FINALLY got my first match vs cake

Now im back to cream vs cream

First for Pearl is best

They're both shit

Ice Cream fags, melt in hell

Someone setting up an ice cream team? The one I was with lacked synergy. aka was SHIT, SHIIIIIIT.

spotted the blind faggot

>4th Ice Cream vs Ice Cream match in a row
I just want to splat some Cakefags.

I hope you chose the right answer anons.


I have not played with a single person who understands the concept of "paint the floor".

>human teeth
Retarded artist

First time playing Splatoon.
It really feels like you are gimping yourself if you don't pick roller.

One hit kills and all that spread seems really dumb to ignore.

Am I missing something?

so how does this game handle ragequitters/afkers

It was a mistake joining cake. I'm trying my best to carry every game but it's like I'm playing with brainlet kids

I hope the people going 0/2 at the bottom of my team are literal children, holy shit

>tfw missed the fucking splatfest

Is there going to be another? UK btw. I doubt I'll get the game if I dont get to try it first since I dunno if I'll like it.

>randomly explode
>camera pans to dude just leaving the spawn area
cool lag ya got there

Yeah, you're missing the people who can aim, dodge, and sneak attack. It's still a good weapon, though.

Let's go ice cream squids

That's all ice cream teams. Full of Tumblr shitters who just want to support the strong black octopus who don't need no man.

NA right now.

You can play right now by making a US account, you gotta download the game again from the US eshop though if you already have the Euro one downloaded, that won't work.

I need 2 more people for a team
Friend code: 1221-7647-6129

UK here. Just play the NA version now.

Make a burger or leaf account and play with us.

I don't care what side you're on. If you play charger you need to put some serious thought into ending your life.

You can always change your account region to US and get that splatfest, I'm doing exactly that atm

FUCK frozen milk desu


I fucking wish. I have one exactly 1 (ONE) game.

in my experience so far cake players are retards who don't know how to play and icecream players are all obnoxious tryhards

Rooms up


Stop talking and more Marina posting

Try nine in a row.

Have yet to hit a single cake team.

>too many ice creams playing

Jesus fuck, when it goes live never go marina because everyone else will.

is there no way for me to play this demo with a friend online?


rooms up

Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find some folks are in the middle. Not so brain dead and not too good either.


Don't worry guys I was able to get one match with those cakefags and won it


Just grab two more people willing to party up and you can play in a squad of four. You'll be able to play with just two in the full version.

Have friend join if you got em.

One spot


>One group is annoying because they're worse than me and the other group is annoying because they're better than me

Just tried to change my country, but it said it would unlink my NNID from my nintendo account if I did, and that doesnt sound like something I'd want to do.

>keep getting into 3 vs 4 matches
>my team is always the 3
>finally get a 4 vs 4
>one guy is afk on my team

One more spot open on this

you need to make a new account in the US for it to work


Can't play sniper since team can't understand the game

Don't worry, none of them are going to buy the actual game.

6 games, one loss. Need to stick with the roller, people can't deal with it again thanks to a bunch of new players coming in.

Still one spot.
Someone join you turbo fags.

>5 cream vs cream matches in a row

just make a 2nd account

yes, that's the jist of it. it's not very fun getting steamrolled every game

its just sugar and water, fuck ice cream

Pearls penis

Power level of weapons, SNiper is shit

Pretty safe to say cake is getting creamed.


Go to accounts.nintendo.com and change it there. Supposedly that wipes your eshop balance though. Otherwise if you got a balance you want to keep make a new account.

>every match is ice cream vs ice cream

Have 2 people looking for a team. Anyone got a couple open slots?

why doesn't it show turf inked by player anymore? is that just a splatfest thing

>Me and this other charger go 15 and 10 respectively

I actually felt awful for the other team. they never got out of their spawn.

who won in eu now?

I choose corbenik



>tfw repeatedly team wiping with charger

>tfw winning 80% of the time
Also holy shit Nintendo, get your shit together with this internet.

You don't know how to use charger if you think it's shit. You can literally camp at their spawn and they can do nothing with two good snipers on a team. Only one can still do some teamwiping though.

>Ice Cream keeps getting matched against ourselves where we rack up no wins
>on the rare occasion we get matched with cake team they cream us

I'm 7-2, tryin to get my head in the game before I lose three in a row.

>Doesn't show much Teammates have inked



>/lost literally every match/

Somebody fucking kill me.

kek'd heartily

Sorry, mate, normally I'd wait, but time is our enemy in this spaltfest.

forced 50 is real

How does scoring work when it's the same team versus itself?

This splat fest is a piece of cake.

You get nothing.

It doesn't count as a win or loss

so can i not party with people unless i have a team of 4 in the full game?

It was like that in the first game so probably

How are you supposed to use charger special?

Ok I made a second account and its downloading it now

How long is left?

icecream? responde to my request

sw 2907 6870 0792

>m,atch loads up
>Have roller to be credit to team
>3 Snipers on my team

So who won eu?

get baked cakefag

alt f4
lol i wasted you time

You've basically got wallhack, and a slow gun that can shoot through walls.

>nothing but Cake vs Cake matches
End me now lads. I just want to contribute to my team.

3 hours and 6 minutes.

dualies aren't broken

>rollerfag thinks he's better than anyone else

If Pearl wins, will the shitstorm be beautiful?