl?

>"holy fuck, it's chingchong-sama! this is so bad ass!"
Fuck this made me laugh.

But yeah this is one of those games where you have to dedicate a lot of time toward to get more satisfaction out of it.. which I sadly don't have. Oh well I'll get back to it eventually.

I enjoyed the story. I'll admit, seeing many of the characters for the first time was overwhelming considering I had no fucking clue who most of them were. But after reading about them and learning more about the historical context of the story made it all the more enjoyable. I realize that's not everyone's cup of tea though.

If you're not a history wonk, make sure to read character bios and the Amrita memories section.

As rightly points out, it's distinctly a Kou Shibusawa game in that it's aimed at people with an interest in history of the period, so in this instance, feudal Japan with some Elizabethan-era Europe thrown on top.

post them all so we can see.

Nigga just pop living weapon. If you're about to run out destroy the tubes for a full refill.

Why the fuck is there no Nioh art?


Cute , could I please get their name and post more cuties.

Tome is best girl.

First chick is Ginchiyo Tachibana. The one in the blue robe is Okatsu.

>those bare legs and feet

Post yfw you beat nobunaga and ice bitch for the first time

>The one in the blue robe is Okatsu.
Also she is modeled after actress emi takei

She fights you like that and kicks you too.

Wait. Why does the demon king of the whatever gate that sends his men out to commit genocide have beautiful ice women as a partner?

Nioh is good about showing off just enough.

>no PC
This game deserves to be played at 144fps, not choppy 60 fps. My eyes can't take that kind of punishment anymore. Fucking sucks that devs hold games hostage like this.

How the fuck do I beat Yamata no Orochi? It's the worst boss fight in the game so far.

Blue robe chick is an actual person? going to look her up.
Damn!! who is that?


Never ever, motherfucker. PCbros ruin everything they touch. Get fucked.

It doesn't matter if From and Sony Japan Studio make another Bloodborne; as long as it is on the Shitstation 4 I won't buy it.

Sony needs to make the PlayStation 5 already that can provide the following:

Bloodborne The Old Hunter Edition REMASTERED
4K(1440p is "fine'' as long as it has 144fps option) 60fps MAX SETTINGS.
- no frame pacing issues - no chromatic abberation
- option to disable motion blur and depth of field
- reduced loading times to 5-10 sec (my SSD loads DS3 in 3sec).

THEN and ONLY THEN, will I buy a Sony product.

As long as ShitStation 4 is their main device I won't buy their games. Period.

>He doesn't show the part where s-she's fast

She is inspired by Nobunagas actual wife.
Even a lot of the demons are inspired by real historical figures.
Like the Frog is previous Hattori Hanzo.