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Can it do it Sup Forums?
Can Samus Returns save Metroid?


So far, it looks like Metroid 2 with a few new mechanics and modern Nintendo graphics. So far, so good. The aeon stuff sounds like extra ammo to juggle so it's no big deal, and the counter is a nice mechanic to counter those fucking annoying enemies that always manage to tap you when you know damn well you dodged them. I feel like I'll have a good time just bitchslapping the bats. A little worried that they made it too easy though, considering the map was rather small. The teleporters are both welcome and not welcome; fuck getting lost, and fuck you for getting lost.

If the combat is satisfying and doesn't take too much away from the player, we should be good. I'm not a fan of the colors they're going for.

Sakamoto will fuck it up and make it into a space drama (you'll see)

Well it IS just another metroid 2 remake after all

What new content do you think they'll add?
I hope they add some of the wildlife from the BSL station to the game seeing as a lot of them were apparently SR388 natives.

Can you already pre-order the special edition? I never got an email from amazon.

I hope it's different enough from the original to be worth playing



Well they've hinted that there's going to be very sizeable additions to it, much more than the simple stealth sequence and extra bosses ZM had.

Inevitable ZSS stealth sequence.

I think only gamestop has preorders for the special edition as of now. I haven't gotten an e-mail from amazon either.

I miss that fucking two piece so much

All that matters is that it sells more than that Prime 4 shit

I would argue but Prime 4 is already shit for not being made by Retro

Retro are the most overrated Nintendo studio ever.


assmad you cant shitpost about them because they say fuck all in between development periods?

No, because they are incredibly slow developers who make nothing any better or worse than other Nintendo dev teams yet people put them on this pedestal.

Keep shilling

Retro's game is in development hell, it will be a piece of shit.
Rare 2.0.

So this is a remake of Super Metroid?

I'm just playing through SM for the first time right now. I was looking forward to more Metroid but not sure if I'll go for a remake so soon after playing the original.

I hope it fails hard and Prime 4 succeeds to finally put that 240p piece of shit to its grave.
There's no good reason this game isn't on Switch.

>a small dev team who gets their projects pushed back by Nintendo has a slow output of games

>revived metroid after it had been dead for 8 years
>revived dkc after it had been dead for 14 years

gee I wonder why people love retro so much

No metroidfags don't actually buy the game they just jerk it to samus porn

Fusion revived Metroid. Not that Prime shit.

it's a remake of metroid 2

super metroid is metroid 3

>Other M 2.0

No thanks. At least they picked one of the least popular sequels to shit on instead of Super.

Metroid 2 the GB game

I really hate numales

Alright then, looks like I might get it then.

they came out on the same fucking day, also metroid prime was in development for longer than fusion

Sadly, the chances of this happening are nearly impossible. I'll look forward to playing the game after pirating it though.

If it doesn't sell 1.5 million AT LEAST Metroid is dead in the water.
They'd probably cancel Prime 4.

>pirating it
You disgust me.

But Prime 4 will

>Metroid SR: Are you hype, Sup Forums?
>Metroid SR: Come on bros, get hyped!
>Metroid SR: ARE YOU HYPE YET, Sup Forums?

How many times just today did you post this thread, OP? This isn't effective viral marketing, it's putting people off the game before it even makes it to launch date.

Samus_twerking_naked If this doesn't have ZSS in it, I'm boycotting the game

>The game isn't going to sell, that's why I'm pirating it!
Maybe it would sell if retards like you bought it